
Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto both had gloomy faces thinking about their future direction.

Haruno Sakura, on the other hand, had an unnatural expression on her face.

She really never expected that her two teammates who got along day and night, no matter their identity background or childhood experience, would be so extraordinary!

Not to mention, the seemingly bright Konoha, but the management is so dark!

Although these things have nothing to do with her, Haruno Sakura is inexplicably flustered and scared now!

At this moment, she suddenly felt confused about her future!

"Master! Please accept us as apprentices!"

After a long silence, it seemed that he had made his final choice.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha looked at each other, then knelt down on the ground at the same time, and worshiped Yun Che.


"It seems...you have all made your choice?"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled slightly, and he asked with great interest.


"We... want revenge!"

Nodding, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto said in unison.

Although their voices were immature, Yun Che could clearly feel the determination in their voices!

In fact.

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto have already figured it out thoroughly.

Since Konoha can't tolerate herself, why should she succumb to Konoha?

In the ninja world, the strong prey on the weak!Avenge the old and the new, and avenge it together!

It has to be said that at this moment, these two 12-year-old teenagers have sublimated!

Whether it is mind or soul, or all aspects!

The innocence has left them, and the hatred in reality will be the only motivation for them to survive in the future! .

Chapter 115

"Not bad!"

"Your awareness, I feel it!"

There was applause, the choice of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto made Yun Che deeply satisfied!

In fact.

Yun Che was not surprised by the choice the two of them made in the end.

If it is the Shippuden period, Naruto Uzumaki has experienced many things and established many bonds.

After knowing these things.

Maybe he will choose to let the past go, and continue to work hard towards the position of Hokage.

After all, that's how he behaved in the original drama.

However, you must know that the current Naruto Uzumaki is only 12 years old!

He is very immature, his thinking is immature, and his worldview has not yet been finalized.

For him, who was oppressed by inhumans when he was young, such things as hatred can easily take root in his heart!

As for Uchiha Sasuke, there is actually nothing to say.

Although he does love Uchiha Itachi deeply, but you must know that besides his own brother, there are many people worthy of attention in the Uchiha clan!

Uncle Wang next door, seven aunts and eight aunts who lead the house.

And his own biological parents, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto.

These individual feelings may not be comparable to Uchiha Itachi.

But once it is taken as a whole, it all adds up.

Then Uchiha Sasuke's love for Uchiha Itachi is really not worth mentioning!

Moreover, Uchiha Sasuke is now the only orphan of the Uchiha clan.

He can't let the Uchiha clan, which has flourished since the Warring States period, completely fall into his own hands in the true sense!

Uchiha Sasuke, the son of the former patriarch, is the only member of the current Uchiha clan.

In other words, he... is the patriarch!

The mission of rejuvenating the Uchiha clan is a heavy burden, and there is no room for loss!

"That is to say..."

"Master, are you willing to accept us?"

Uzumaki Naruto asked expectantly.

"It's okay to accept you."

"But to be honest, I don't know ninjutsu in your world, so I shouldn't be able to teach you anything."

Yun Che shook his head and said calmly.


Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto immediately lowered their heads in disappointment when they heard the words.

In their view, if it is as strong as Yun Che.

If you can't teach yourself anything, isn't revenge hopeless?


The corners of Yun Che's mouth hooked slightly, and the topic changed:

"Although I can't teach you ninjutsu, it's very simple to make you stronger!"

Indeed, Yun Che without Chakra couldn't teach them ninjutsu.

It is even impossible to give them any tips on ninjutsu practice.

But don't forget, Yun Che has six infinite gems!

With the power of six infinite gems, helping these two little furry kids become stronger is a matter of sprinkling water!


Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto heard the words.

His eyes suddenly sparkled with hope.

"I can't talk about master and apprentice, but you will be my students in the future."

Yun Che nodded and smiled.

The relationship between master and apprentice is too complicated and in-depth, Yun Che has little interest.

But there is nothing wrong with teachers and disciples.

"Teacher! Please be respected by the students!"

Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki paid respectful respect to Yun Che again.

This is the first time they have done this to a person.

Even in the face of Kakashi, the leader of the seventh class, neither of them is so well-behaved.


Satisfied nodded.

Yun Che looked at Haruno Sakura who had been standing aside the whole time:

"Do you have anything else to do? Just leave if you have nothing to do."

Regarding Haruno Sakura, Yun Che didn't have too many thoughts.

Although he joined Tsunade's sect in the later period, he learned a lot of skills.

But compared with Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, compared to future achievements, she is always a drag!

"Then... I'll go first..."

With a wry smile, Haruno Sakura looked at her teammates with a complicated expression.

Finally, the figure turned and left after the curtain fell.

After knowing so many unspeakable historical secrets.

She knows very well that she, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are no longer the same way!


For Haruno Sakura's departure, Uchiha Sasuke did nothing.

Because he himself has no feelings for this female doll.

Even Uzumaki Naruto, who usually has been clamoring for Haruno Sakura, looked indifferent and didn't say a word.

He has grown up, and before his revenge is avenged, he has no intention of talking about his children's personal affairs.

not to mention......

In the face of her pursuit, Haruno Sakura never paid attention to her, did she?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"Yo! Yun Che, how long has it been since you accepted two students with great potential?"

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