Although there are Kamen Riders, the world is different from the world!


In Time King's world, all Kamen Riders seem to be in the same world.

The only difference is that they are in different timelines!

It just feels weird.

The world of the time king alone overturned the concept of the previous nineteen knight worlds.

No matter how you think about it, it feels weird!

"Don't ask too many questions, I'm too lazy to answer."

"Anyway, it's right that we come from other worlds!"

Seeing that Yuedu still wanted to ask questions, Yun Che waved his hand and said impatiently.

He didn't know in Yueyue's thoughts.

Other worlds refer to the worlds of other Kamen Riders.

Or is it referring to the timelines of other Kamen Riders.

Therefore, Yun Che didn't want to talk about this with Yue Du.

After all, things like the world and the timeline, if you really want to talk about it, it's really troublesome!

not to mention......

The concept of the time king world, and the concept of the other nineteen knight worlds.

It's completely different from TM!

"All right......"

Seeing that Yun Che didn't want to say more, Yuedu had no choice but to stop asking.

She also saw the tragic situation of Gates of Mingguang Academy before.

Therefore, in order not to follow in the footsteps of his teammates, Yuedu is very conscientious and chooses to keep silent.

"Yun Che, the main combat force in this world."

"Is it like before, transforming into an armored man called Kamen Rider?"

Lena asked curiously.

"Well, Kamen Rider is the combat power system of this world."

Yun Che nodded his head in disbelief.

"It doesn't feel that strong! Turning into a Kamen Rider, isn't it the same as ordinary people wearing some kind of special armor?"

"Besides hand-to-hand combat, it seems that there is no other ability, right?"

Qilin asked with some doubts.

She clearly remembered that in the space of the crack in the other world, Yun Che said that this time he came to a world of high-end combat power.

But judging from the current situation...

Where is the high-end combat power of Menzi?

Armed hand-to-hand combat can also be considered high-end combat power?

She believed that her male god would not aimlessly, just open his mouth.

But the current combat power shown in this world really disappointed Qi Lin.

She feels that this world is not worthy of the high-end combat power that her male god said!

"Look at things, don't just look at the surface!"

Yun Che touched Qi Lin's head and said with a smile:

"Kamen Rider can be regarded as a product of technology from a certain point of view."

"But in fact, they belong to idealism!"

"Some Kamen Riders can devour planets and strengthen themselves, and some Kamen Riders can easily destroy the world!"

"There are also Kamen Riders who can reshape the time and space of twenty worlds by raising their hands!"

"What's more, he has the power to create the world! He created the world, and he also created human beings!"

Indeed, from the perspective of those who don’t understand.

The Kamen Rider may be regarded as some kind of person wearing special armor.

In addition to hand-to-hand combat, it is still hand-to-hand combat.

But this is a Heisei knight, not a Showa knight!

Heisei knights will pay attention to hand-to-hand combat with you?

What a joke!

All kinds of abilities make you know nothing about your last name!

Ghost's soul.

Ex-Aid games.

Wizard's magic.

Kuuga's nuke kick.

Kabuto's super high speed.

Decade has the ability to destroy the world for no apparent reason.

Do you think this is all a joke?

A negligence, may not even know how to die!

"It' scary..."

After hearing Yun Che's words, Qilin and Leina were stunned.

What devours the planet, strengthens itself, destroys the world easily, can reshape the time and space of twenty worlds with a single hand, and has the power of creation.


In the super god world, no one seems to be able to do it?

Although it sounds unbelievable, they believe that their male gods will not talk nonsense.

So, these are all true!

Dare to love this world, it really belongs to high-end combat power, I and others underestimated it...

"How is it possible... how is it possible to really have this ability..."

In fact, it's not just Qilin and Reina.

Even Yuedu, who was eating melons, was equally shocked.

Different from Qilin and Lena, although she was also shocked by the abnormality of these abilities.

But even more shocking...

It's these abilities, why hasn't she heard of them?

Could it be that a traveler from outside the world knows this world better than an aborigine like her?


No wonder Yuedu didn't know.

After all, it is Evolto who devours the planet and strengthens himself, and it is Decade who easily destroys the world.

The one who can reshape the time and space of twenty worlds with a single raise of his hand is the King of Demons of this period.

And the God of Creation, who possesses the great power of creation, is the black god in the world of Agitw.

None of these people existed in the year 2068 where the monthly readings came from.

Nor among those statues of knights of the Lord of the Devils.

So it's normal if she doesn't know, but if she knows, it's weird!

"It seems... I underestimated the world."

Qilin murmured.

She never expected that this seemingly ordinary world of knights.

The water in the dark is actually so deep!

"Yun Che, do those people you mentioned really exist?!"

Yueyue asked with a very urgent expression.

In her opinion, if the people Yun Che said really existed.

Then fighting against the future King of Time is just a matter of sprinkled water!

Even fighting alone is not an opponent.

But beating up the head office, right?

Having mastered such a terrifying ability, it doesn't mean that he won't be able to defeat the King of Time in a beating, right?

"They do exist, but not in this world."

"So give up, your small thoughts are useless."

Yun Che shook his head, and said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

He actually had a bold guess.

Why is it that among the twenty knights in Heisei, only the concept of Shiwang's world is different?

Why among the twenty knights in Heisei, only Time King is a timeline, not a parallel world?

is it possible......

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