The total amount of Zhao Xuan's spiritual power is not high.

This also means

His mental strength has a lot of room for improvement.

Although in this world, there are not many spiritual grasses and elixir used to improve spiritual power, they only account for about one-seventh or eighth of all types of spiritual grasses and elixir



Among the spiritual herbs and elixir in the four treasure houses in the city of life, there are many spiritual herbs and elixir related to spiritual power

This is also a reason that caused Zhao Xuan's spiritual power to grow rapidly!

time goes by


A day has passed like that.

During this day, Zhao Xuan's mental strength increased by about one hundred points, directly increased by one-fifth than before, under the blessing of a large amount of spiritual grass and elixir.


His physique didn't increase much, only adding twenty points.

And during this day, Zhao Xuan ate at least 500 billion worth of spiritual grass and elixir,

Every time, a lot of them are stuffed into the mouth!

Every time, without chewing a few times, I swallowed it directly into my stomach!

If other people knew about this, they would definitely point at Zhao Xuan's nose and yell: Prodigal son!


Zhao Xuan didn't feel distressed at all when he ate 500 billion spiritual herbs and medicines in one day.

There is no other reason.


for him

500 billion is just a small amount of money

The value of the life energy he spent on tempering his limbs and internal organs has exceeded trillions.

Life City, somewhere.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

After killing a team of Golden Armored Guards, Napes suddenly said: "It's almost time! There is only half an hour left before the city gate opens, although half an hour

Time is enough for us to hunt and kill a Golden Armored Guard, but killing that kid Zhao Xuan is more important! Everyone rest in place for 5 minutes, and then we will set off!

As soon as Zhao Xuan was mentioned.

The expressions of Napes and the others darkened.

One by one, let's kill each other!

While they are murderous

In the eyes, there is a strong color of fear

5 minute later.

Napes and his party began to head towards the gate of the city quickly.

Seeing that he was about to reach the gate of the city.


The member of the team who possessed the domineering aura of master-level knowledge suddenly flashed his eyes, and said, "Zhao Xuan! I found Zhao Xuan! He is hiding near the gate of the city right now!

As soon as these words came out, Napes' expression changed immediately.

He didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Withdraw! Let's withdraw first! First go to join the big guys, and then come here! Although the strength of the few of us has increased a lot in the past two days

But it is still difficult for Xiang to take down Zhao Xuan alone, and it is very likely that he will kill several people instead!


Napes and the others turned around directly.

shortly after they left

A team of seven foreign ability users quickly approached the gate of the city.

Near the city gate.

in a small alley

Zhao Xuanzheng was sitting cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed, practicing quickly.


Suddenly he opened his eyes.

"Finally someone came here! No no no no!

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Zhao Xuan's face, and he muttered to himself: "Has the 'Fat Sheep' finally come over?"

While muttering, Zhao Xuan quickly stood up.

He first skillfully opened his attribute panel and glanced at it.

[Tiandao rewards system]

Name: Zhao Xuan

Age: 18

Mental Power: 646.13/646.13

Physique: 5034.45/5034.45

Abilities: Shaving (Extraordinary: 2800/640000), Iron Block (Extraordinary: 10000/640000), Paper Painting (Great Master: 3500/640000), Moon Step (Grand Master: 22

00/640000), Lanjiao (Extraordinary: 9000/640000), Pointing Spear (Great Master: 2300/640000), Swordsmanship (Grand Master: 1935/16000), Knowledgeable Satyr

Qi (Master: 73000/80000), Armed Color Haki (Master: 65000/80000), Overlord Color Haki (Grandmaster: 1220001/160000), Blue Dragon Fruit (

Master: 79900/80000)

"I hope you guys can give me some strength and provide me with 100 points of proficiency, so that I can raise the ability level of the blue dragon fruit to

Grandmaster level! "

Chapter 180 One Punch Kill

This seven-person team of alien ability users did not find Zhao Xuan.

Or should I say.

They did not expect that Zhao Xuan dared to haunt the city gate in advance

From their point of view, Zhao Xuan would definitely wait until the few minutes before the city gate was closed before rushing over like a prodigal dog.

and so!

In this seven-member team, although there is also a master who has mastered the master-level knowledge and domineering,


This person did not release his domineering arrogance

That's why they didn't find Zhao~xuan in advance

"Hahahahahaha, Boss, we've gained a lot this time! Add it up, it's almost -7000 billion, right?

"According to the rules! We need to pay 400% of the harvest! After deducting the [-]% of the harvest that needs to be handed over, it is [-] billion! In just three days, we have to talk

To 400 billion!

"As expected of the ruins of the city of life! Oh, what a pity, there is only one chance to come in a year!

"Hey, 7000% of the harvest actually has to be handed over [-]% of the harvest. If you don't have to hand in too much, if the [-] billion life stones are divided equally among the seven of us, everyone can get a share.

Billion, it's enough for us to advance to the eighth-level king realm!

"What are you thinking! How could you not hand it in! We signed an agreement when we came in! Behind the ruins of the city of life, there are six ninth-rank emperors standing!

The seven people walked towards the gate of the city while chatting with each other.

When they came to the gate of the city, they found an eight-foot tall, handsome, romantic, unrestrained and unrestrained handsome guy, standing quietly in front of the gate, smiling.

looking at them.

The handsome boy had bright eyes.

It's like looking at a herd of fat sheep,

After the two sides looked at each other

The place suddenly fell silent.

Followed by.

next second!

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