Chapter 175

"Well, it tastes good!"

"Grandpa, I'll give you a good review!"

From nine to five, after tasting a bite of the apple pie made by Junichiro Tokiwa, Yun Che said with a satisfied smile.

"Hey, isn't it good? This is the result of the old man who spent three~ days!"

"In the past three days, I haven't closed my eyes!"

Tokiwa Junichiro smiled and took off his glasses, revealing very bloated black bags under the eyes.

That appearance, at first glance, is really f*cking scary!

"It's so delicious! I'll try to make it when I get back later!"

Qilin said expectantly.

She also wants to try to make this delicious pie, not limited to apples. You know, it is a very fulfilling thing to make a delicious pie that is recognized by people!

"I won't do it, just be responsible for eating!"

Reina licked her face and smiled.

For the clumsy and cute girl, she prefers kissing and tasting rather than cooking with her own hands.

"Okay! I'll tell you what the secret is in a while, and I guarantee that you will succeed within three times!"

Tokiwa Junichiro smiled at Qilin.

He doesn't mind sharing the secret of his success with others.

Because sometimes, sharing is also a very happy thing.

"Really? Thank you so much!"

When Qilin heard this, she immediately smiled happily.

Making desserts requires constant experimentation. If you do it by yourself, you may need to try more than ten or twenty times before you can successfully bake it.

But if you have a secret, it will be different!

From a dozen or twenty times, it was reduced to within three times, no exaggeration!

This is the so-called "experience" determines success or failure!

"Yo, you guys are so lively!"

At this moment, a strange, but arrogant voice sounded out no matter how you listened.

Turning around, I saw a man wearing a magenta lining, a black suit, brown hair, and a pink camera hanging around his neck at the gate of the nine-to-five hall.

Walking in with a step that no relatives would recognize!

Such a flamboyant image, such an arrogant pace.

Who else but Wang Xiaoming, the destroyer of the world... Men Yashi?

"It's you guy?!"

When Mingguangyuan Gates saw him, he immediately slapped the table and got up as if facing a formidable enemy.


Tokiwa Sogo and Tsukiyomi also stood up, looking at Monyashi with complicated expressions.

It is different from the hostility of Meiguangyuan Gates who is often deflated in the hands of Menyashi.

Tokiwa Sogo and Tsukiyomi's attitude towards Monyashi is rather complicated, because they are not sure about his character!

Sometimes they help the time robbers deal with them, and sometimes they help them deal with the time robbers.

This made Tokiwa Shogo and others completely confused whether the other party was an enemy or a friend!

"Don't be so nervous, I just came to see the powerful and mysterious guy who appeared and disappeared, and now appeared again!"

Glancing at Tokiwa Sogo and the others, Monyashi smiled indifferently.

Then he turned his head to look at Yun Che and the others.

As a result, if you don't look at it, you don't know. When you look at it, his face changes instantly:

"How could it be you?!"

"Oh? You know us?"

Hearing this, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked with great interest.

Logically speaking, Menshishi should not know Yun Che and others, because they have not been in the world of King Shi for a long time, and most of the time they stayed in the pastoral world.

I have never been to the world of other knights, and the only ones I know are the protagonist and his party, and the time robber and his party.

So why...

Men Yashi will show a gesture of recognition?

"Why don't you know? You guy..."

Hearing this, Men Yashi shook his head amusedly, and then seemed to have figured out something:

"Yeah, I got it!"

"You in this timeline haven't time traveled yet, so it's normal if you don't know me!"

Yun Che couldn't help frowning at Men Yashi's words.

According to his statement...

Could it be that in the future, for some reason, I will travel through time, and then meet him at a certain time in the past?

No, it can't be said to be acquaintance, because Yun Che, as a time traveler, already knew Menshishi.

It can only be said to be friends!

"Heh, let me just say how I felt so familiar when the time robbers described you before."

"So it's really you!"

Men Yashi smiled, and directly reached out and snatched the apple pie from Yun Che's hand.

Without hesitation, he put it in his mouth and ate it.

"Well, it tastes good!"

After eating, he nodded with satisfaction, expressing his approval of the taste.

"Wang Xiao...Men Shishi, can you tell us when we met?"

Speechlessly raising his eyebrows, Yun Che asked curiously.

From the words and actions Men Yashi showed just now, Yun Che can accurately infer that he seems to have a good relationship with himself.

In this way, he is even more curious about when he will befriend him in the future.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

You know, after the plot line of the Decade world is over, the door warrior who retrieves his memory is not the idiot in the plot, but the real destroyer of the world.

It can't be called cold-blooded, but there is nothing wrong with being cruel.

And being able to make friends with the ruthless world destroyer, and have such a good relationship...

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible!

The only possibility is to make friends with him before the plot line of the Decade world ends!

"You should still call me Wang Xiaoming. You used to call me that way, and I'm more used to it."

After correcting Yun Che's name, Menyashi began to answer questions:

"We met in the real world, which is the parallel world of Kamen Rider Blade."

........ ......

"A parallel world of Kamen Rider Blade..."

Upon hearing this, Yun Che nodded thoughtfully.

If I remember correctly, in the story of Decade, the parallel world story of Kamen Rider Blade appeared around the eighth episode.

That is to say...

They've known each other for a long time, almost since the beginning of Monyashi's travels!

"By the way, you left without saying goodbye, which made Xia Mikan very sad for a long time!"

"Every time you're unhappy, you bully me with your Guangjiaxiao acupoints, don't mention how aggrieved you are!"

Men Yashi complained resentfully.

"You? In other words, Lena and I also know the summer satsuma you mentioned?"

Qi Lin asked curiously.

Men Yashi shrugged: "That's right, the three of you are still best friends!"

"Inexplicably, I have an extra girlfriend...It always feels so strange!"

Lena scratched her head, and smiled stupidly.

"Well, I thought you guys disappeared, but I didn't expect to meet again in this world."

"Don't try to run away this time, I will use the Dimensional Wall to take you to the world of Xia Mikan in a while, so that you can catch up on the past, especially you, Yun Che!"

Putting Yun Che's shoulders, it seems to want to lock him up and prevent him from escaping.

Menyashi smiled inexplicably.


Raising his eyebrows, Yun Che sensed something was a little bit wrong from Men Shishi's words.

Let's reminisce about the past with Guang Xiahai, why should we emphasize ourselves?

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