Zhao Xuan quickly got in| went in,


It is time to move back and forth mechanically.

After several minutes, Zhao Xuan emptied all the spiritual herbs and life stones in the treasury one after another.

After coming out of the treasure house space, Zhao Xuan and the big golden mouse went straight to the last treasure house in the northern city.

After a fierce battle, the seventy or eighty golden armored guards in the treasure house of Beicheng also fell to the ground and died one after another.

"Ding Dong, you have gone through a battle where you win more with less, and your proficiency in all abilities (except swordsmanship) is +1000!

Hear it!

Zhao Xuan's brows furrowed even deeper.

"Is it only 1000?

But soon

Zhao Xuan's complexion also slightly improved.

"Although the ability of the green dragon fruit must not be able to break through before I leave Life City, there should still be a chance for the paper drawing ability to break through to the extraordinary realm, after all

Only the last [-] proficiency levels are left!I hope that the group of golden armored guards of the eighth-level Dzogchen realm guarding the treasure house will be stiff and can give a little more strength!

Think of this.

With a swipe, Zhao Xuan quickly came to the deepest independent small house.

This time!

In order to gain enough proficiency, Zhao Xuan directly quit the dragon form, but chose to maintain the five-fold increase in the micro-dragon form and the increase in the one-second secret technique

Fight with the Golden Armored Guard who is considered to be the eighth-level Dzogchen realm.

Although there is a second of the blessing of the secret technique!


Zhao Xuan, who is in the form of a micro-dragon and a real man, is still a bit reluctant when facing the golden armor guard of the eighth-level Dzogchen realm.

He was once suppressed and beaten by the golden armored guard Ni Zhuang,


Under the blessing of vast life energy, it took Zhao Xuan almost a quarter of an hour to defeat this golden armored guardian Buddha stiffly.

A quarter of an hour is 15 minutes!

This fight is down!

The ground of the entire small house is covered with pits of various sizes.

Here it is!

Zhao Xuan froze with this Golden Armored Guard of the eighth-level Dzogchen realm, just how fierce the battle was.


After this fight, Zhao Xuan consumed a lot of life energy deposited in his body. (Zhao Zhao's


Zhao Xuan's Harvest

Not small!

"1 Dingdong, you have experienced a hearty and clever leapfrog battle. In this battle, you have skillfully used your various abilities, all your abilities (except swordsmanship)

) proficiency +4000!

4000 proficiency points plus!


Zhao Xuan's four abilities of shaving, paper painting, moon step and pointing gun have all broken through to the extraordinary realm.


What makes Zhao Xuan feel regretful is that

His green dragon fruit ability.

And failed to break through Yang.

He failed to break through to the master level of the green dragon fruit ability as he wished,


The difference is 100!


Only 100 points away.

It's only 100 points away from the grandmaster level!

"I'm on my way!!!!!!

Seeing that he was only 100 points short of the ability of the green dragon fruit that could break through, Zhao Xuan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.


Chapter 180 Three days!gates open

It is exactly the same as the previous three treasure houses!

The value of the last Beicheng treasure house is also around 4000 billion

It took Zhao Xuan a long time to move back and forth, one after another, and finally successfully moved all the spiritual herbs and life stones in the treasure house of the North City into his own.

In the relic space of households


Coming out of the space of the ruins that he had already filled, looking at the empty space of the treasure house, a satisfied smile appeared on Zhao Xuan's face.

"Next, just wait for the day when the city gate opens!"

Leave the North City Treasure House.

Zhao Xuan went straight to the gate of Life City.

One day earlier, we arrived at the gate of the city.

I found a small alley near the gate of the city and sat cross-legged

While waiting for the day when the city gate will be opened, at the same time, he is using a large number of high-level spiritual herbs to improve his physical and mental strength

in fact.

For Zhao Xuan, for Zhao Xuan, a guy with a system.

There is absolutely no need for such a practice, no matter how much spiritual grass and medicine he takes, the speed of cultivation is definitely not as fast as in actual combat


No matter what.

His current strength is really too strong

Even the eighth level of Dzogchen, he was able to kill it without using all his strength.

test room.

In this city, who else can be Zhao Xuan's opponent?


There is no one left!

770 It is impossible for Napes and others to pose any threat to the present Zhao Xuan

and so.

Zhao Xuancai came directly to the gate of the city

have to say.

The effects of high-level spirit herbs are actually quite good.

Although the medicinal effects contained in the high-level spiritual herbs are very strong and violent, if they are taken in large quantities at one time, it will cause serious adverse effects to the users.


The vast life energy deposited in Zhao Xuan's body is not jealous!

Under the blessing of life energy, Zhao Xuan was instantly cured of the bad backlash caused by taking a large amount of high-level spiritual grass and elixir.

His mental power and physique began to rise rapidly under the blessing of a large number of spiritual herbs.

In particular, Zhao Xuan's mental strength rose much faster than his physical strength.

after all.

Zhao Xuan's physique is really abnormal,

If it weren't for the fact that most of the spiritual grasses and elixir that Zhao Xuan took were eighth-order elixir, his physique wouldn't even be able to increase.

And his spiritual power is different, completely different.

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