Putting the ingredients needed for fried rice on the cutting board, Fukaha put on the apron again, and asked eagerly.

"Should I chop the green onion first?"

"Wait a minute, I feel like something is missing..."

Guan Tiancheng repeatedly looked at Shen Yu, the kitchen, and the empty living room, and finally remembered what was missing.

"Fukaba, do you know what is the most important thing before cooking?"

"Well...the ingredients are ready."

"That's right, it's the ingredients! Now the fried rice we're making is missing one of the most important side dishes."

Guan Tiancheng kept his eyes on Shen Yu's buttocks, and patted Shen Yu's buttocks gently.

"It's an X-body apron, and the fried rice is tasteless without this side dish!"

Guan Tiancheng hugged Shen Yu horizontally, and then turned around in the living room. When Shen Yu saw his eyes glowing green, he was ready and said calmly in his ear.

"To the couch."

"Hey hey hey..."

On the other side, Fang Xili and Kurosawa Mika were having breakfast, the food on the table was light, and they chatted while eating.

"Sister Mihua, do you have work today?"

Mihua looked at Xili's immature face very worried. She knew very well that with Xili's state, she might never be able to return to the world of ordinary people, but Xili dropped out of school at a young age. How will she survive in the future?

And it's not an option to leave her alone at home all the time.

"Xi Li, I'm wondering whether to take you to do the commission."

"Entrusting, is it Miss Mihua's usual job?"

"Well, Xili, whether you admit it or not, you have the ability of shadow vision and yin and yang eyes. If you use this power properly, it can become the help you rely on for a living.

I just received a relatively simple commission, do you want to give it a try? "

When it came to business, Xi Li's expression darkened a bit, she was still very afraid of wandering spirits.

But I can't let Miss Mihua worry, she has already paid so much for me, I have to meet her expectations.

"Sister Mihua, I'm going."

Kurosawa Mika showed a relieved expression, she had been worried about stimulating Xi Li just now.

Since awakening her yin and yang abilities, Xi Li's life has been extremely gloomy, and she even fell into the despair of committing suicide.

Only by guiding Xi Li step by step to adapt to the current life, and letting time wash away most of the tragic memories, she will surely be able to slowly walk out of the shadows.

"The time is set at two o'clock in the afternoon, and we are going to find a photo album in the hot spring hotel at the foot of Rishang Mountain.

It's not a good place to be, and work must be done before dusk falls. "

"Ri Shangshan, isn't that the place Tiancheng Jun and the others are going to?"

"Yes, the danger at the foot of Rishang Mountain is completely different from that in the mountain. That Mr. Guan is very capable, so Xi Li doesn't have to worry about them."


Yesterday afternoon, I had made an appointment to go out for dinner and shopping with Guan Tiancheng and Shen Yu, but everything was interrupted by the heavy rain, and Xi Li felt very sorry.

For some reason, Xili found that she cared inexplicably for Hinasaki Fukaha.

Even if it's just a few words, I really want to chat with her.

When sending a text message yesterday afternoon, Xi Li was told the location of Guan Tiancheng's rented homestay.

At this time, the sky was dim and the sun had not fully risen. Xi Li guessed that they should be having breakfast.

"Hee hee, Mr. Tiancheng said yesterday that he is going to have a liver game. Could it be that he hasn't gotten up yet?"

After imagining Guan Tiancheng's lazy look with his hair up for a moment, Xi Li picked up the rice even faster.

After dinner, before going out, Xili confessed to Mihua.

"Sister Mihua, I'm going to pay a visit to Mr. Tiancheng, and I'll be back in about two hours."

"Wait, I'll go with Xili too."

After Mihua received the gift yesterday, she quietly ran to the garden in the atrium to test it out, and it turned out that the strength of the [Five Commandments] was completely beyond her imagination.

The defensive power of the shield is enough to resist bullets, and the scratches on the palms can be recovered in an instant. After using the acceleration, you can run [-] meters in nine seconds, and the ring that restores spiritual power can fill you up in an instant.

Mihua didn't dare to try the ring that fired spiritual bullets. She tended the flowers and plants in the garden carefully. If it was destroyed by a spiritual bullet, she would have no place to cry.

"Sure enough, this gift is too expensive. At least we must do our best to help them."

Mihua decided to talk to Guan Tiancheng again.

The B&B is very close to the Black Ze Coffee Shop, and Xi Li and Mi Hua soon reached their destination.

The town at the foot of Rishang Mountain is far from being as prosperous and convenient as the city. The B&B that Guan Tiancheng rented has a large space and a wide view, but the soft and hard furnishings are quite bad.

