Jilai also chose the latter very conscientiously.

That's why there was a scene where one of the dignified Sannin bowed and begged a young man just now!

"Yun Che, do you really want this white-haired boy to meet that child Naruto?"

"I always feel that he is not a good thing..."

Suddenly, He Xi used the angel's special communication network to transmit a special radio wave to Yun Che's brain.

In order to achieve a certain degree of spiritual dialogue.

"Don't worry, this guy is a bit lecherous though."

"But overall... a nice guy!"

Yun Che, who possessed the Soul Gem, easily accepted this wave.

Then it was transmitted back to Hexi.

"I was just talking about how I felt that he had a familiar aura about him. He turned out to be a lecherous guy just like that scumbag Hua Ye!"

After hearing Yun Che's words in his mind, He Xi couldn't help frowning...

Although my own man is also bothering.

But fickleness and lust are two completely different concepts!

As for the difference?

That's very simple. Take Yun Che and Hua Ye as examples and compare them, isn't it very clear?

Although the former has many women, each of them is sincere.

As for the latter, they don't treat women as women at all, and directly regard them as toys!


Because of the word "lusty".

He Xi subconsciously regarded Zi Lai Ye as a scum like Hua Ye.

"You've misunderstood, Ji Lai is also completely different from Hua Ye!"

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, it seems that the Tiangong rule 3 years ago has left a thorn in the hearts of all the older generation of female angels that cannot be pulled out!

"Jiraiya's lust is not a desire, but a man's instinct."

"Although it is true that he is very lustful, he is unexpectedly timid. He only dares to do such trivial things as peeping on other people's baths. Even if he has been to a brothel, he will return empty-handed in the end!"

In fact, from a certain point of view.

Zilai is not timid, but loyal!

He has always liked Tsunade Hime as a companion since he was a child.

Perhaps it was because of her that he behaved like this... Keeping himself clean!

Of course, for Tsunade Hime, Jilai is definitely out of the question.

Because she has already been pre-booked by Yun Che!

"That is to say..."

"This kid is over 50 years old, and he is still a baby?"

After listening to Yun Che's explanation, He Xi was shocked immediately.

"Well, not only is it a chick, it seems that I haven't even held a woman's hand before!"

"Hey! A person like him is already a wonderful flower among humans who are only a hundred years old!"

Hexi felt a little funny.

Human life is not long, only a hundred years old.

And throughout human history, most of the ages tasted the forbidden fruit.

Either the eleven or twelve years old in ancient times, or the twenty-somethings in modern times!

An old man like Jiraiya who is in his 50s and is still a baby...

It is really a wonderful flower that can be recorded in history!

"So, he is actually a pretty good guy!"

Yun Che shrugged.

In fact, in the entire Hokage world, there are no less than a hundred famous people.

But there are not many people who can really make him feel appreciated from the bottom of his heart!

And Jiraiya... just happened to be one of them! .

Chapter 137

You Long Angelica sea, the sea does not welcome me!

This is a sentence that all Hokage fans will cry when they read it!

Jiraiya is actually a poor man, his life is full of tragedies and all kinds of near misses.

Perhaps the most tragic thing is that he was finally killed by the apprentice he taught himself, and his body sank into the sea.

And those who are close, there are too many!

I almost saw Naruto getting married.

Almost redeemed his bondage.

Almost saved his own disciple.

I almost protected my teacher.

I almost finished my novel.

Almost...with the goddess of my dreams!

Looking at the deeds of Jiraiya's life, almost all of them are tragedies and near misses!

But despite this, is he pessimistic and depressed?


Free and easy, perseverance, this is his attitude towards life!

No matter how sad and unwilling to touch the things ahead, Zilai will choose to face them bravely!

Just ask.

Is there any reason why this kind of person is not worthy of appreciation?

In fact, from a certain point of view.

Except for very few people, such as Hei Zee and Shimura Danzo.

14 In the entire Naruto world, there are no bad people, only a group of lunatics who want to make the world peaceful!


This is also the reason why Hokage became the memory of a generation and the youth of a generation at the beginning.

"Teacher! Mistress!"

"Sasuke and I are back!"

Just as Yun Che was having various brain storms, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard.


Two tufts of hair, one black and one yellow, walked in bouncingly.

"Huh? Who is this uncle?"

As soon as they entered the yard, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke saw the teacher and his wife drinking tea.

And standing aside, Ziraiya, who looks strange but has an eager look on his face.

"Hey! Uncle, why are you staring at me?"

Seeing that Jiraiya's gaze had been on himself, Naruto Uzumaki scratched his head and asked in puzzlement.

"Naruto, go into the house and talk with him."

Before Zilai could speak, Yun Che spoke first.

The current Uzumaki Naruto is not the Uzumaki Naruto in the original play.

In a sense, he has been blackened.


As for the conversation from my father's teacher, let the two of them do it alone.

Yun Che didn't intend to intervene, nor did he intend to let other people intervene.

After all, the relationship between Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto can actually be regarded as a grandfather and grandson!

"oh oh."

Although I don't know who the white-haired uncle in front of me is.

But Uzumaki Naruto obediently obeyed his teacher's words, and walked into the house.

"Thank you."

Ji Lai also thanked Yun Che, and then hurriedly followed.

"Teacher, who is he?"

"It looks like you know Naruto?"

Finding a seat to sit down, Sasuke Uchiha asked curiously.

"He is Jiraiya, one of the Sannin along with Orochimaru, and Naruto's father's teacher."

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