This is not what excited Zhao Xuan the most!

This is not the reason why Zhao Xuan was so excited.

What made Zhao Xuan's face flushed with excitement, Zhao Xuan's panting with excitement, and the thing that made Zhao Xuan so excited that he couldn't take his eyes off was the pile of hills on the other side.

General life stone.

"Low|groove! Nest the grass! Hold the grass! I am handsome!

Looking at the huge pile of life stones, Zhao Xuan couldn't help but swear

"Developed! Developed! Developed! Developed! Developed! This time it is really developed!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"At least four or five thousand life stones, right?

"Although they are basically ordinary life stones, there are still some high-quality life stones of 770!

Excited, Zhao Xuan hurriedly moved forward, and began to move the spiritual herbs and medicines in the treasury to his own relic space one by one.

back and forth!

back and forth!

Zhao Xuan carried it back and forth for almost half an hour before he emptied the treasure house.

He calculated silently

this time.

He got a total of 37 ninth-level spiritual grasses, 980 seven eighth-level spiritual grasses, 330 seven seventh-level spiritual grasses, 77 ordinary life stones, and [-] ordinary life stones.

55 life stones!

What is this concept?

concept of explosion

The value of those life stones alone is almost 8000 billion

Zhao Xuan estimated.

Counting those high-level spiritual herbs and elixir

His income from this wave is absolutely, [-]%, breaking trillions!

No no no no no no!

More than just breaking trillions

Ordinary spirit grasses and medicines are indeed not as valuable as life stones.


The spiritual grasses and elixir in this treasury are all high-level elixir, and most of them are special types of elixir,

The value of high-level special types of elixir is not small.

The eighth-order special type of spiritual grass and elixir, one plant is about three to four billion

And the ninth order--

It may break a billion.

and so.

If these count

Zhao Xuan's income from this trip is not just as simple as breaking trillions,

His income from evacuating the entire treasury is almost 5000 trillion.


no doubt.

This is a great harvest!

*Long press your favorite passage to record your thoughts*



Chapter 170 Four Sudden Thoughts

After being excited for a while, Zhao Xuan calmed down again.


He suddenly remembered one thing.

Turning his head, he quickly scanned the entire treasure house.


In the corner on the left side of the treasury, I found a big golden mouse hugging a cactus flower that was bigger than the whole mouse.

"So it is, so it is!"

Looking at the big cactus flower held by the big golden mouse, Zhao Xuan suddenly realized

"I said this guy, why did he show such an excited and urgent expression this time? It turned out to be because he smelled the eighth-level cactus flower in this treasure house!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan couldn't help showing a look of relief on his face

Followed by.

Zhao Xuan suddenly frowned and fell into thought.

He was thinking about whether he should use the 8000 million life stones he just obtained to refine the skull, and break through to the seventh level in one go.

Venerable Realm.

Thinking that if he could use his life energy to successfully break through to the realm of the seventh-order venerable, his strength would usher in an unprecedented great improvement, and Zhao Xuan's heart was suddenly excited.


The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became

But finally!

Zhao Xuan still held back.

For no other reason


It takes a lot of time to temper the skull and advance to the realm of the seventh-order venerable.

It only takes about half an hour for Zhao Xuan to teach the fifth level from the fourth level


From the fifth step to the sixth step, it takes almost seven or eight hours.


This is the premise for him to rebuild and have experience.

It took almost a whole day for him to advance from the fifth-level tempering internal organs to the sixth-level grand master.

not to mention.

Refining the skull is not a simple matter,

Because the skull is inside the brain.

So when practicing, you need to be extra careful

Because if you are not careful, it will have a bad effect on the brain


The time it takes for Chunlian Skull to advance to the realm of the seventh-rank Venerable will definitely not be too short

Zhao Xuan estimated.

Without three to five days, it is absolutely impossible to finish the work

if it is usual

Three to five days is actually nothing, and it is not a long time.


Now is a special |special situation.

This ancient city of life will reopen its gates in two days.

And if you can't leave this ancient city of life in the half hour when the city gate is opened, then you will stay in this city forever.

and so!

In other words.

Zhao Xuan only has two days

And in two days, Zhao Xuan didn't feel that he could successfully temper the skull to advance to the seventh-order Venerable Realm

"Since there is not enough time to temper the skull to advance to the seventh-order venerable realm, why don't I just re-cultivate the girl?

"Although rebuilding is a waste of life energy, it's not a problem!

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