Not only is there no video access control system, even the doorbell is broken.

The two pressed the doorbell for a long time, but there was no response.

"Sister Mihua, they probably haven't woken up yet?"

"Why don't we visit again later."

Considering that Guan Tiancheng might be sleeping late, it would be too impolite to yell at the door, so Xili and Mihua exchanged glances before preparing to leave.

Xi Li turned around, and suddenly found a row of flower pots at the door.

"There is."

Xi Li briskly squatted beside the flower plate, flipped through the bottom one by one, and found a bunch of keys.

Suddenly, the little devil in Xi Li's heart appeared, she wanted to scare Guan Tiancheng.

Xi Li put her ears on the wooden door, and there was a continuous sound of sticky water stains from inside, and there seemed to be a faint sound of deep feathers.

"They seemed to be doing the dishes, and we broke in to scare them."

Mihua didn't know, so she put her ear on it...

Immediately, Mihua's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly reached out to stop Xi Li's movement, but was a second late.

He could clearly hear the clicking sound of the door lock.

The wooden door burst open.

At this moment, Mihua's body was half leaning against the door, her center of gravity was out of balance, panicked, her foot slipped, she accidentally walked into the living room continuously, and then fell to the ground.

Mihua's heart skipped a beat. On both sides of her shoulders were a pair of strong male calves. In front of her was the lower edge of the sofa. On her head...

At this moment, a nursery rhyme rang in Mihua's mind involuntarily.

Elephant, elephant, why is your nose so long, mom said it's a miracle to have a long nose...

Chapter 13 Ah, Ass

If God-sama really exists, please tell me exactly what kind of expression I want to show right now.

This picture cannot be described in Yangjian's words, Xili and Mihua's brains crashed and became bricks, they froze motionless, and the air was full of embarrassment.

Guan Tiancheng's sprinting movement froze, and he and Shen Yu looked at the entrance of the entrance.

Feeling two eyes falling on her body, Xi Li seemed to have stepped on a high-voltage electricity, and the hairs on her body stood on end.

"Huh huh!!!"

"Ahem, that... Anyway, close the door first."

Like a robot, Xi Li closed the wooden door with her hands and feet stuck, and then continued to be sluggish.

At this time, Guan Tiancheng was standing in the living room with his butt naked, but Shen Yu was wearing an apron so he didn't have to worry about getting naked.

Guan Tiancheng can't move forward or retreat now, half of his body is still exploring in another world, the key point Xi Li's eyes are too big to give him a chance to get dressed.

As for the man under the ass...

This guy has been pretending to be dead since just now.

It just so happened that Guan Tiancheng lowered his head and glanced down, meeting Mihua's eyes, Mihua Kurosawa was so frightened that he overreacted, and crawled out with his arms and legs.

However, she didn't know whether it was because she sprained her foot just now, or because she was too emotional, but her foot slipped miraculously again, and her body tilted instinctively to grab the leaning object.

Ah, only Guan Tiancheng's bare butt...

So her two hands grabbed Guan Tiancheng's two fleshy buttocks from behind, and the three of them were stacked together like a sandwich, and a strong force was transmitted from behind to Shen Yu.


Time stopped moving forward again, and Mihua's mind was blank for ten seconds.

Guan Tiancheng was also stunned, he didn't have eyes behind his back, so of course he didn't know why Mihua wanted to grab his ass from behind.

Is it possible that you want to join in and play together, this chick Kurosawa looks serious on the surface, but is she really so hot?

"Uh...Miss Kurosawa lets go first."

"Yes! I let go."

Guan Tiancheng turned his head and saw Mihua shrinking to the corner of the wall, with a terrified expression on his face, as if he didn't intend to join in.

"The first door on the right of the porch is my bedroom, please avoid it first."

Mihua and Xili fled into the room as quickly as soldiers who had received an order. Before closing the door, they heard Bozi's voice faintly.

When this happened, even Fukaha felt ashamed to face others, so he picked up his clothes and ran up to the second floor with his bare buttocks.

"I'll eat instant noodles in the room for a while, and you can take care of those two people yourself."

Guan Tiancheng felt his brain trembling, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.

"All right……"

It took Guan Tiancheng 20 seconds to get dressed, and then he came to the bedroom door with a stern expression, took a deep breath and made complete preparations in his heart.

Xili and Mihua hid in the room without daring to breathe, and lowered their heads to count the patterns on the floor.

The door of the room opened, and the two of them looked over abruptly, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Guan Tiancheng walking into the room neatly dressed.

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