
Chapter 170 Three In The Treasure House

Just when Zhao Xuan was excited and relaxed because of the cry of the big golden mouse.

The attack of the dozens of Golden Armored Guards had already arrived and landed on Zhao Xuan's body


Accompanied by the loud and terrifying sonic boom, Zhao Xuan flew upside down

on the way out

He abruptly turned sideways.

He breathed out a breath of heat into the air beside him.

Under the huge impact of the heat breath, Zhao Xuan used this impact to change the direction abruptly, heading straight towards the big golden rat that just opened not far away.

space cracks away.


next moment!

Zhao Xuan had already disappeared in this small house, and entered the treasure house behind the crack in space.

"Tap, tap, tap!

"Tap, tap, tap!

Seeing the Golden Armored Guards who were attacking aggressively towards him, Dajin Mouse didn't even think about it, he just turned his head and rushed into the crack

next moment!

The fissures begin to heal rapidly.


until the crack is fully healed.

Among these golden armored guards, about ten or so golden armored guards rushed in from the crack smoothly.



They're not even standing still!

They haven't even seen what's going on in the Rift World yet!!

A terrifying sonic boom 09 sounded right next to their ears

Followed by.

It was a "boom".

Zhao Xuan's iron fist ruthlessly hit the head of the first Golden Armored Guard soldier.

Under the blessing of the terrifying power contained in Zhao Xuan's fist, the Golden Armored Guard soldier flew backwards and ruthlessly hit the two Golden Armored Guards behind him.

Together with the two Golden Armored Guards, they flew upside down and crashed into the crack in the ruins that was only a quarter closed.


It was directly cut in half by the terrifying space power.

Next up!

Zhao Xuanmeng | Ran Zhang



Blazing flames spewed out from his mouth.

Facing the remaining seven Golden Armored Guard soldiers, they rushed over mightily.

Under the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, two of the Golden Armored Guards soldiers died suddenly

And this time!

There were only five Golden Armored Guards left on the scene.

Zhao Xuan did not expend any effort at all.

Seven or eight punches per person.

It only took more than ten seconds to kill the five golden armored guards one by one on the ground.

"it's over!"

Zhao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief

Followed by.

next second.

The system prompt sounded: "Ding dong, you have experienced a hearty | battle. In this battle, you leapfrogged and killed dozens of high-level enemies.

All abilities (except swordsmanship) have new perception and indirection, and your proficiency of all abilities (except swordsmanship) is +9000!

"Ding dong, you have experienced a hearty | battle. In this battle, you used your green dragon fruit ability intensively, and your green dragon fruit ability has a breakthrough!

Rapid progress, your green dragon fruit ability proficiency +20000!

Accompanied by the fall of two system prompts

next moment!

A translucent light curtain immediately appeared in front of Zhao Xuan

[Tiandao rewards system]

Name: Zhao Xuan

Age: 18

Mental Power: 488.23/546.13

Physique: 3414.45/5014.45

Abilities: Shaving (Grand Master: 24500/32000), Iron Block (Grand Master: 31700/32000), Paper Painting (Grand Master: 25200/32000), Moon Step (Grand Master:

23900/32000), Lanjiao (Great Master: 30700/32000), Finger Spear (Grand Master: 24000/32000), Swordsmanship (Grand Master: 1935/16000), Knowledge

Color domineering (master: 62700/80000), armed color domineering (master: 54700/80000), overlord color domineering (grandmaster: 71701/160000), blue dragon fruit

(Master: 69600/80000)

Looking at his attribute panel, Zhao Xuan suddenly laughed.

no doubt!

This time, he gained a lot.

"It's only 300 points of proficiency, only 300 points of proficiency, my iron block ability can break through to the extraordinary realm! Lanjiao is not far behind! Knowledge color, armed color and green color

The dragon fruit ability is very close to the master realm!

Zhao Xuan murmured excitedly: "If there are no accidents, it won't take long for my strength to usher in another rapid improvement in no time!

After being agitated on the spot by himself for quite a while, Zhao Xuan gradually regained consciousness.

At this time, he began to observe the situation in the space of this treasure house.


Zhao Xuan's face turned red quickly.

There is no other reason.


In front of his eyes, there are densely packed various spiritual herbs and elixir


Zhao Xuan looked around and found

These spiritual grasses and elixir.

Without exception.

All are high-level spiritual herbs

among them.

The seventh order only occupies a small part.

Most of them are eighth-level spiritual herbs


Zhao Xuan also discovered a lot of ninth-order spiritual grasses and elixir,


Among these spiritual grasses and elixir, more than half are all that rare type of spiritual grass and elixir

This is not the most critical!

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