The world of the King of Time is a small part that has been integrated into other worlds to form a big world?

In other words, those knights in Time King's world timeline are indeed knights.

However, it is not the original knight!

For example, a Build is indeed a Build, but not a Build of the Build world!

If you go this way....

It seems that in the world of Shikio, apart from the protagonist and his party, only Kamen Yashi is the real Kamen Rider, the real Kamen Rider Decade!

after all......

He is a traveler with a dimensional wall! .

Chapter 145

Bold ideas took root in Yun Che's mind.


However, without evidence, this can only be established as speculation.

Specifically, we still have to wait for the follow-up development to see if we can dig out the conclusive truth before we can know the real answer.

"Are you not in this world...-.."

"That's such a pity—..."

Seeing that his thoughts were in vain, Yuedu sighed in disappointment.

Although I never thought it would be successful.

But it's a ray of hope, a possibility, a way out, isn't it?

"By the way... Yueyue, shouldn't you take a look at that tablet?"

"Since just now, it has been shining brightly!"

At this time, it seemed that he had noticed something.

Reina pointed to the high-tech tablet of Yueyue and said.

"Huh? This is..."

After hearing the words, Yuedu came back to her senses and opened the tablet.

Immediately afterwards, her expression changed from being suspicious at the beginning to serious in an instant!

"Gates and Zhuang Wu met a strange knight outside!"

Looking at Yun Che, Yue Du frowned and said in a serious tone.

She hoped that Yun Che could go with him and help deal with the strange knights.

"Look at me for what?"

"The strange knight will appear as soon as it appears, it has nothing to do with me!"

Yun Ce shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"All right......"

Seeing Yun Che's indifferent attitude, Yue Du sighed in disappointment.

Then he got up and prepared to leave the nine-to-five class to support Tokiwa Shogo and Meikoin Gates.

However, at this moment.

"However... I am quite interested in Shi Wang's first transformation!"

As soon as the subject changed, Yun Che smiled and stood up, looking at Leina and Qilin:

"Let's go and see the weirdos in this world."

"The positioning is similar to Taotie, but they are much more useful than Taotie!"


Leina and Qilin nodded upon hearing this, then got up and left with Yun Che.

Looking at the back of them leaving, Yuedu was stunned for a few seconds, and couldn't help laughing:

"What a dishonest man!"

Well, Yuedu took Yun Che's behavior as dishonesty.

But in fact.

It's not that Yun Che is not being frank, but it's just like what he said just now, he just wants to witness Shi Wang's first transformation!

As for the civilians in this world?

What does this have to do with Yun Che!

Rescuing them is the job of the hero of justice, Kamen Rider.

Nothing to do with the travelers of his world!

On the other side, on a street, a strange knight who was turned into a different kind of Build by Ur the Time Robber.

Wreak havoc!

Meikoin Gates turned into a Kamen Rider and fought with him.

Just started.

He can also easily suppress different Builds.

But since the alien Build was kicked by his knight, TimeBurst killed him once, and was resurrected again, the situation has been reversed directly!

The alien Build that has been revived for the second time has stronger power than before.

After just a few rounds of confrontation, Mingguangyuan Gates was brutally suppressed!

"Damn! Is this bastard immortal?!"

With a kick, the alien Build was barely repelled, Meiguangyuan Gates cursed through gritted teeth.

"Hahaha! You are not my opponent, you should die obediently!"

He nonchalantly patted the place where he was kicked just now.

The alien Build laughed loudly, the energy in his hands condensed into a basketball, and he slammed it out.

"Before you kill the King of Time!"

"I... can't die yet!"

Roaring angrily, after avoiding the attack of the exploding basketball.

Mingguangyuan Gates took out a watch head again:



"Kaigaan Ghost!"

Transformed into the form of Ghost armor, Gates of Meikoin once again met with a different kind of Build.

This time, he was no longer hung up and beaten, but returned to the original fighting situation, fighting back and forth!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Why do I have no power! No power... How can I become a king, how can I protect my subjects!"

Hiding behind, Sogo Tokiwa watched Meikoin Gates and the alien Build who were fighting.

Jumping around in a hurry.

Even from Yueyue, I learned that in the future, after I have power, I will become a vicious big devil who will destroy the world.

But so what?

Sogo Tokiwa wants to gain power right now!

he wants to get...

The power to protect your subjects!

Instead of sitting on the sidelines powerless like now, with more intentions but insufficient strength!

"Your Majesty the Demon King, it have already thought it through!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

Turning around, I saw a young man dressed in black appearing here.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"You are......"

Tokiwa Sogo's pupils shrank slightly.

He remembered very clearly that it was the man in front of him before, telling himself, be careful of the red robot!

And the red robot, he did meet later.

It is the Gates of Meikoin who comes from the future and wants to hunt down and kill him!

"My name is Woz."

"Your Majesty the Demon King, are you ready to become a king?"

Heywards first introduced himself in a short way, and then asked straight to the point with a smile.


"I... have to be the king!"

Tokiwa Sogo nodded without hesitation, and said firmly.

"Very good! Your Majesty the Demon King, please use it!"

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