Yun Che shrugged and said.

" still want to stop me?"

Mingguangyuan Gates squinted his eyes when he heard the words.

"No, it's not blocking! It's... a lesson!"

"I just want to teach you a lesson, let you know, don't be too arrogant!"

Yun Che sneered.

For his own women, he is very precious, and he will not allow them to be hurt in any way.....

But the result?

They had just arrived in this world, and they were frightened by the boy in front of them.

This is absolutely intolerable to Yun Che!

"Anyone who stops me from killing the Demon King deserves to die!"

Meiguangyuan Gates said sharply, then took out the space-time driver and put it on his waist.

Twirling his exclusive watch head, suddenly, a male voice sounded:


Put the activated meter on the space-time drive.

Putting on an exclusive show pose, the 360-degree rotating drive of Meikoin Gates:



"Kamenrider Geiz!"

Accompanied by a burst of bells and whistles and special effects.

The figure of Gates of Meikoin disappeared, and instead, he was a man in armor mainly in red, supplemented by black and yellow!

"I rely on!"

"What the hell is this? It looks awesome!"

Lena exclaimed in surprise.

"It should belong to some kind of technology, right?"

Qilin said with some uncertainty.

Others, she can't say.

It is mainly the space-time driver and the watch head. The shape looks like a technological product at first glance.

"My boy, the person who chased me was actually a Kamen Rider?"

Tokiwa Sogo murmured in surprise.

In his impression, aren't Kamen Riders all heroes of justice?

Why would you hunt down an ordinary person like yourself?

Could it be...

Is he really the devil in his mouth? !

"If you don't want to die, just obediently let him go!"

As if wanting to give Yun Che another chance, after the transformation, Gates of Mingguangyuan warned sharply.

"Ha ha......"

"Then let's see if you have the ability to catch me without a fight!"

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders with a disdainful smile.

"In that case...don't blame me!"

Seeing that Yun Che didn't appreciate it, Mingguangyuan Gates shook his head, and then punched the person in front of him in the face.

After transforming into a Kamen Rider, both strength and speed have been greatly improved.

Far beyond the limit that human beings can reach.

Therefore, Gates of Mingguangyuan did not think that Yun Che would be his opponent after transformation!

All right......

Obviously, he has forgotten how he was blown away by a punch when he was in the Time Demon God Machine! .

Chapter 142

Facing the attack of Meikoin Gates.

Yun Che didn't rush and didn't hide, he directly raised his hand.

An understatement...

Catch his punch!


Seeing the fist caught by Yun Che, Gates of Mingguangyuan was startled immediately.

Although this punch, he really didn't use much force.

But it won't be easily caught by a human body!

"You only have this little strength?"

After yawning, Yun Che asked casually.

"Damn! Don't underestimate people!"

Seeing that Yun Che still dared to provoke him, Gates of Mingguang Academy was furious.

Withdrawing his fist, he quickly raised his right leg and kicked it away.

This time he showed no mercy.

Instead, go all out, a very vigorous kick!



With a soft sound, his kick was easily caught by Yun Che again!

"To be honest, I can't bear to look at this style of painting."

Shaking his head and laughing, Yun Che vigorously threw away Mingguangyuan Gates' leg. The force made him uncontrollable, and he spun around in mid-air before falling to the ground.

The collision of 14D Tokusho [-] and Two-dimensional animation.

Others may think nothing of it.

But Yun Che, who is a time traveler, finds it strange no matter how he looks at it!

"Well, to make my eyes feel better."

"I'll do what I can, let's go with your style of painting!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Yun Che's body was instantly filled with purple energy like flames.

Next, wrap, shape, shape.

In the end, Yun Che's figure disappeared, and in his place was a purple armored warrior resembling a Kamen Rider!

"Susano, even though this style of painting is somewhat inconsistent."

"But it's a lot better!"

Looking at his own hands, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

The Power Gem allows him to master whatever power he tries to master.

So as early as in Naruto World.

Yun Che already possesses many powers including Sharingan!

Like now, it is nothing more than shrinking the huge Susanoo, and then consolidating the density.

Let the energy armor transform into physical armor.

In other words, the current Yun Che is a small and complete Susanoo!

"who are you?"

"There is no drive around the waist, it's not like Kamen Rider!"

Getting up from the ground, Meiguangyuan Gates frowned and asked.

Everything that happened to Yun Che was completely beyond his understanding!

"I've said it all, I'm just a passing world traveler."

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders and said with a light smile, then quickly rushed to Gates of the Mingguang Academy, and punched him in the face.


Suddenly received a punch.

How could the grumpy Meiguangyuan Gates be able to bear it?

Immediately want to backhand attack!


"Vientiane Tianyin!"

An invisible force pulled his body, causing him to fly uncontrollably in front of Yun Che.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

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