"Well... they call us the evil race, and sharingan is called the cursed eye!"

Uchiha Sasuke nodded and said angrily.

"That's right! Although the reputation outside is not very good, it is undeniable that the blood inheritance boundary of your Uchiha clan is very strong!"

"And it is precisely because of this that Uchiha will be wiped out!"

Pointing at Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, Yun Che said with a light smile.


Through Yun Che's words, Uchiha Sasuke and others' minds.

Suddenly, such a possibility emerged.

Is it...

It is precisely because outsiders feel that Uchiha is too strong and is a threat, (Qian Dezhao) or because he wants to steal the powerful power, so he was exterminated?

But if that's the case.

And why is it Uchiha Itachi's hand?

"I guess...you have already thought of some kind of possibility in your mind?"

"In fact, just as you think, the mastermind behind the Uchiha extermination is indeed afraid of your power, but at the same time stealing your power!"

As if he had guessed what they were thinking, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

"But if that's the case, why did Itachi do it?!"

"I saw it with my own eyes that day, it was he who killed his parents, he killed the whole clan!"

Uchiha Sasuke asked excitedly.

"Tsk tsk tsk! This is the final answer, I can't tell you yet!"

Yun Che clicked his tongue and waved his index finger:


"What I can remind you is that the person who is jealous and steals the power of your Uchiha clan is Shimura Danzo!".

Chapter 114

"Shimura Danzo?"

After hearing Yun Che's prompt, Sasuke Uchiha frowned and began to think deeply.

It can be seen from the case of Naruto Uzumaki just now.

Konoha's high-level is very dark, and Shimura Danzo is a model of it!

If you go this way....

So, could it be that Shimura Danzo, in his capacity as a high-level Konoha, gave Uchiha Itachi an order to exterminate the genocide? !

Feeling as if he had gotten the answer, Uchiha Sasuke was full of surprise.

"I figured it out! Everything figured out!"

"Itachi is innocent, isn't he? He was just taken advantage of by Shimura Danzho and Konoha's higher-ups!"

Uchiha Sasuke asked expectantly, he hoped that Yun Che would nod his head to prove that his conjecture was correct.

Well, as a stupid Odoudou.

Deep down in his heart, he still loves his own Oni sauce!


It's a pity that Yun Che shook his head resolutely regarding Uchiha Sasuke's expectation.

"Your guess is only half right."

"The order to exterminate the genocide was indeed issued by Shimura Danzo, but Uchiha Itachi is not innocent!"

Yun Che's words completely shattered Uchiha Sasuke's illusions.

"Itachi...isn't he innocent..."

Whispering in despair, Sasuke Uchiha shook his body and clenched his fists.

"In the final analysis, although Shimura Danzo is the culprit behind the scenes."

"But the prejudice against the Uchiha clan mainly stems from the second Hokage, or even the first Hokage!"

"This is a long-standing story, do you want to hear it?"

Yun Che laughed.

He believes in Uchiha Sasuke's ingenuity.

After listening to this story that looks like a story but is not a story, you will definitely be able to guess all the answers.

"miss you!"

Without hesitation, Uchiha Sasuke nodded immediately.

"Then you should listen carefully."

"The founder of Konoha Village is Hokage Senju Hashirama, and the ancestor of your Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara..."

Yun Che talked eloquently about the love and hatred between Senju Bashirama and Uchiha Madara during the Warring States period.

And in the follow-up, Senshou Feijian's hatred for the Uchiha clan.

There are also Mitomon Yan, Zanju Koharu, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Shimura Danzo, who are currently high-ranking Konoha, as disciples of Senshou Feijian, who have inherited his will.

And so on a series of things, all told the seventh class.

To put it bluntly, the hatred for the Uchiha clan.

As early as the period when Senju Feima served as Hokage, it had already begun!

Uchiha's genocide can be said to be a conspiracy accumulated over a long period of time, and it can also be said to be a historical inevitability.

"So the village has been targeting our clan?!"

Uchiha Sasuke growled angrily.

Both eyes are scarlet, and Sharingan opens immediately!

Originally, during this period, he only had a single eyeball in his left eye and a double eyeball in his right eye.

But after knowing these historical secrets, under the influence of strong emotions, it was directly upgraded to the left-eyed double hook jade and the right eye triple hook jade!

The power of Sharingan has been upgraded more than a year in advance!


Uzumaki Naruto patted his good friend on the shoulder, wanting to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say.

Although before, he felt that the two were very similar.

But at this moment, it is no longer a question of likeness, but of the same kind!

Compassionate people of the same kind!

"Uchiha Sasuke, from a personal point of view, you have no reason, let alone the right to hate Uchiha Itachi."

"Because everything he did was for you!"

Seeing that the situation was almost over, Yun Che directly took a shot of strong medicine to Sasuke Uchiha.

"for me?!"

Uchiha Sasuke heard the words, and asked without knowing why.

"That's right! It's for you!"

Yun Che laughed, and then told the middle-level [-]-type revenge boy who had fallen into darkness before him about the deal reached between Uchiha Itachi and Konoha's senior management.

Let him know that Uchiha Itachi chose the village between the family and the village.

Also let him know that Uchiha Itachi chose his younger brother between the village and his younger brother!

"Ha ha......"

"Everything is for me...Itachi even plans to give me his eyes in the future?"

After knowing all the answers.

Uchiha Sasuke's expression was unusually complicated, both joyful and angry.

In the end, he could only turn into a wry smile, holding his head in his hands, at a loss!

Well, should I say that they are destined to be gay friends?

Even the confused look is exactly the same as the Uzumaki Naruto just now!

"Of course, these are just from your own perspective."

"From the point of view of the entire Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi is indeed a traitor who deserves death!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth hooked slightly, and he asked Uchiha Sasuke a multiple-choice question.

Just like Naruto Uzumaki just now.

He wants to choose between his parents and the village!

Even if the parents died to protect the village.

And Uchiha Sasuke's multiple-choice question is the Uchiha clan, as well as Uchiha Itachi!

Yun Che was looking forward to it.

He is looking forward to whether Naruto Uzumaki will avenge Konoha, or inherit Namikaze Minato's will and continue to take the position of Hokage as his goal!

Also looking forward to Uchiha Sasuke.

It is to become the last survivor of the Uchiha clan and avenge Konoha and Uchiha Itachi.

You still have to obediently be a younger brother, and let go of the past with your dear brother!

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