Zhao Xuan's eyes suddenly became brighter.

Brush it.

His gaze instantly shifted to the big golden mouse

"Chichi!? (Are you busy?)

770 Big Gold Mouse looked up at Zhao Xuan vigilantly.

"I just want to ask, is there a treasure house like this in the big mansions in the other three directions in this city, and there is also a treasure house full of spiritual herbs and medicines?

The treasury of life stones?

Zhao Xuan asked with flickering eyes

"Chi Chi Chi Chi! (Yes!)

Dajin Mouse answered ambiguously

"What is yes? Yes is yes, no is no, why can't you give an accurate statement?" Zhao Xuan asked angrily,

"Chi Chi Chi Chi! (Yes!)

After thinking about it for a while, the big golden mouse started to cry again: "Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Zhao Xuan's face darkened suddenly.

I said so!I said

That's it! That's it! That's it!

No wonder you are not active at all!

It turns out that there are no flowers you want over there.


Tucao to Tucao

Zhao Xuan's eyes flickered again quickly.

The value of a treasure house is not small!

Almost 400 billion or so!

That's a lot of money!

It took me more than ten hours to rebuild my limbs and viscera just now. If you calculate it this way, there is only about one day left before the city of life is reopened.

"One day. Well, that's plenty of time! It's enough for me to empty the other three treasure houses in the city!"


That's right!


Zhao Xuan is already making plans for the other three treasure houses in the city

"Let's go! Let's go now! Go and empty those three treasure houses now, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

Just do it!

Zhao Xuan suddenly waved to the big golden mouse, and said: "Let's go, pickup mouse!


With a swipe of the big golden mouse, he followed up with the cactus flower in his arms.

It was obviously completely fascinated by the eighth-level cactus flower, completely oblivious to Zhao Xuan calling it a pickup mouse.

If it is usual!

When Zhao Xuan called him a pickup mouse, it had already refused, and it had already started chirping.


Today is different

This big golden mouse has been completely immersed in the fragrance of cactus flowers, unable to extricate itself.

One person, one mouse, one behind the other!


Zhao Xuan just stepped out of the treasure house

Back foot!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Blasts of strong winds rushed towards him.


Zhao Xuan didn't even think about it, and directly entered the dragon form

Under the blessing of double attributes.

Zhao Xuan's physique reached an astonishing [-] points in an instant.

Ninety thousand points!

This is [-] points of physique!

What is this concept?

Blast concept!

The concept of eighth-level invincibility

Not to mention that these Golden Armored Guards whose strength is in the middle rank of the eighth rank are froze.

Even if it was an attack from an eighth-level high-grade or even an eighth-level Dzogchen king, Zhao Xuan could still bear it down by relying only on iron blocks and his body.

even! ! ! !

Zhao Xuan even doubted it.

With the blessing of [-] points of physique, he even doubted that he could even withstand the attack of the ninth-level emperor

in the golden light

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was the stiff attacks of twenty or thirty mid-level eighth-rank golden armored guards, and in just half a second, they landed on Zhao Xuan's golden-glowing body one after another.


An extremely shocking scene happened.

Zhao Xuan, who had withstood the combined force of twenty or thirty eighth-rank middle-rank golden armor guard puppets, remained motionless.

at this time!

If anyone is present

If it is witnessed by anyone!


You will be so shocked that your jaw will drop to the floor!

"Is this tickling me again?

Zhao Xuan's face was covered with an incomparably rampant grin,

"Before you guys beat me up so badly, now that Feng Shui is turning, it's my turn!


Zhao Xuan already punched out

The iron fist wrapped around armed domineering and endless thunder power, fell on one of the golden armored guards in an instant

(ajed) "Boom!!!

"Galla la la!"

Under the action of Zhao Xuan's terrifying power, the golden armor guard's stiff sternum broke instantly

The whole person flew upside down and slammed into the Golden Armored Guard behind him fiercely.

"Original crackling!

The terrifying impact instantly broke the stiff bones of the Golden Armored Guard behind him

It's not over yet!

The two golden armored guards flew upside down again and hit the third golden armored guards fiercely.


The familiar sound of bones breaking resounded through the sky.

Kill three in seconds!

Although Zhao Xuan had killed three Golden Armored Guards in seconds in the treasure house space before,


At that time, Zhao Xuan punched more than a dozen punches in one breath, and the three Golden Armored Guard soldiers were not actually immortal, but they happened to fly upside down at the

On the cracks in the closed ruins, strangled by the power of space

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