And, if memory serves me.


All Kamen Rider Transformers are like this, right? .

Chapter 162

think carefully……

It seems to be true!

All Kamen Rider transformers know how to use the drive once they get it!

Sogo Tokiwa was like this before.

The same is true for Qilin now!

Obviously no one taught them how to use it, but it seemed as if they were born with it, and they transformed subconsciously as soon as they got it.

how to say?

It seems a little thoughtful and frightening...

However, curiosity is curiosity, nothing more.

Anyway, it is harmless and does not pose any threat, and Yun Che does not intend to continue to investigate further.

"How is it? Do you feel much stronger than before?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and asked.

He went through all this effort to get the AIMS shooting sublimator, not to mention that he wanted Qilin's level of strength to be significantly improved in the Crystal Palace.

But at the very least, there must be a certain amount of self-protection.

after all……

Among all the women, she seems to have the lowest combat power. Although she doesn't say it, she will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Disharmony in the Crystal Palace was not what Yun Che wanted to see.

"Well, I don't know how many times stronger!"


"I used to be effective only when I had a weapon! But now, even without a weapon, I can still fight!"

Qilin nodded, feeling very happy.

The arrival of the AIMS shooting sublimator can be said to enhance the advantages and make up for the shortcomings!

Not only the overall strength has improved.

Even if you get close, you still have the power to fight!

"Yunche Yunche! What about me? Do I have one?"

Seeing that Qilin has successfully transformed from a genetic warrior of the Kamigawa generation to a Kamen Rider.

Reina's eyes suddenly twinkled with little stars, and her face looked longing.

"You have an awl!"

"With your strength, you don't need a drive at all."

Yun Che was a little funny and gave her a crazy blow.

"But it's cool!"

Reina was so eager that she was almost drooling.

In fact, she also knows that with her own strength, she doesn't need the drive boost at all.

But can't stand it...

Transformation is very handsome, very cool!

Her character, I like this kind of thing the most!

"No drives needed, your flare bombs are cool too!"

"You are the sun goddess, the prettiest boy in this Gai!"

Yun Che shook his head, forced a smile and said foolishly.

It's not that he doesn't want to help Leina get another drive, but he really can't think of any knight's drive that is suitable for Leina.

Furthermore, with her own strength, she really didn't need it!

In short, it is not affordable!

"Really? Without a drive, I'm also the prettiest boy..."

"No, is she the prettiest girl?"

When Lena heard this, she scratched her head half-understanding.

"Yes yes yes! You are the prettiest girl!"

Seeing that the fooling was successful, Yun Che nodded hastily.

"Rena, even without a drive, you are the coolest!"

Qilin released her transformation and agreed with a smile.


"Then I don't need the driver! Anyway, regardless of whether she can transform or not, this goddess is the coolest and most beautiful girl!"


Hearing my male god and good sisters, since they all said so.

Lena immediately put aside the previous idea of ​​wanting to drive, and she was very second, or confidently pointed her fingers to the sky, and laughed loudly.

"That's right!"

Yun Che and Qi Lin looked at each other.

They all let out a sigh of relief.

To be fair, if Reina insisted on asking for the driver, then they really didn't know what to do.

You can't really get one, can you?

If I remember correctly.

It seems that only the Kamen Rider BlackRX known as the Son of the Sun is related to the sun.

But if she really got a BlackRX driver for Leina, I'm afraid she wouldn't think it was cool, but would cry, crying terribly!

Alright, let's not talk about Yun Che for now.

the other side.

The little Tokiwa Sogo, who stayed in 2068, was dissatisfied with the future apocalyptic situation, so he grabbed the old Tokiwa Sogo and made nonsense in a rage.

And the end result is obvious.

It was just a violent beating, and then it was thrown back to the timeline of 2018 like a waste.

"Hiss... pain, pain, pain!"

"In the future, I really don't show mercy at all. I can beat myself so hard!"

On the street in 2018.

Just being thrown out from the gate of time and space, Tokiwa Sogo, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, held his buttocks and gasped.

Obviously, he was severely repaired by his future self.

"That guy is the devil king, even if he is cruel to himself, it is not surprising."

Tsukiyomi shrugged, and then looked suspiciously at Gates of Meiguangyuan:

"What's wrong with you? You haven't said a word since just now."

"The gap in strength between me and Yun too great!"

Meiguangyuan Gates clenched his fists, with a look of unwillingness:

"He was able to defeat the King of the Devils at full strength, but I couldn't even fight against the King of the Devils who was injured!"

It wasn't just Sogo Tokiwa before.

He also joined in the battle against the Demon King.

However, even if it was a two-on-one match, they were still easily dealt with by the King of Demons, which hit his self-esteem deeply!

"Isn't this normal?"

"Forgot how we were hammered by the boss before?"

Tokiwa Sogo shrugged and said indifferently.

Even though he was beaten up by his future self, he was more or less upset.

But maybe it's because of his personality, he's still not angry, furious, or dejected.

"You bastard……"

Hearing Sogo Tokiwa's "heartless" words, Meikoin Gates' forehead suddenly burst into blue veins:

"I'm different from you! I have a mission that must be fulfilled!"

"Maybe I am not the opponent of the King of Time, but as long as I kill you, everything will be over!"

Tokiwa Sogo can not care about anything, because he is the future Demon King.

But Meiguangyuan Gates can't!

As one of the only human beings left in 2068, and even as a member of the rebel army, he must do his best to overthrow the rule of the devil!

"Okay, okay! Both of you, give me a break!"

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