"it's okay!"

"Anyway, they are our disciples, not outsiders!"

He Xi shrugged indifferently, not feeling anything wrong with his behavior at all.

"That's true."

Upon hearing this, Yun Che nodded in agreement.

Indeed, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are both family members, so there is really no problem.


If it is to transmit modern ideas to outsiders.

For example, a technology madman like Orochimaru.

Then, the development of ninja civilization will definitely be greatly changed because of this!

The smart Hexi should be able to think of these too.

Therefore, Yun Che would not interfere too much with some things she wanted to do.

Do whatever you want, be happy!

Anyway, I came here for a "vacation"!

"By the way...the white-haired boy hiding 200 meters away on the telegraph pole."

"How long are you going to peek?"

Taking a sip of the hot tea, He Xi raised his head and looked in a certain direction, and said in a cold voice with piercing eyes.

Not much sound.

But straight to the heart!

Those who should hear it can hear it, even if it is a thousand meters away!

"Oh? Someone is peeking..."

Upon hearing this, Yun Che turned his head with great interest, and looked in the direction He Xi was looking at.

As far as I looked, I saw a bunch of white hairs on the telegraph pole 200 meters away!

A red and green ninja uniform.

The uppercase oiled Ninja forehead.

Waist-length hedgehog-shaped long silver hair.

Looking at the entire ninja world, who else could a person with such an image be except Jiraiya?Four.

Chapter 136

"Ale? Was it discovered..."

I felt Yun Che and He Xi's naked staring eyes that penetrated more than 200 meters.

Zilai also scratched his head helplessly.

Then he ran and jumped on the roof along the road, and quickly came to the yard.


"You should be the Yun Che and He Xi that the old man said, right?"

Standing on the ground with his feet wearing super high clogs, Jiraiya grinned enthusiastically.

"Oh? Old man?"

He Xi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and thought for a while:

"The old man you are talking about, do you mean that kid Sarutobi Hiruzaku?"

To be honest, an old man in the mouth of an old man who looks like 50 or [-] years old.

He was called a kid by a beautiful woman who looked only in her early 20s.

This picture, this dialogue.

No matter how you look at it or listen to it, it feels a little inexplicably weird!

"Well, if there is no second Sarutobi Hiruzen in the village."

Eight Thirty "That's him!"

Zilai also touched his head and smiled.

Before coming here, he had already met Hiruzen Sarutobi, and learned a lot of things and information about Yun Che and Hexi from him.

and so.

As for Hexi, he called Sarutobi Hiruzen a kid.

Jilai didn't feel surprised either.

after all......

According to Hiruzaru Sarutobi himself, this looks like a young silver-haired woman in front of him.

The actual age has already exceeded [-] years old!

Totally an old monster in the old monster class!

Even the legendary ancestor of the ninja, Sage of the Six Paths, probably didn't live as long as her!

"What about you? Kid, who are you?"

After taking a sip of hot tea, He Xi said calmly.

"My name is Zi Lai Ye, also known as Toad Immortal, and I am the old man's disciple!"

Jilai also made a pose that he thought was very handsome.

said with a big smile.

Well, this laughter, this posture, is inexplicably a little beating!

"So? Jiraiya, what is your purpose this time?"

He snatched the tea from Hexi's hand, ignoring her resentful eyes.

Yun Che asked with a sip.

Anyway, it is my own daughter-in-law, so there is no problem of hygiene.

"I heard that you accepted the last orphan of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sasuke, and the legacy of the fourth generation, Uzumaki Naruto, as a disciple."

"I came this time mainly to see Naruto!"

After hearing Yun Che's questioning.

Jiraiya's enthusiastic and exaggerated attitude was fleeting, and he said with a very serious expression.

"Oh? See Naruto?"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He was thinking about the reason why Zilai also wanted to see his disciples.

It is simply to see.

Is it the child of his deceased disciple?


Do you want to take Naruto Uzumaki as a disciple like in the original drama?


Seeing that Yun Che had been silent all this time, he also thought that he was unwilling to let himself see Naruto Uzumaki.

So he bowed at ninety degrees immediately, and pleaded very seriously.

In fact, as the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato's teacher.

When he died, he was not with him.

When his son was oppressed, he was not by his side.

These things have always been a thorn in my heart, and Zilai also feels deeply guilty!


It doesn't matter if it's to relieve the guilt in my heart, or I really want to see Naruto Uzumaki.

Right now, he just wants to see him.

The child named after the protagonist in the novel he wrote!

"Now Naruto and Sasuke are still taking the Zhongnin Exam."

"If you have nothing to do, you can wait here for them to come back."

After taking a deep look at Jiraiya, Yun Che said calmly.

"Really? Thank you so much!"

Hearing this, Ji Lai also touched his head immediately, and laughed happily.

In fact.

In fact, with his personality, if he wanted to see Naruto Uzumaki, he could go find that child by himself.

There is no need to humbly beg Yun Che here.

But how...

Before coming here, Hiruzaru Sarutobi repeatedly told Ziraiya several times, if you don’t want to die, if you don’t want Konoha to be destroyed, you must be very, very careful not to provoke Yun Che!

You can't do anything that makes Yun Che dissatisfied!

Between one's own character and the teacher's exhortations.

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