Another invisible force blasted out, and his whole body burst out, directly smashing the stone brick wall beside him to pieces!

that's it.

Vientiane Tianyin, Shenluo Tianzheng.

Suck it in for a while, and smash it out for a while.

Mingguangyuan Gates was like a ball, being thrown around by Yun Che, he was so happy!


"You guy... who the hell are you?!"

After playing for a while, Yun Che seemed to feel bored, so Yun Che stopped the combo combo of Samsara Eyes.

After letting Gates of Mingguangyuan spurt a mouthful of blood, he was freed!

"I won't say the same sentence three times."

"So, don't ask such silly questions anymore."

Looking down at Gates of the Mingguang Institute from a high position, Yun Che smiled slightly.

He knows why it is said that the Erqi has suffered a lot since ancient times.

turn out to be......

The feel of Erqi fighting is so fucking comfortable!

No wonder everyone likes to bully the second cavalry!

Let me ask, who doesn't like sandbags that feel so good?

"You bastard... poof!"

After hearing Yun Che's words, Mingguangyuan Gates' blood surged up.

Immediately, another mouthful of old blood spewed out, and then he was so angry that he canceled his transformation and passed out.


"It's really too weak in the early stage. It seems that at least I have to become a resurrected person to make me feel interesting!"

Yun Che couldn't help shaking his head and sighing after releasing Susano.

Obviously, he is not satisfied with the strength that Mingguangyuan Gates has shown now!

than simple travel.

Yun Che's greater interest is to find someone who is powerful enough to bring him the desire to fight.

And fun opponents!

Although this world still has Decade and the King of Time.

But it's been a while since they showed up...

Seems like it's too early!

"Yun Che, is he dead?"

Leina and Qilin came to Yun Che's side and asked curiously.

"No, just passed out."

Yun Che shook his head and said, then turned his head to look behind, at Tokiwa Sogo who was at a loss:

"come here."

"Big... big man, what's the matter?"

Hearing the words, Tokiwa Sogo trembled and asked in fear.

He who has not yet transformed into Kamen Rider Shi Wang can only be regarded as an ordinary high school student.

Too little contact, too timid!

Of course, Sogo Tokiwa was so scared.

It is not mainly because of timidity.

It was what Yun Che did to Gates of the Mingguang Institute just now...

It's too devilish!

He actually treated a living person as if he were playing with a ball, and in the end he was so angry that he passed out!

Well, right now.

From Tokiwa Sogo's point of view, Yun Che in front of him.

Just a devil!

"Pick him up, wait for someone, and then take us to the nine-to-five class!"

Pointing to the Meiguangyuan Gates who passed out on the ground, Yun Che gave orders to Tokiwa Sogo.

"Ooh! ok ok!"

Hearing the words, Tokipan Zhuangwu immediately gritted his teeth and tried his best to suck.

He helped Meiguangyuan Gates up, and then slowly put him on his back.

"Boss, who are we waiting for?"

Obediently carrying the heavy Meikoin Gates on his back, Sogo Tokiwa asked curiously.

"That's right, Yun Che, who are we waiting for?"

Lena and Qilin also asked curiously.

They couldn't figure out who in this world was worth waiting for Yun Che, or did Yun Che come to this world in the morning and know other people in this world?

"Wait for the same as Mingguangyuan Gates."

"Future man from the future!"

Yun Che said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

And as his words fell, a hole was suddenly opened in the originally calm sky.

Immediately afterwards, a white time demon machine landed.

The hatch is open.

A girl wearing a white gauze dress with black silk and long legs stepped out of it!

"Gates! Don't rush to kill Tokiwa Sogo at this time!"

"We should have other solutions...?!"

The girl who came out of the hatch shouted anxiously.

However, the words were not finished.

She was stunned.


What about the hunt?What about the fight?

Why is the scene in front of her different from what she expected? ? ? .

Chapter 143

Nine to five.

Under the warm greeting of Junichiro Tokiwa, everyone was also polite.

Sitting around the dining table, they tasted a series of pastries and desserts he carefully made.

Well, obviously.

In the world of the King of Time, there are bugs in this old man who can repair everything.

He regarded Yun Che and his party as his nephew's friends.

"Oh! It's delicious!"

“Never had such a delicious dessert!”

"Is there such a good thing in 2019? I don't know it at all!"

Lena, Qilin, and the three girls of Yuedu were eating too much and talking about it with gusto.

Especially Tsukiyomi, in front of Junichiro Tokiwa's delicious desserts, she immediately forgot about Tokiwa Shogo, the king of the magic time, and her good teammate Meikoin Gates!

No wonder it was in the later stage of the King of Time plot.

Monthly reading will add a half character after the month, and it will become fat reading!

Dare to be victimized by Junichiro Tokiwa's food!

You know, in the eyes of women.

The status of desserts is comparable to that of clothing and cosmetics!

"What an unpredictable old man..."

Not just the three girls, but even a big man like Yun Che.

Can't help but marvel at how delicious the desserts are!

He was really curious, who is this Tokiwa Junichiro?

The cooked food is extremely delicious.

The key point is that he can also repair the clock head and the electric car, which are things that ordinary people can't touch and can't understand at all!

To be fair, no matter how you think about it, it's not normal, right?

Moreover, in the original play, when the protagonist and his party encounter difficulties, he can always speak a few words of life principles in a timely manner, and then guide them to enlighten them from certain angles!

At first glance...

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