
Not only Kamen Rider Ginga was shocked.

Even the time robber Swaruz, who was watching the battle from afar, was shocked!

An unrealistic idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Is it...

Can Yun Che copy other people's attacks at will? !

In fact, Yun Che can indeed!

There are too many to go into detail, in short, let's understand the power gem's ability? .

Chapter 173

Kamen Rider Ginga and Yun Che's two galaxy energy balls collided in midair.

They did not explode immediately.

It's like quantum entanglement, tightly sticking together!

However, this state didn't last long. Soon, Yun Che's big galaxy energy swallowed Kamen Rider Ginga's small galaxy energy just like the female praying mantis eating the male mantis during mating!

After strengthening himself, without stopping, he directly copied Kamen Rider Ginga and bombed away!


Accompanied by a violent explosion.

Kamen Rider Ginga, who was originally an awesome group, was directly blown to the ground.

Lie on the ground and eat dirt with a face full of embarrassment!

"How is it possible! I represent the will of the universe!"

Punching hard on the ground, Kamen Rider Ginga's face was full of disbelief.

Overturned by the people on the earth with their own moves.

This made him completely unacceptable!

"Hey, hey, you can't do this, can you?"

"That didn't even count as a warm-up!"

Yun Che's words sounded like he was mocking, but in fact, he really didn't mean any mocking!

He was really just simply disappointed, disappointed that Kamen Rider Ginga couldn't do it like this.


"You damn guy, who do you look down on!"

Angrily slapped the ground, Kamen Rider Ginga no longer bombarded with galaxy energy as before.

Instead, he leaned forward and planned to start a 1V1 hand-to-hand battle with Yun Che between real men!

"That's what makes it interesting!"

Yun Che smiled with great interest, directly raised his fist, and fisted with Kamen Rider Ginga.

The two fists collided, generating vibration aftermath.

Kicking with both feet creates vibrations and waves.

The simple and rough hand-to-hand combat caused Yun Che and Kamen Rider Ginga to cause widespread damage!

The outskirts, which originally belonged to the mountainous wasteland, are even more barren at this time, and even the mud and rocks are cracked by the aftermath!

To this, Tokiwa Sogo and Reina were not shocked.

The former is because in 2068, I have seen a more exaggerated scale than this.

The latter is because he knows Yun Che's terrifying power better than anyone else.

However, they are not shocked, which does not mean that the time robbers and the alien Kiva who are secretly hiding in the distance and quietly watching the battle are not shocked!

On the Time Robber's side, Aura and Ur are fine, after all, they have already been mentally prepared.

As for Swaruz, he has already begun to grit his teeth and think about how to get rid of this unplanned pawn!

The heterogeneous Kiva, that is, Yuko Kitajima, is much simpler.

She directly chose to ignore Yun Che and escape from reality.

Because as proud as she is, she doesn't even have any confidence that she can beat Yun Che!

"It hurts my feet~!"

On the battlefield, Yun Che, who didn't know what was going on in the minds of the spectators, kicked Kamen Rider Ginga viciously with a strange kick, and stuck him on the barren mountain.

"Although you are not as strong as the old dog who meets the devil, you are not bad!"

After stretching his almost rusty muscles and bones, Yun Che said with a relaxed smile.


Struggling to break free from the barren mountain, Kamen Rider Ginga's lungs were about to explode.

Although I don't know who the old devil-meaning dog Yun Che is talking about is.

But he could clearly feel that the other party clearly looked down on him!

"I must represent the will of the universe and destroy you!"

With a roar, Kamen Rider Ginga faced the sun and released 100% of the power in his body.

"Oh! Yes, you use the sun as your active energy source!"

Nodding thoughtfully, Yun Che turned his body and smiled at Lena:

"Leina, add some buffs to him, I want to see how strong he can be!"

Rena, as the Goddess of Aurora who masters the power of the sun, adding BUFF to Kamen Rider Ginga, who relies on the energy of the sun, is a simple matter that cannot be simpler.


Reina nodded upon hearing that.

Then mobilize the stellar energy in the body, raise your hand and point to the sky.

In an instant.

The sun seemed to have sensed Reina's call, and directly shone a ray of brilliant light down, wrapping Kamen Rider Ginga in it!

"This is......"

Feeling the continuous power in the body, Kamen Rider Ginga looked surprised:

"Hahaha! They even gave me energy instead!"

"Human, you are killing yourself!"

Clenching his fists tightly, and unleashing the destructive power in his body to the extreme, Kamen Rider Ginga looked at Yun Che mockingly.

In his opinion, he possessed such a power increase.

Definitely won't be weaker than Yun Che again!

"Self-destruction? Then it depends on whether you have the ability!"

"To be honest...I'm really looking forward to it!"

The corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and Yun Che smiled with great interest.

He didn't feel that he was dragging himself too far, because...this is the world of King Shi!

In the world of Shi Wang, Shi Wang is the protagonist!

In other words, no matter how strong Kamen Rider Ginga becomes, he will never be as strong as the King of the Devil!

You know, he's here... on the road!

Even though Yun Che is the same, but the ranks of the two are completely different!

"...in return for giving me such power."

"I'll make your death a little easier!"

Laughing wildly, Kamen Rider Ginga kicked his feet, and came to Yun Che almost in the blink of an eye:


With a punch, accompanied by a strong wind, the fist the size of a sandbag came straight to the door!


Sensing the power contained in Kamen Rider Ginga's punch, Yun Che was completely excited:

"Strange Fist!"

A powerful airflow erupted, and he also punched out.


An ear-shattering sound like thunder rang out, centering on Kamen Rider Ginga and Yun Che.

A powerful and (Qian Li's) destructive aftermath of the air burst out towards the surroundings!

"Fuck! Hide!"

Seeing this, Tokipan Zhuangwu and others who came back to watch the battle hurriedly got up and ran away.

None of them want to be affected by this air current.

Because judging from this posture, once it is affected, it is very likely that it is not as simple as being blown away.

Instead, it was directly crushed into powder!

That's right, it was crushed into powder and hit by a powerful airflow!

Not only Tokiwa Shogo and the others are running, but even the alien Kiva and Time Robber who are hiding far away are also running!

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