The so-called curiosity killed the cat, to put it bluntly, is to warn Ola, or to warn all time robbers including Ola, especially Swaruz.

Don't investigate yourself just out of curiosity.

Otherwise, you will die!

"Hmph! No one has ever dared to threaten me!"

"Just wait for me! One day, I will get the place back!"

Snorting unhappily, Aura turned around directly and left quickly without looking back.

Letting out this ruthless sentence, already 14 is her last courage.

As for why he ran away after speaking...

Isn't that bullshit!

Don't run and wait for others to collect the body for you!

"Tsk! Why are most good-looking people so bad-tempered?"

Yun Che helplessly shook his head.

What he said was very realistic.

People like Keisha, Tsunade, Morgana, and Kaguya Otsutsuki, if you say they are beautiful, they must be too beautiful to talk about.

But in the same way, each of them has a different temper!

Keisha is arrogant, Tsunade is addicted to gambling, Morgana is irritable, and Otsuki Kaguya is cold.

If it's normal, then it's fine.

But the point is, they all brought this bad temperament to the extreme!


No one is perfect, that's what it means!

"I think it's normal. If everything is available, it would be an exaggeration."

"Although angels are known as the most perfect creatures, like Kaisha and Yan, they also have some shortcomings."

Qilin shrugged and expressed her opinion.

Qilin didn't refute what her male god said, that beautiful women have bad tempers.

Because she is quite confident in her appearance.

But at the same time, she can also see her own shortcomings!

"No! Goddess, I am perfect!"

"The kind that is so perfect that you can't find any flaws at all!"

Lena puffed out her chest and smiled confidently.

"If you say something like that, you're not perfect anymore."

"But, I like it."

After touching Leina's head, Yun Che shook his head and laughed.

Indeed, from a certain point of view, Reina is a more perfect type.

Because of her temperament, she can't be regarded as really bad.

And the arrogance is bad, but now, it has been corrected as stupid and cute.

"not understand well."

Scratching her head, Reina was stunned.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, you will gradually understand later."

"Come on, let's go home!"

Yun Che laughed, and then directly used the power of the soul gem in this game world to open a passage to the pastoral world.

The purpose of going out this time was to let Qilin get acquainted with the battle.

Now that the goal has been achieved, they have no reason to stay here.

Let the rest of the matter, Tokiwa Shogo and his party solve it by themselves!

As for why Baosheng Yuanmeng, the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid transformer that should have appeared, did not appear this time, then Yun Che was not clear.

He doesn't need any gauges anyway, so...

who cares!

On the other side, Aura, who had successfully escaped from Yun Che's clutches, came to a tavern out of breath.

Here is the default gathering place for the three Time Robbers.

"Hey! Ola, why is your face so pale? It's broad daylight, did you see a ghost?"

After stopping the entire tavern, Ur asked with a smile on his face.

Their conversations with the robbers should not be known to ordinary people, so it is normal operation to stop the tavern from time to time.

"Oh, hell?"

Shaking her head, Ola sneered and said:

"I met a guy scarier than a ghost!"

In Ola's eyes, is ghost counting?If the other party dares to come out, she dares to stop!

But Yun Che is different.

For this mysterious and powerful guy who is immune to time-stop...

Ola thinks, he's scarier than a ghost!

One must know that Time Ting is her only ability, and in front of Yun Che who is immune to Time Ting, she is equivalent to a little girl with no strength to restrain her.

Just ask, can this TM not be afraid?

"Oh? Someone scarier than a ghost?"

"It seems very interesting... Ola, let's hear it!"

Swaruz shook the beer glass, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and he smiled with interest.

As the conspirator and villain who runs through the entire plot of Time King, although he is confident, everything is under his control.

However, if there is no unexpected situation, it is best not to appear!

You know, conspirators, the most annoying thing is unprepared emergencies!

"Just now, when I was going to deal with the new king I supported, the alien Ex-Aid, I encountered..."

Taking a glass of refreshing beer down, Ola exhaled, and slowly vomited out her previous encounters one by one like countless treasures.

Including Yun Che's immune time stop, waving his hands to eliminate the strange knights, and a series of threatening words in the follow-up.

She told Ur and Swaruz all about it.

"I don't know his name, but he calls himself a traveler of the world!"

At the end, Ola's expression was cold, her legs trembling uncontrollably!

She really wanted to tear Yun Che in half who dared to threaten her.

However, Yun Che's previous sneer and words, like the face and whispers of a devil, kept lingering in her eyes and ears.

She hates, but more, she is afraid!

"The...traveler of the world..."

Swaruz's face was gloomy, and he muttered to himself thoughtfully.

The thing he least expected happened!

In this world, chess pieces that are out of control and not within his arrangement appear!

"Let me guess, does the person you mentioned have two beautiful female companions?"

After thinking for a while, Ur asked curiously.

"That's right! How do you know?"

Aura nodded and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I met him when I founded a different kind of Build before!"

"how to say?"

"That guy... is an existence with destructive power!"

Ur shrugged:

"According to what you just said, when he dealt with the alien Ex-Aid, he just waved his hand."

"But before, when I was fighting against a different kind of Build, I saw his true power with my own eyes!"

"Although I don't know if I'm going all out, but it's no exaggeration to say that as long as he's around, the King of the Devils will definitely not be a threat!"

Among the three Time Robbers, two have their own thoughts.

There is only Ur who really wants to support a new king and overthrow the king of Fengmoshi.

how to say......

This honest boy who looks like a girl is actually quite pitiful.

He belongs to the kind of innocent guy who doesn't even know when he is sold by his teammates. .

Chapter 168

Time flies, time flies.

As the saying goes, the flow rate of unhappy time is tick tock.

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