"Indeed, the me now is not as good as them in the Trinity!"

Qilin nodded irrefutably:

"Leina, the reason why you think they are weak is because their opponents are too strong!"

"If it's me now, facing that Kamen Rider Ginga, the battle process may be more difficult than theirs!"

Formidable is powerful, weak is weak, Qilin's heart is not fragile.

On the contrary, she is very self-aware.

She is well aware of what stage of strength she is currently in!

"That's right... I don't quite understand these things!"

Reina scratched her head and laughed when she heard that.

As the goddess who controls the power of the sun, her battles are always simple and rough.

There is no comparable hand-to-hand combat, this kind of brainless attack method.

Anyway, if you can't win, just throw a flare bomb directly on the opponent's face and you're done! .

Chapter 172

The third king of the Trinity, and the Kamen Rider Ginga who came from space.

The battle between them was overwhelming.

Kamen Rider Ginga pressed Shi Wang Sankai on the ground and frantically rubbed and exploded the hammer throughout the whole process.

In less than 10 minutes, Tokiwa Shogo and the others suffered a burst of galaxy energy, and were forced to cancel their transformation after being bombarded. They lay on the ground in embarrassment, screaming and wailing!

"Damn! Woz, you are right, this guy is definitely not human!"

"How can there be such a perverted person!"

Clutching his sore buttocks, Tokiwa Shogo had a resentful expression on his face.

"Hmph! I don't believe I can't beat him!"

Meiguangyuan Gates resisted the pain in his body and stood up grinning.

He took out the space-time drive and the resurrection driver's control meter.

He felt that the reason why Shi Wang Sanjie couldn't defeat Kamen Rider Ginga was because the three of them didn't have enough tacit understanding, and they were easily confused when fighting.

And if I were alone, I might be able to win!

"Gates, better not do this!"

"We were originally beaten and released forcibly. If we transform again, it will cause a great burden on our bodies!"

Haywards dissuaded.

If you cancel the transformation by yourself and then transform again, it's nothing.

But if one is forced to forcibly remove 14 transformations, and then transforms again, the concept is different.

To put it simply, the body cannot bear this burden!

What's more, the resurrected man's control of the meter itself is at the expense of compressing the user's time in order to obtain more powerful power.

If Meiguangyuan Gates insists on going his own way and insists on forcibly transforming into a resurrected person.

Well, it's no exaggeration to say.

It is very likely that he will bleed from all seven orifices, GG in place!

"Woz is right, Gates, if you transform again, you will most likely die!"

Yun Che, who was watching the battle from behind, laughed lightly at the right time.

"I...will I die..."

Holding the time-space driver and the resurrection driver's driving watch, Meiguangyuan Gates hesitated.

Originally, he was determined to defeat Kamen Rider Ginga, but Heyworth's words made him hesitate.

And Yun Che's words became the last straw that overwhelmed him!

People will die eventually, but if they can live, who wants to die?

At least......

Meiguangyuan Gates is not ready to die yet!

"Okay, you can obediently stay aside with Zhuang Wu and the others and watch."

"He... is my joy!"

Stepping forward, he patted Meiguangin Gates on the shoulder. Yun Che looked directly at Kamen Rider Ginga, with purple flames boiling on his body, and his tone was inexplicably excited.

Salted fish for so long.

His heart is a little itchy, his body is a little rusty, and he can't help but want to move around!

"Everything will perish...that is the only absolute law!"

He didn't care whether his opponent had changed.

Kamen Rider Ginga turned his hands, and once again condensed a cloud of galaxy energy, blasting towards Yun Che.


Accompanied by the sound of the explosion, the flames and smoke are everywhere!

Whether it's Tokiwa Sogo, Tsukiyomi, or Heyworth, they are not worried about the safety of Meikoin Gates at all, because they all know who is the person standing in front of him!

And Lena and Qilin are even less worried.

They have [-]% confidence in their male gods!

"Is he the guy you said before, the guy with terrifying strength?"

"It disappeared for so long, and it appeared again!"

Among the Time Robbers who were watching the battle from far behind, Swaruz smiled disdainfully and said:

"But... Ur, Ola, I don't think he's as powerful as you say."

"You can't even dodge, you're probably dead!"

Swaruz didn't know exactly what strength Yun Che had, but as a conspirator, he really wished that Yun Che would die on the spot right now.

Unexpected, out-of-control chess pieces are what he hates and fears the most!

"No, no, he can't die, Swaruz, you underestimate him!"

Ur shook his head and said confidently.

He admits that Kamen Rider Ginga is very strong, stronger than all the alien knights they have supported so far.

But compared to Yun Che...

Still too far away!

Although the two sides are considered to be hostile camps, Ur, who has seen Yun Che's mighty power, has to admit that the strength of the other party is far beyond what he and others can match!

"He came out this time for fun, and Kamen Rider Ginga is his fun."

"Have you ever seen someone get beaten to death by their own fun?"

Ola raised an eyebrow.

Although there is some grievance with Yun Che, let's discuss the matter.

Like Ur, she has 100% confidence in Yun Che's victory!

"You two..."

Hearing this, Swaruz couldn't help but cast a deep glance at Ur and Ola.

He really wanted to ask them, which side do you two belong to when raising the enemy's morale and destroying his prestige?

However, since they all spoke so confidently, they were even so confident that it could be called mysterious.

Then Swaruz also decided not to say any more, he intends to see with his own eyes whether Yun Che's strength is really as powerful as they said!

Seems to be in response to Ur and Orla's confidence.

With the dispersal of fire and gunpowder smoke.

A purple warrior figure stood intact in place!

It was Yun Che's miniature Susanoo!

And behind him, Gates of Mingguangyuan was unscathed except his face was blackened by the smoke!

"Come on, let me see how capable you are!"

After beckoning, Yun Che casually challenged Kamen Rider Ginga.

"Everything...will be wiped out!"

After repeating the same sentence for an unknown number of times, Kamen Rider Ginga once again condensed a cloud of galaxy energy, and slammed into Yun Che fiercely.

"Don't you get tired of throwing this all the time?"

"And...do you think you will?"

Shaking his head helplessly, unlike Kamen Rider Ginga's hands twirling.

Just by raising his hand, Yun Che directly condensed a cloud of galaxy energy!

And in terms of thickness and size, it is much larger than what Kamen Rider Ginga condensed!

"how is this possible?!"

Seeing this scene, Kamen Rider Ginga, who had always been like a machine and had no emotion, finally changed his mood!

He never expected that Yun Che would do this move!

Moreover, the condensed quality is better than the naked eye can see!

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