With snot and tears all over his face, Napes howled and begged for mercy.


On Zhao Xuan's face, there was no trace of pity.

He had no intention of stopping at all.


The feet that were raised high fell heavily.

"Gala la la la!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The extremely familiar sound of bones breaking and screams sounded again,

After smashing Napes' hands and legs, Zhao Xuan stopped.

Just kill him?

that's too cheap for him

For a genius, the greatest punishment is not to kill him, but to ruin his possibility of continuing to become stronger!

And Zhao Xuan did just that

Zhao Xuan broke his hands and feet, and it was the kind that even smashed the bones

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for his hands and feet to recover


He transplants other people's hands and feet, or he uses massive life energy resources,

The former, because it is someone else’s, is transplanted from someone else’s body, and someone else’s is always someone else’s, and it will never be comparable to the original one.

And the latter.

It is basically impossible to re-grow the limbs that have been smashed to pieces, each with hundreds of billions of life energy resources.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!

"It's not right! It's not right! It's not right!

"I'm not in the right state of mind! I'm not in the right state of mind!

"Why do you have to take revenge on him like that? It's just a clown. Why should I keep him as a special one and abolish his talent to take revenge on him? Just kill him, isn't it good?

Do you have to leave a disaster behind?

"If I remember correctly, this guy seemed to say just now that his parents and grandfather are both ninth-tier emperors?

"If it is true, his family might really have the opportunity to take out so many life energy resources to restore him!

"Then, just like in the novel, after going through this test of life and death, this guy's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and finally he succeeded in killing me?

Think of this!

Zhao Xuan's eyes suddenly became sharper.

[Ahem, because of the cold weather recently (it’s definitely not the reason why the author-chan is secretly thinking about new books), the update is a bit slow, and I don’t even want to write, but the author-chan

Guaranteed, this book will never find a gunman. I would rather write [-] or even [-] a day, and even rather have a hasty ending, the author will not find a gunman! 】




Chapter 180 Six kills!Kill all!Choose to be active!


With a muffled grunt, Napes fell to the ground forever and closed his eyes

Zhao Xuan actually thought for a while about whether he should kill Napes or not.

It's not that Zhao Xuan is really afraid of Naps's parents and elders who are three ninth-level emperors.

Zhao Xuan is quite confident about his own strength

He admits.

With his current strength, at most he can only compete with the eighth-level to the strongest. If he meets the ninth-level emperor, he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the ninth-level emperor.


He has confidence.

He has [-] percent confidence.

He can be sure that his strength can be greatly improved after leaving the ruins of the city of life.

Zhao Xuan can guarantee, guarantee his own strength, and be able to advance by leaps and bounds again before those furious eighth-level and ninth-level ability users on the sea find him!

There is no other reason.


As long as he gets all the life energy resources of this group of people in the past three days, plus the life energy resources he has in his hands now, he can completely-

Tone, rebuild the skull seven or eight times.

What is the concept of rebuilding the skull seven or eight times?

To know!

Every time the internal organs are repaired, Zhao Xuan can increase his physical fitness by 200 points.

The reconstruction of the skull is related to the promotion from the sixth level to the seventh level.


According to Zhao Xuan's previous estimate, using life energy to temper the skull completely requires 7500 billion life energy resources.

7500 billion!

This is 7500 billion!

It's not 7500 fast!

To know.

To rebuild the viscera, only 500 billion life energy resources are enough, but it can increase Zhao Xuan's physique by 200 points

What about spending 7500 billion life energy resources to rebuild the skull?

no doubt.

The benefits that Zhao Xuan can get from refining the skull once are absolutely huge

This is why Zhao Xuan dared to be so arrogant and inflated just now, and the idea of ​​humiliating Napes would arise in his heart.

Then why did Zhao Xuan decide to kill Napes afterwards?

The reason is also very simple.

He doesn't bloat anymore.

All the online novels that Zhao Xuan read in his previous life were warning him

To be a person and do things, you must be decisive and decisive!

Cut grass without eradicating its roots, but the spring breeze blows and grows again!

Before Zhao Xuan, what he called was to let these people go, and then told them to go to their parents and elders to complain, and wait for their parents and elders to kill him, and then Zhao Xuan was able to

Gain a lot of skill proficiency in fighting them.

but now.

Zhao Xuan changed his mind.

Should be killed or must be killed!

Why do I have to wait for others to kill me?

If you want skill proficiency, can't you just kill someone else's house?

Why choose passive?

Why not be more proactive?

Active and passive, although there is only one word difference, but these are two completely different concepts!

In anything, mastering the initiative means half the battle!

If you are generally passive, you will easily fail.

Think of this.

Zhao Xuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the other people around him.

Facing Zhao Xuan's cold eyes.

Looking at Zhao Xuan's cold face.

An ominous thought and an uneasy mood suddenly enveloped the 36 people present.

Inexplicable panic, inexplicable terror, swept their whole bodies

After a silence.

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