stand still!

Except for Aura, everyone was unable to move!

Of course, Yun Che, Qilin, and Leina are not included among all the people here!

"Wow! Yun Che, she can also control time!"

He looked at Tsukiyomi and Tokiwa Sogo who were motionless beside him, and Meikoin Gates who was frozen in the middle of running while raising his fist.

Lena said in surprise.

In her cognition, the special skill of controlling time seems to be only possessed by Yun Che.

And now.

Aura was the second person she saw besides her male god who could control time.

So it's normal to be surprised or something.

"Is this also called controlling time?"

"Leina, you seem to have misunderstood time control!"

Yun Che shook his head and laughed.

Stopping for a mere hour can also be called control time?


Except for the time stop, the time robber has no fart at all, okay!

Tell them to take a look at the hour?

Tell them to control the whole world and see the dense timeline?

They know a lot!

They are obviously a group of cubs who don't know anything about time, but they insist on taking a name like Time Robber, which sounds very compelling, which is really an insult to the magical ability of time!

"Although I don't know much about time."

"However, I can feel that her control over time is not as good as Yun Che's!"

Qilin said thoughtfully.

She couldn't tell the specifics.

Anyway, I feel that Ola is definitely not as good as her male god!

"Ale? Why can you still talk and act?"

Looking at Yun Che and his party who were talking there to themselves, Aura asked with a confused face:

"I've obviously stopped! They can't even move!"

"Why are you not affected at all?"

Just like Reina was surprised to see the second person who can control time.

At this time, Ola was also surprised to see the first person who was not affected by the time stop!

In her cognition, her time stop has never failed.

Be it Kamen Rider or Alien Rider, almost all of them can be stopped by time.

If you want to talk about people who can't be stopped by time...

It seems that there are only the Time King, and the Time Robber who is more advanced than her, Swarutz!


The three people in front of me are not the King of Time and Swaruz!

Bewildered, completely bewildered.

At this time, on Aura's face, the word "dumb" was written clearly and plainly in capital letters!

"Why should we be affected by Timestop?"

"Have you ever seen a bronze can beat a king?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, and smiled with great interest.

This metaphor is really not an exaggeration at all.

If Yun Che's level of controlling time is the king, then Aura is really bronze!

Don't talk about her.

Even if her immediate boss Swaruz came, it would be silver at most!

"Are you also Time Robbers?"

"No, no! Apart from us, there are no other Time Robbers!"

"Where are you sacred?!"

Aura frowned, and asked with a vigilant look...

"We are not divine, we are just passing world travelers!"

Yun Che shrugged, and said with a nonchalant smile.

As for what Aura said, there are no other Time Raiders except us...

Yun Che said that ignorance limited her imagination!

The strongest tool man......


It was mentioned by the strongest time robber, understand?

To be reasonable, Swaruz had to rely on the Dimensional Wall to hide his skills, but to mention it, he just stopped pinching his skills.

In terms of ability, he is not weaker than Swaruz at all, not to mention he has mind control skills!

But on the brain side...

just forget it!

Swaruz completely crushed Tide, otherwise he wouldn't be called the strongest tool man......

"A passing world traveler..."

"Huh! It's inexplicable! Alien Ex-Aid, give it to me!"

Aura said unhappily, Shi Ting, who directly came into contact with a different kind of Ex-Aid, ordered him to attack Yun Che and others.

"Well, the appearance is not bad, but this temper is too violent."

Shaking his head and sighing, Yun Che casually raised his hand.

The purple energy representing the power gem bursts out.

In the blink of an eye, the alien Ex-Aid rushing forward was instantly crushed into powder!

Unlike the previous heterogeneous Build, this time he did not mobilize the power of the time gem to crush the timeline, that is to say, the heterogeneous Ex-Aid did not really die.

He can still start the meter again, and he can be resurrected three times.

And the reason for doing so.

It was because Yun Che felt that if he helped Sougo Tokiwa and the others solve the strange knights again.

Then wouldn't he become the same as mentioned, the strongest tool man?


Needless to say, I understand everything.

"I advise you not to think about trouble with us."

"Otherwise, you will die miserably!"

A sneer hung on the corner of Yun Che's mouth.

For the King of Time, his senses are not bad.

But for the time hijackers...

I'm sorry, Yun Che hates this kind of disgusting person who likes to do tricks in secret!

Especially Swaruz!

Therefore, Yun Che had no intention of killing the King of Time.

But time robbers... that's hard to say!

If this group of arrogant cubs dare to make trouble for themselves and others.

Hehe, kill without mercy! .

Chapter 167

"You guy..."

Seeing Yun Che with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Aura really wanted to say some harsh words.

However, he remembered the fierce operation of the other party who directly wiped out the alien Ex-Aid with a wave of his hand, so that there was not even a wisp of ashes left.

Ola finally held back.

She comforted herself in her heart, this is not cowardice, but from the heart!

In the face of an unknown and powerful enemy, it is a wise person's way to control one's own hands, feet, mouth and eyes!

"Actually, I'm still a very kind person."

"If you don't provoke me, I will naturally not take the initiative to trouble you!"

"So... Ola, go back and tell Swaruz that curiosity killed the cat!"

The threat in Yun Che's words was not concealed at all.

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