
Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't believe it when he heard the words.

So he looked at Yun Che, wanting to confirm whether what Uchiha Sasuke said was true.

"Naruto, Sasuke, show them your hand."

Yun Che shrugged, and instructed his two disciples.

I was not familiar with it before, and I didn't take it seriously, it was just for fun.

So keep calling them by their full names.

Now that they are familiar, serious, and truly regard them as disciples, it is natural to change their names.

"Okay, teacher!"

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke nodded obediently.

Then in an instant, he exploded with the strength and aura of being at the peak of the Chunin and approaching the Jonin.


Feel the aura of the two of them.

Except for Yun Che, all the Jounin and Sarutobi Hiruzen present were all stunned!

It's not how strong Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto really are.

On the contrary, the two of them are the weakest among all the people present!

But don't forget...

They are just 12-year-old kids!

It's been less than a year since I graduated from Ninja School!

In just a few months, he has improved from a low-level ninja to a strength that is close to that of a high-level ninja?

Well, now in the eyes of everyone, whether it is the crown prince and Er Zhuzi himself, or Yun Che, the teacher, they are all completely perverted!

You know, even the original genius Kakashi...

Both graduated from ninja school at the age of five.

Passed the Chunin Exam at the age of six.

At the age of ten, he was promoted to a special ninja.

Became a regular jonin at the age of 13.

It took eight years from graduating from a ninja school to becoming a regular jōnin!

On the other hand, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto achieved the achievements of others in eight years in a few months.

It's really that people are more dead than others, and people are throwing away when they compare goods!

"Well, it's better to fold it."

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto had the strength to be close to Jonin.

Prepare to make a special case for them, when they become a two-person team.

Yun Che said suddenly.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't know why and asked.

"Naruto and Sasuke are members of the seventh class, so let them form a three-person team, wouldn't it be fine?"

Yun Che shrugged and said.

If it's anything else, he might let Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki make their own choices this time around.

However, this Chunin exam is not ordinary!

Good and bad people mixed together to understand?

Let's not talk about Gaara one-tailed Jinchuriki.

But Orochimaru is definitely not something the two of them can deal with now!

So, some things still need to be arranged!


When Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto heard the words, they immediately cast puzzled eyes.

They didn't know that Ichio Jinchuriki and Orochimaru also participated in the Zhongnin Exam.

As long as this is an ordinary ninja fight.

So I don't understand, because Mao's own teacher will arrange a strong self to team up with that weak chicken Haruno Sakura.

"listen to me."

Talking to his two disciples, Yun Che turned his head to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and glanced at Kakashi, the leader of the seventh class:

"is that OK?"

"no problem."

"I would like to listen to Master Yun Che's orders."

Hiruzen Sarutobi and Kakashi nodded in response.

What could be wrong?

They can't wait for Yun Che to let Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke reorganize the seventh class!

This saves a lot of hassle!

after all......

A group of three is Konoha's long-standing tradition! .

Chapter 127

Konoha is very lively today.

Because the bi-annual Chunin exams have begun, the major ninja villages in all major countries.

Squads of ninjas were dispatched one after another to take the exam.

And this year's ninja school students are even more happy, because ninja school was selected as the examination room for the first exam.

So they were directly arranged for a wave of long vacations!

"Heh, there are so many people who came to take the exam!"

In the ninja school, Yun Che couldn't help laughing when he saw the densely packed crowd in the corridor.

"Well, after all, this is a joint promotion assessment."

"Being able to become a zhongnin, no one would want to continue being a zhongnin."

Kakashi nodded and said.

Just like when the college entrance examination on earth, parents will accompany their children to the examination room.

Kakashi and Yun Che also accompanied Class Seven to the examination room of the ninja school.

But to be precise.

Kakashi came with Haruno Sakura.

And Yun Che was accompanying Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto!

"Hmph, don't hold me and Naruto back!"

Uchiha Sasuke gave Haruno Sakura a sideways look, and warned unhappily.

If it was placed in the past, this sentence must have been said to Uzumaki Naruto.

But now, everything has changed...

14 "We can't let the teacher down in this Chunin exam."

"Sakura, take care of yourself!"

Uzumaki Naruto also stared at Haruno Sakura, and said indifferently.

Kill Shimura Danzo, he has grown up.

Now he no longer pursues the personal relationship with his children, and no longer pursues Sakura Haruno.


Hearing the merciless warnings from the teammates who used to get along day and night.

Haruno Sakura pursed her lips, feeling very complicated.


I and them are already strangers!

"Two, you should be the legendary disciples of Master Yun Che, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki?"

At this time, one had a standard watermelon head.

Wearing a green tights, a boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes came over.

That's right, the person who came was none other than Konoha's proud blue beast—Mitekai's disciple.

Konoha's beautiful blue beast - Rock Lee!

"Oh? What's your business?"

Naruto Uzumaki asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I want to say, it's wrong for you to treat girls like this!"

Locke Li said seriously, and then quickly turned to Haruno Sakura:

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