Is it...

What happened between myself and Guang Xiahai at that time? !Four.

Chapter 176

Looking at the huge world of knights, among the many women, there are really not many that Yun Che can appreciate.

Zi-o World's monthly reading barely counts as one.

Izzy from Zero-One can also be counted as one.

The pastoral truth in Faiz is also good.

There are so many Kiva worlds, Shizuka Nomura, Megumi Aso, Yuri Aso, and Maya are all top-notch beauties!

In addition, there is the stocking maniac in Decade, Guang Xiahai!

Originally, during this trip, Wang Shijie and Yun Che didn't intend to take any girls, but at this moment, from the mouth of the monk, he probably guessed that he and Guang Xiahai seemed to be having an affair.

The little bastard in Yun Che's heart couldn't help but want to move again!

"Then...Wang Xiaoming, what happened to me at that time, and Guang Xiahai?"

Yun Che asked tentatively.

"How would I know what happened between the two of you?"

"However... just looking at it on the surface, it's greasy and crooked. If you don't know it, you may think you are an old couple!"

Men Yashi frowned, and laughed teasingly.


When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Well, he has already confirmed that he at that time did have an unusual relationship with Guang Xiahai!

Of course, it does not exclude it.

After all, Guang Xiahai is one of the few women Yun Che can appreciate in the huge world of knights.

"Okay, look at you like this, idle is idle!"

"It's not too late, let's go! After traveling for so long, I really haven't gone back to see her for a long time!"

Men Yashi smiled, and directly pulled Yun Che up from the chair.

"I know, I know, it's okay to go with you."

"Don't gossip, I don't want to be gay, whether a man or a man can kiss each other!"

Yun Che rolled his eyes helplessly.

He was very curious about how good his relationship with Men Yashi was at that time.

To make this arrogant guy treat him like this...

Take care!

"Cut! Make it sound like I'm gay!"

After glaring at Yun Che in displeasure, Men Yashi let go of his hands obediently, and then walked towards Nine Nights Five Hall on his own.

"Hey! You guy, are you ignoring us?!"

Seeing that Men Yashi had been talking to Yun Che from the moment he entered the door until now, he just casually waited for someone to say something to him.

Mingguangyuan Gates suddenly asked angrily.

He felt slighted, belittled.

"Heh, if you want to understand it that way, you're right!"

Shrugging, Monyashi smiled disdainfully.

"You guy..."

How can the violent Meiguangyuan Gates bear such sarcasm?

Clenching his fists in displeasure, he sprinted straight away, wanting to beat Monyashi hard.


Shaking his head and chuckling, Mon Yashi turned sideways at will, avoided the punch, and then slammed his right knee hard.



The strong impact caused Mingguangyuan Gates to suffer unbearable pain. He directly clutched his stomach and collapsed to the ground.

The abdomen, or tummy, can be considered one of the softest places on the human body.

The knee can be regarded as one of the hardest places in the human body.

The collision between the two is tantamount to an egg hitting a rock!

So the result...obvious!

"Ignoring you doesn't mean I can't deal with you."

"Recognize the reality, Sao Nian!"

Men Yashi smiled disdainfully, then turned his head and waved at Yun Che and the others, motioning them to follow, and walked out of the nine-to-five hall on his own again.

His attitude towards Mingguangyuan Gates and others, and his attitude towards Yun Che and others.

It can be seen!

"Hey, what a tyrannical director-general pretending to be a criminal..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che followed along with his two female companions.

"Wait! Monyashi, you said before that you would destroy the world, right?"

Suddenly, Sogo Tokiwa called out.

"That's right! Why, do you want to stop me?"

Hearing this, Menshishi raised his eyebrows and asked back with interest.

"Of course! I was born to be a king, and I have an obligation to protect the people of this world!"

Tokiwa Sogo nodded and said very seriously.


Seemingly thinking that Sogo Tokiwa was too naive, Monyashi didn't speak, but shook his head in disdain, then turned and left directly.

"Born to be a king..."

As for Tokiwa Sougo's words, Yun Che was thoughtful.

Although whether it is the king of the time of meeting the devil or the king of the time of Chonghuang, they can all be counted as kings.

But if you really want to say "born to be king"...

The first thing Yun Che thought of was definitely not Sogo Tokiwa, but Kamen Rider Kiva's transformation, Hongdo!

Not the parallel world in Decade, but the real Kiva main world!

Yun Che, who has watched the complete original drama, has to admit that Hong Du, who was innocent and allergic to the world back then, is the one who was truly born to be a king!

"So? How do we go to the world of summer citrus that you mentioned?"

Coming to the gate of the nine-to-five hall, Lena looked at the empty space around her and asked with a puzzled face...

"Did you forget? I know the Dimensional Wall!"

However, as soon as he said this sentence, Mon Yashi suddenly realized and patted his head:

"Oh, it's not that you forgot, it's that I forgot."

"At this time, you still don't know me!"

Men Yashi was a little helpless, he was clearly an acquaintance, but he had a memory, but the other party did not.

This feeling is really tm uncomfortable!

"Don't worry, according to the rules of time, as long as we go to Guang Xiahai's world, the memories of that time period will appear."

Yun Che said with a light smile.

Time is a magical thing, complicated to explain.

But to put it simply, it will affect another gap in order to fill one gap.

To put it bluntly, right now, Yun Che and the others who don't have the memory of that period of time will automatically return to their place after entering the world to which that period of memory belongs!

"That's right, then there's no need to say more now."

"Anyway, when it arrives in a while, you will all remember."

Shrugging, Monyashi waved his hand, and directly summoned a cloudy glass wall.

It is the BUG level ability of Knight World - Dimensional Wall!

"This thing... can it go in?"

Tapped lightly with her finger, Reina pouted and asked suspiciously.

Travel through the world with this weird wall?

Sorry, with Lena's rough nerves, I can't accept it at all!

"This should be something like a channel."

Qilin guessed.

"Okay, let's go in, after passing through this dimensional wall, we will know everything."

Yun Che smiled, and then took Leina and Qilin into the dimensional wall.

"Hey, hey! You guys are waiting for me!"

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