Then, the two good friends looked at each other, raised their hands, raised their palms, and clapped together.

"Six Paths Earth Blast Star!"

A heaven-shattering golden angry Buddha appeared, hanging Shimura Danzo high.

Immediately afterwards, he clasped his hands together and gave a big slap!

A moment later, the huge bergamot separated, and Shimura Danzo's figure disappeared, replaced by a huge ball, suspended in mid-air!

"It seems...there will be a moon in this mirrored space in the future!"

Yun Che, who had been sitting on the sofa at the back watching the battle, looked at the Six Paths Earthburst Star who had merged into Shimura Danzo.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and he smiled with interest.

"Death is impossible, in the future..."

"You will be sealed inside, and spend your dark life alone!"


Said indifferently, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke returned to Yun Che in an instant.


The two knelt down on one knee, and the respect was self-evident!

Although they have great power now, they are not stupid!

Who gave this power, they all know it in their hearts.

"You are very good, look at how this space has been destroyed by you."

Gazing at the mirrored world that seemed to have been bombed by countless atomic bombs in turn, Yun Che couldn't help laughing.


Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto immediately lowered their heads when they heard the words.

"Sorry for what?"

"I don't mean to blame you."

Yun Che shook his head amusedly. It seemed that he carried a lot of weight in the hearts of these two little kids!

"Okay, I will take back your power."

As he spoke, Yun Che raised his hands and placed them on the shoulders of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.

Use the power of the Reality Gem to directly restore everything to its original state!


Feel the powerful force disappearing from your body.

Even though they had been prepared, the prince and Er Zhuzi couldn't help showing a look of disappointment.

No way, that power is too intoxicating!

"Don't make that look."

"Be kind, you in the future will gain more power than this!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled with great interest.

The power he gave Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto just now is their future power in the original play.

And now.

With their own insertions, the future of these two little guys.

Whether it is strength or achievement, it will definitely be many times higher than in the original drama!

I dare not say much, but at the very least, I can easily abuse the strongest group, the Otsutsuki clan, with one hand!Four.

Chapter 126

in the next period of time.

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, who have experienced the great power, did not even return to their respective homes.

Live here straight away.

I pray to my teacher every day to arrange cruel training for them.

As for Hexi, most of the time he stayed in his room studying ninjutsu.

Occasionally, I will come out to play with my male god to enhance my relationship, and I will also take time to teach Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto some ninjutsu skills.

After all, from a certain point of view.

She is the teacher's wife of these two little guys.

As for Yun Che, he sometimes stays with women and disciples at home.

Sometimes I go out to get in touch with Yamanaka Ino and develop a relationship.

Overall, the days are pretty good.

Of course, Yun Che was just chatting with Ino Yamanaka and having fun.

He didn't make any moves or do anything out of the ordinary.

After all, she was just a 12-year-old girl who didn't even have hair growth.

Jumping pills, the sun and the moon, like water and years...

Days passed day by day, and before I knew it, the Chunin exam day came!

"Chunin exam, perform well, don't embarrass me."

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto standing in front of him with a tall and straight figure and a resolute expression.

Yun Che was sitting on the sofa, exhorting with a slightly relieved expression.

Although it was just for fun at first, after a long time of getting along.

He really regarded these two little guys as his disciples!

"Don't worry, teacher!"

"The strength of Sasuke and I are only a little bit short of breaking through the Jnin! A mere Chunin exam is nothing to worry about!"

Uzumaki Naruto patted his chest in fear, and smiled confidently.

"Well, we will definitely not let you down, teacher!"

Uchiha Sasuke nodded resolutely, and said seriously.

After time has passed, everyone in Konoha now knows that the crown prince and Er Zhuzi are Yun Che's disciples.

Therefore, I have received many favors.

Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto have the same idea.

That is, no matter what, you can't embarrass your teacher!

"I trust you."

"Let's go, go find that old fellow Sarutobi Hiruzen and sign up!"

Yun Che smiled gratifiedly, then stood up from the sofa.

Putting his hands on the shoulders of the two of them, using the power of the space gem, they disappeared in an instant.

Naruto Building, inside the office.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was leading a group of Jōnin, discussing the matter of the Chunin exam.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Yun Che and his two disciples appeared here in an instant.

"Master Yun Che!"

Seeing Yun Che's appearance, Hiruzen Sarutobi and a group of jounin immediately shouted respectfully.

If it is changed to the previous words.

They might also be surprised by Yun Che's sudden appearance.

However, it is still the same sentence, after time has passed, Yun Che's methods of disappearing and disappearing are not uncommon.

Now everyone in Konoha knows.

As long as there is a flash of blue light, then it must be Yun Che!

Well, time can always dilute a lot of things!

"The Chunin exam, the two little guys behind me will also take part."

He nodded to many Junin, as a response to their greeting.

Yun Che pointed at Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, then turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen and said.

"Naruto and Sasuke?"

"This...Master Yun Che, they are all genocide now, so there is no problem in taking the chunin exam."

"It's just that the format of the exam is that three people form a group."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smacked his lips, took a puff of tobacco and explained.

"Three people? Even if Naruto and I separate, act alone!"

"In this Chunin exam, no one will be our opponent!"

Uchiha Sasuke said disdainfully.

The current strength of him and Uzumaki Naruto has already approached Jonin.

If it wasn't for getting rid of the title of Genin and advancing to Chunin, this exam would be for them.

There is no point at all!

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