"Adding the 2000 billion life energies I got from Philemon and the others, I now have about a trillion life energies!

"not to mention!

"Two days later, I just need to go to the gate of the city ahead of time and block the gate. With my strength, I can do it. But they are all blocked inside. If they want to go out, they must

Obediently hand over all the life stones on them!

"Isn't it easy to get trillions of life energy?

"So, I'm wasting a little now, what's wrong?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan's gaze suddenly became firm.

Just do it!

He directly opened his own relic space that he used for cultivation and drilled in

Then, the whole person sat directly in that pile of life stones, and started his rebuilding time again

First of all, Zhao Xuan forcibly stripped the life energy in his internal organs.

His physique suddenly dropped by [-] points.

After forcibly stripping the life energy from the internal organs, Zhao Xuan did not stop

Followed by.

He began to strip the life energy from his limbs


The life energy in the limbs also dropped rapidly, and was finally forcibly stripped by it.

Zhao Xuan's aura dropped a bit again


Zhao Xuan began to inhale the life energy in the life stone

In one breath, after directly absorbing 1000 billion worth of life energy, he began to sharpen his limbs again proficiently and neatly,


In this way, after going back and forth seven times, Zhao Xuan suddenly stopped.


He found.

When he retrained his limbs for the last time, his physique did not continue to increase

"Two|ten times, can the limbs only be tempered for twenty|ten times? Oh, it's a pity, I want to temper a few more times, so that my punching strength can be stronger! Forget it, since it's heavy

Practicing my limbs can no longer improve my physical fitness, so let's start retraining my internal organs!

"Since the limbs can only be tempered twenty|ten times, then the viscera should only be tempered 20 times. I still have about 9500 million life energy left.

According to 500 million times, I can still temper 19 times, just right, plus the previous one, exactly 20 times!

Zhao Xuan muttered, and began to use the vast life energy in his body to temper his internal organs.

Because this is already the third time to temper the internal organs, Zhao Xuan seemed very proficient, and seemed so familiar with the road

Once down, Zhao Xuan only spent more than three hours!

Immediately afterwards, he began the second rebuilding of the internal organs

This second time, Zhao Xuan became even more proficient, and it only took two hours!

Then, the third time.

The third time, it only took him an hour.

The fourth time, the time he spent was only half an hour

However, from the fifth time onwards, the time Zhao Xuanchun spent on refining the internal organs has not decreased, it is still half an hour.

Once! Once! Once! Again!

that's it.

Time passed quietly.


Seven Hours Later (Zhao Zhao's)

Zhao Xuan suddenly opened his eyes

An incomparably terrifying and sturdy breath erupted from his body|

All 19 rebuilds, all done.

Every time the internal organs are repaired, Zhao Xuan can permanently increase his constitution by 200 points

After 19 rounds, Zhao Xuan gained a total of 3800 physical points!

Adding the previous 6 repairs to the limbs, each time the limbs were repaired, Zhao Xuan was able to increase 20 points, making a total of 120 points.

That is to say!

After ten hours or so.

Zhao Xuan's physique!

It directly increased the resistance by 3920 points.

A surge of nearly 4000 points!

What is this concept?

Explosion concept.

His current physique.

Has reached an astonishing nine thousand points

Even if you don't enter the dragon form.

Even if he only talks about the micro-dragon form, his physique can reach an astonishing [-] points!


Chapter 170 Mowing! Rolling! Invincible!


Look at your properties panel!

Looking at his physique close to nine thousand!

The smile on Zhao Xuan's face gradually became brighter.

gradually, gradually, gradually

To the end

He raised his head straight up and laughed out loud.

Laughter, so rampant!

Laughter, so wanton!

The laughter was full of excitement and ecstasy!

Zhao Xuan's sudden laughter was so resonant that it directly startled the big golden mouse in the corner who was hugging the eighth-order cactus flower and was full of intoxication.


that moment!

The big golden mouse suddenly jumped up holding the cactus flower, and then stared at Zhao Xuan with great fear, as if he was afraid that Zhao Xuan would come to snatch its precious flower,


It turned out that Zhao Xuan was just smirking all the time.


Dajin Mouse breathed a sigh of relief, and then a look of 'disdain' appeared on his face

Thanks to you, you are still the favorite of this mouse?

What a fuss!

Do you want to scare the mouse to death?

Dajin Mouse suddenly complained in his heart

While complaining, it buried its head in the eighth-order cactus flower again, and became intoxicated.

After Zhao Xuan laughed for a while, he slowly came back to his senses.


He suddenly thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way! If I remember correctly, I seem to have seen similar mansions in the other three districts of this City of Life!

"Since there is a treasury in this mansion, there may also be a treasure house in other mansions..

Think of this!

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