"Tap Tat Tat!

Zhao Xuan's footsteps suddenly sounded

Followed by.

Then he came to the second person who fell to the ground,

Under everyone's uneasy gaze, Zhao Xuan bent down and picked up the heart of the space-type relics that the man had thrown on the ground, which contained all the space he had harvested in the City of Life in the past three days.



punch out

I heard an "oh" sound

The man's head exploded in an instant.


Bright red blood and white tofu are flying all over the sky,

this moment!

Everyone was stunned.

He froze in place.

before they react


Another 'big watermelon' was smashed by Zhao Xuan

"Damn, damn it!!!!!!

The faces of the people suddenly changed

Enduring the severe pain and discomfort in their bodies one by one, they hurriedly got up from the ground and fled in all directions.


How could they outrun Zhao Xuan when they were seriously injured?

No, no!

Not to mention they were seriously injured.

Even if they were not injured, it is absolutely impossible for them to outrun Zhao Xuan.

"Boom!" "Boom!

"Boom!" "Oh!"

0 flowers

"Boom!" "Boom!

For a while!

One after another, the large heads exploded.

Blood and tofu flying all over the sky

"No, no. No. Ah!

Looking at Zhao Xuan who was chasing him from behind, a blond-haired blue-eyed Western girl followed her and fell to the ground.

When she got up, Zhao Xuan appeared behind her like a ghost.

"No, no, no, Zhao Xuan, you, you, you, you said, you said that as long as we listen to you obediently, as long as we spend these three days

Hand over all the gains we have made in the city, and you will kill us. You can't keep your promises!

The blond western girl screamed

"Oh? Is there? Is there such a thing?

Zhao Xuan said with a cold face: "It seems to be there! But! Don't forget.

A sinister smile suddenly appeared on his face: "What I meant just now is that as long as you obediently offer up your harvest with both hands, I might spare your life!


"It's just that it's possible to spare your life, it's not [-]% spare your life!"


"boom" sound

Zhao Xuan's fist smashed down

Blood soared.

One!One!one by one!

Within half a minute, all 36 people fell to the ground.

Blood flowed all over the place.

It took Zhao Xuan another minute or two to pick up all the hearts of the space relics that were scattered all over the ground.

"What a bunch of trash, I only took half a minute to kill you, but it took almost 2 minutes to pack up your spoils!

Zhao Xuan muttered.



three days has come

The gates open.

After Zhao Xuan casually picked up the last heart of the space relic, he strode away from the city of life.

after he left

on site.

suddenly quieted down

Time slipped away.

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

almost half a minute later

Brush brush brush brush!

In the city in the distance, figures appeared

These figures are rushing towards the gate of the city quickly.begging





Chapter 180 Seven Shocked!Shock!Shock!

"Damn! Is it still late?"

City of Life, inside the city, near the city gate,

The rescue team led by the sword-wielding youth Guan Fei was quickly heading towards the gate of the city.


Including Guan Fei, they all frowned.

Heart, full of ominous premonition.

the reason is simple.


Although they are far away from the gate of the city at this moment, there is still a certain distance

Although they can't see the situation at the gate of the city at the moment.


their hearing reminds them

Wrong scripture.

Very wrong!

problem occurs!

Something may have happened to Zhao Xuanji.


The city gate is really too quiet.

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