Looking at the two people who are about to fight, their bows are drawn.

Yuedu hurriedly stepped in the middle, acting as a peacemaker, and pulled them away.

At this moment, she finally understood what it meant not to be afraid of opponents like gods, but to be afraid of teammates like pigs.


This kind of teammate who quarrels after a disagreement, and even wants to fight, understand?

With such a lineup, how could it be possible to successfully defeat the big boss?

It feels like going home to wash and sleep is more reliable!

"It would be great if we could replace these two guys with Yun Che..."

He cast a glance at Tokiwa Sogo and Meikoin Gates, who were flirting with each other.

Yuedu's eyes were resentful, and he muttered to himself.

Yun Che, do cheaters understand?

As long as he can be added to the lineup, no matter how bad the teammates are, they will definitely be able to defeat the big boss and successfully unlock the achievement of clearing the level without injury!


As a cheating player, Yun Che seems to disdain to form a team with a group of low-end players like himself? .

Chapter 163

Although because of the insertion of Yun Che and others.

Some plots have changed slightly.

But the overall line is still in accordance with the development progress in the original drama.

Yun Che and the others were leisurely enjoying a comfortable "retirement life" in the pastoral world, while Tokiwa Shogo and the others encountered the second strange knight created by the Time Tribulator.

Heterogeneous Ex-Aid!

"Devil King, how many times have you died?"

"Can you do it!"

In the nine-to-five hall, I watched the game characters controlled by Sogo Tokiwa die again and again.

Meiguangyuan Gates yelled impatiently.

"proceed if you can!"

"This game is so difficult, it's not for people to play at all!"

Tokiwa Sogo spread his hands and said helplessly.

He didn't want to die like this once.

You can find a different type of Ex-Aid after clearing the level.

But this is too fucking difficult for the handicapped party!

"Oh, my brain hurts..."

Tsukiyomi covered her face with a wry smile.

She was really speechless.

Of these two pig teammates, one is good at playing games, and the other doesn't know how to play at all!

Even though I won't...

But it doesn't matter!

What's important is that with their lineup, let alone the final big boss, they might not even be able to beat the mobs in front of them!

Is this still playing with wool?

No gaming experience at all!

"I said, instead of wasting time here, why don't we go directly to the boss for help?"

Tokiwa Sogo suggested.

After a series of events before, Yun Che's position in his heart already belonged to that kind of omnipotent existence.

When encountering something that cannot be solved, go to Yun Che, he will surely find a solution!

without any exaggeration.

This has almost become Sogo Tokiwa's current code of conduct!


"Can't go to him!"

Sogo Tokiwa just finished his proposal, and Tsukuyomi hasn't expressed his opinion yet.

Mingguangyuan Gates took the lead in vetoing:

"First of all, Yun Che comes and goes without a trace, how do you know where to find him'~?"

"Secondly, he's just good at fighting!"

"This time he's playing games, not fighting. How can you be sure that his gaming level is as good as his fighting level?"

"So, in order not to waste time, just pass this proposal!"

Mingguangyuan Gates' remarks, although they sound reasonable and well-founded, are convincing enough.

But in fact.

It's just a cover up!

It is completely different from Tokiwa Sogo. After experiencing a series of events before, Meiguangin Gates is inferior to Yun Che in everything, so now he will have an inexplicable sense of inferiority when facing Yun Che!

And this feeling of inferiority made him suffer a lot.

So, anyway.

Gates of Mingguang Academy didn't want to face Yun Che unless it was necessary!

"Although it sounds reasonable."

"But why do I always feel...something is wrong?"

Scratching his head, Tokiwa Sogo asked thoughtfully.

"It's not that something is wrong, it's that everything is wrong!"

Yuedu rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"Gates, I know you don't want to face Yun Che, but in this situation, you can't help but play your temper!"

In 2068, a companion of the Rebels.

How could Yuedu fail to guess what Gates of Mingguangyuan was thinking?

"Damn it! Yuedu, we are companions!"

Jianyuedu didn't give himself any face, and directly exposed the truth and uncovered his old background.

Mingguangyuan Gates immediately made a bitter face.

"Don't talk about these things!"

"In short, judging from the current situation, if we want to solve the heterogeneous Ex-Aid, we can only rely on Yun Che!"

Waving his hand, Yuedu said very seriously.

"Alright alright!"

"But we don't know how to find that guy, this is an undeniable fact!"

Meiguangyuan Gates shrugged helplessly.

If no one can be found, how can we rely on him to solve the strange knight?


With Yun Che's character of following one's inclinations, whether he will help or not is a matter of choice!

"Indeed, it's a big problem."

Yue Duan heard the words, frowned and nodded.

She suddenly regretted it, why didn't she ask Yun Che for his contact information during the previous meetings?

Although as a girl.

It's not very embarrassing to take the initiative to ask a man for his contact information.

But I have to admit that sometimes, she really needs his help!

"So, it's better to ask for others than to ask for ourselves. We can't find Yun Che, so we can only figure it out..."

"Yo, I heard you are looking for me?"

Just when Mingguangyuan Gates was secretly proud and felt that he didn't have to face Yun Che.

A familiar voice that made him feel desperate suddenly sounded from behind.

"Big guy!"

"Yun Che?!"

Looking at Yun Che who suddenly appeared behind Mingguangyuan Gates, and his two female companions.

Tokiwa Sogo and Tsukiyomi exclaimed immediately.

"You guy..."

Clutching his startled little heart, Gates of Mingguangyuan stared at Yun Che with resentful eyes.

".~Boss, why are you here?"

"We've just been discussing you, who did you hear from?"

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