If I solve them one by one, my strength will be considered as Shenglu, so what's the matter?

Think of this!

Zhao Xuan's eyes flashed

Followed by.

He immediately called the big golden mouse.


Led by the big golden mouse, he hurriedly killed the third team of ability users who had been blacklisted by him.

About 10 minutes later, Zhao Xuan successfully found them

And this time!

They happened to be fighting a squad of Silver Armors.

Zhao Xuan made a decisive decision and approached them directly


As Zhao Xuan guessed, the ship

Although Zhao Xuan's strength has been exposed


This group of people obviously did not know Zhao Xuan's true strength from others.

After discovering Zhao Xuan!

Seeing Zhao Xuan, who had a miserable face, full of 'fear', and 'running desperately' towards them in a panic, the group of people were stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed.

Followed by.

In one breath, they dispatched two faster team members, one on the left and one on the right, to double-team Zhao Xuan.

From discovering Zhao Xuan to when they sent people to kill Zhao Xuan.

the whole process

not even a second


They have learned the lesson from last time, they don't want to let Zhao Xuan, the walking 100 billion, run away again.

In the blink of an eye!

Those two people have already charged in front of Zhao Xuan



Zhao Xuan suddenly exploded.


Taking advantage of the fact that those two|people had no defenses, they were easily hammered to death one after another

the whole process!

like flowing water

One second!

No, no!

The whole process really doesn't even take half a second.

Those four people in the distance are still fighting with the Silver Armored Guards! !

The next moment, Zhao Xuan was already behind them.

No chance for them to react at all.


Fist, bang out

Directly in front of the three of them, he smashed the head of one of them forcefully.

It wasn't until this time that the three of them reacted belatedly.

But this time!

It's too late.

it's too late

All three of them are not weak

But a pity.

Zhao Xuan's strength is even better


Under Zhao Xuan's attack like a storm, within a quarter of an hour, the last three also fell one after another.

After finishing off this team, Zhao Xuan immediately charged towards the penultimate team of ability users who had attacked him before.

This is a team of seven

When Zhao Xuan rushed to their side, they were also fighting with a silver armor guard,

"Sure enough, the saying that soldiers are expensive and fast is very reasonable!

"Even if my strength is exposed?

"As long as my speed is faster than the speed of news spread!"

Think so.

Zhao Xuangang was about to repeat the old trick, and once again approached the team of seven capable users in the distance.


"Chi Chi Chi!

The big golden mouse on the side suddenly cried out,

Hear it!

Zhao Xuan's complexion suddenly changed.

"What did you say?"

Zhao Xuan's eyes flashed suddenly, and he frowned and said, "You said that there is a group of people hiding not far from that group of people?"

"Chi Chi! (Yes!)

The big golden mouse nodded and cried,


It's a trap!

In Zhao Xuan's mind, two large characters suddenly appeared

Next up!

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned his head and walked away.

the other side.

far away.

One of the seven people who were fighting with the Silver Armored Guards suddenly said, "Let's go! That brat left suddenly! He must have sensed our ambush!

"Hmph, that brat, you're quite vigilant!

Hear it!

A strong man snorted coldly with regret on his face, and immediately said: "In this case, there is no need to continue acting, don't waste time!"

The voice fell.

Seven people broke out almost simultaneously


After bursts of violent collisions, the silver armor guards who had been fighting with them in the past lost more than half of their casualties in an instant.


Just as Zhao Xuan guessed.

It is indeed a trap, a trap against him

After a while.

Another team of ability users hiding not far from the seven of them quickly approached,

"Where is Zhao Xuan, that brat?



"Well, I should have found you!"

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