Shouting in dissatisfaction, Men Yashi also followed in.

The figures of a group of four people disappeared into the dimension wall and disappeared! .

Chapter 177

After passing through the Dimensional Wall, Yun Che, Men Yashi and his party came to the world where Guang Xiahai was.

As far as the eye can see, there is a photo studio.

Photo studio!

At the same time, a large wave of memories frantically flooded into the minds of Yun Che, Leina, and Qi Lin.

Close your eyes, stand in place and digest for a while.

Yun Che opened his eyes clearly: "Is that so..."

Under the influence of the time rule, the memory of that time period automatically returned to its place, reminding them of everything they had experienced back then.

In general.

It was the same as Men Yashi said before, and what Yun Che guessed.

For some reason in the future, I and others traveled through time and the world, and went to the world timeline not long after the Decade story started.

And travel around the world with it, and share many hardships!

As for Guang Xiahai...

It is true that he has an extraordinary relationship with Yun Che, can be regarded as a charisma of personality, and a long-term love.

"Although it's my memory 14, it's true, but it always feels weird..."

Scratching her head, Reina looked awkward.

If it is an angel, it may be easy to accept this matter.

After all, they are good at "brainwashing".

And Lena...

I don't like "brainwashing" myself, so it is understandable to feel strange and awkward.

"I think it's okay, maybe it's just that I'm not used to it for the first time."

Qilin laughed.

For her, who tends to be a good wife and mother, she has a lot of tolerance for many things.

"Hey, remember now?"

Holding Yun Che's shoulders, Men Yashi smiled expectantly.

"Well, I remembered, I remembered everything."

Yun Che nodded. Having absorbed the memory of that period of time, he knew the real reason for the good relationship between Menshishi and himself.

Traveling together is a factor.

But the more important factor is that when he was hostile and besieged by many knights, he was the only one who stood by his side and fought side by side with him!

"Just think about it!"

Men Yashi nodded in satisfaction:

"Okay, let's go in quickly, that guy Xia Mikan will probably cry out of joy when he sees you!"

Pulling Yun Che and others, they pushed open the door of the photo studio, and a group of people walked in.

"Welcome! Are you going to take a photo...?"

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, Guang Xiahai, who was sitting at the front desk as a waiter, subconsciously made a sound.

However, when she raised her head, she saw the face of the comer clearly.

The whole person... suddenly froze!

"Am I... dreaming?"

Muttering in disbelief, Guang Xiahai rubbed his eyes again, and looked at Yun Che and the others.

This time, she was sure that she was not mistaken, nor was she dreaming.

The person in front of me...

He is really the person I miss day and night!

"Yun Che!"

With a trembling voice and tears streaming down his face, Guang Xiahai directly jumped over the front desk and threw himself into Yun Che's arms.

"Is it really you? I'm not dreaming..."

It was as if he was worried that everything in front of him was false and would slip away at any time.

Guang Xiahai clasped her hands tightly. If she didn't know, she thought she wanted to strangle Yun Che to death!

"it's me......"

Feeling Guang Xiahai's trembling body in his arms.

Yun Che opened his lips slightly, put his arm around her, and said with a light smile.

If he didn't have the memory of that time period, Yun Che might feel a little embarrassed.

However, after having the memory, he can clearly and clearly understand Guang Xiahai's strong feelings at this time!

May I ask, can a loved one leave suddenly without a word, and then suddenly appear again on a certain day, can this not make people feel excited?

"It's really you..."

"You really came back..."

After receiving Yun Che's confirmation, Guang Xiahai burst into laughter immediately.

God knows how long this girl has been waiting for this reunion!

"Hey, hey, hey! Xia Mikan, not only Yun Che, but also me and Lena Qilin are back!"

Seeing Guang Xiahai devote himself wholeheartedly to Yun Che, Monyashi immediately cried out helplessly.

Sure enough, partners and girlfriends, are they not as good as the ones you love?

It's so damn sweet!

"Sorry, I'm so excited..."

Hearing Monyashi's complaint, Guang Xiahai wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes in embarrassment.

Although the loved one has the most important position in the heart, it is true.

But ignoring other long-lost partners and girlfriends, it seems not so good...

"What's the matter? Why is it so lively outside?"

Seemingly hearing the movement at the front desk, Koeijiro ran out with a spatula:

"Oh! You guys are back!"

"Really, why didn't you say it earlier! I have to go and make more food!"

Seeing Yun Che, Monyashi and the others, Koeijiro said in surprise, and then, without waiting for their reply, he ran back to the kitchen with the spatula in his arms.

"Uh...Grandpa just hasn't seen you for a long time, so he's a little excited."

Seemingly feeling a little embarrassed, Guang Xiahai explained with a smile.

"It's okay, it's not that we don't know him."

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Yun Che didn't have too many thoughts about this stupid and cute old man who appeared to be Grandfather Guang Xiahai on the surface, but secretly was Dr. Daxiu Ka Shinigami, whose attributes were the same as Junichiro Tokiwa's.

"Okay, okay! How long have we known each other, why are we so unfamiliar?"

"Don't just stand here, if you have anything to say, go in and sit down and talk!"

Miyaji smiled.


Yun Che nodded, and then everyone entered the photo studio together.

Looking at the curtain mural, looking at the neat seats and sofas.

how to say?

It's the first time I've come to the main body, but the memory is very familiar, this feeling...

It's still amazing!

"Come here! Try the black tea that the old man made, it tastes the same as before!"

Koeijiro brought out four cups of black tea from the kitchen, put them on the table and smiled.

"Well, thanks!"

"Hey, the taste in memory!"

With the blessing of that memory, Lena and Qilin were not polite, and directly picked up the black tea and drank it.

"These years... how are you doing?"

Picking up the black tea and taking a sip, Yun Che asked Guang Xia Hai concerned.

"Not good! Not good at all!"

Guang Xiahai was not hypocritical, shook his head seriously and said:

"You and Rena Kirin suddenly disappeared without saying a word, and this guy also went to travel to other worlds."

"You are all gone... How can I live well if I am left alone here?"

"I often even think, have you abandoned me..."

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