It's a bit like being omniscient, manipulating the plot, and being a mastermind behind the scenes!

Yun Che is seriously suspicious now.

This Tokiwa Junichiro is the same as Koeijiro, Guang Natsumi's grandfather in the Decade world.

It's the kind of superficially kind old man.

But secretly, there is another identity!

However, this is just speculation and suspicion.

Yun Che did not have any concrete evidence.

"Look at....` ~."

Everyone forgets their identity and tastes Junichiro Tokiwa's food.

Only Meikoin Gates, with fierce eyes, stared at Sogo Tokiwa.

In fact, he was already awake on the way to the nine-to-five class.

And after waking up, remembering that he was abused by Yun Che, he was so angry that he passed out.

Mingguangyuan Gates has such a violent temper, how can he bear it?

Immediately, he gave Yun Che an unfriendly look.


It is conceivable that he was severely taught by Yun Che again.

Therefore, a psychological shadow was left behind, and Gates of Meiguangyuan, who had learned his lesson, no longer dared to stare at Yun Che, but could only stare fiercely at Sougo Tokiwa to vent his hatred!


"Who the hell are you? Why do you keep trying to kill me?"

Being stared at by Meikoin Gates, his body was dripping with cold sweat, Tokiwa Sogo swallowed.

summoned up the courage to ask.

"Cough cough..."

"I'll talk about that later, so let's take a look at this first."

It seems that he remembered his identity and what he should do when he came to this era.

Yuedu coughed in embarrassment, and then took out a tablet that was similar to a tablet, but more advanced than a tablet.

After pressing it for a while, a video was called up and handed to Sogo Tokiwa.

In the video.

A golden Kamen Rider who raised his hand killed countless people.

Destroy the environment and destroy buildings.

To put it bluntly, it was what bad guys should do, and he waved his hand and did it all.

"This...can't be me?"

I remembered Meikoin Gates calling himself the devil before, and Yueyue called up this video for himself to watch.

Tokiwa Sogo, who had some guesses in his heart, swallowed and asked.

"That's right, this person is you in the future!"

"In the future, you will become the king of demons, destroying the world, and the heinous devil king!"

Moonlight nodded

It seemed to be expounding a fact, and said in a firm tone.


Gates did not speak.

But look at his fierce eyes, clenched fists, and clenched crowns.

Obviously, his series of behaviors all show that Sogo Tokiwa is the devil in the video!

"'s impossible!"

"I really want to be a king, but not a wicked demon king!"

After being confirmed, Tokiwa Sogo scratched his head and shouted in disbelief.

He didn't believe that in his future, he would become a demon king who would destroy the world.

This is his original intention to protect his subjects.

Run in the opposite direction!

"Yun Che, is this video real or fake?"

"Why do I look... it doesn't look like it?"

Lena and Qilin asked suspiciously.

No matter how the two of them looked at it, they didn't feel the cowardly Sogo Tokiwa now.

In the future, he will become the vicious demon king in the video.

The two don't match up at all!

"The video is true, and it is also true that he will become the King of Time in the future!"

Yun Che said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tokiwa Shogo is the king of the devils, and the king of the devils is the king of the devils.

This is undeniable.


In the future, the person who commits such brutal acts is not the King of Time!

It's the Time Administration!

They killed half of the world's population, and then pinned this crime on the head of the future Wang Moshi.

That is to say, the king of the time of the devil is a scapegoat, and he put on that sinful crown!

".~Although we really can't connect you in this way with the future Demon King."

"However, after obtaining evidence from multiple sources."

"You are the future king of the devil, there is absolutely no mistake in this point!"

Yuedu said with certainty.

She did ample research before coming.

So there is absolutely no wrong person!

"'s impossible..."

"Don't ask me who Jing Jing is, I just want Jing Jing..."

Said in a daze, Tokiwa Sogo stood up, like a walking dead, and left the morning nine to five hall.


The huge amount of information made him unacceptable.

(Qian Haozhao) So I want to go out for a walk and relax.

"I'm going to spy on him!"

Meiguangyuan Gates, who was worried, turned his head and said to Yuedu.

Then he walked out and quickly followed Sogo Tokiwa.

"I've finished talking about Sogo Tokiwa, now, it's time to talk about you."

"Who are you guys? I haven't seen you in the future, and I can't find any information about you in this era!"

Looking at Tokiwa Shogo and Meikoin Gates who left.

Yue Du turned her head and asked Yun Che and the others suspiciously.

"We are travelers in the world, and we are strangers to the world."

"So whether it is the past, present, or future, it is naturally impossible to record any information about us!"

Yun Che said with a light smile.

"Traveller of the world?"

"That is to are from other worlds?"

Yue Duan heard the words, frowned, and asked thoughtfully.


Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers! ! ! .

Chapter 144

In the world of Kamen Rider, there is the concept of parallel worlds.

In other words, every knight belongs to a world.

It's like the cosmic picture in the original drama of Decade and the ending of Shi Wang.

There are twenty knights in Heisei, so there are twenty earths!

The concept of parallel worlds makes sense in any knight's world.


Time King World, no!

For example, in the world of Decade, Kuuga's world is an independent world, and Faiz's world is also an independent world.

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