When Guang Xiahai said these words, no matter in his expression or tone, he seemed very wronged, which made people feel affectionate.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you are right.

The partner left, the girlfriend left, the lover left.

Alone, alone in this world.

This feeling...is really sad, not tasteful! .

Chapter 178

Listening to Guang Xiahai's aggrieved speech.

Menshishi, who went out on a trip alone, and Yun Che and others, who retrieved the memories of that time period, felt somewhat uncomfortable in their hearts.

Abandoning her here alone is really wrong...

"Don't worry, it won't happen again in the future."

"Wang Xiaoming will not talk about it for now, but as long as you are willing, we will definitely take you with us when we leave in the future!"

Yun Che patted Xia Hai's head, and comforted him with a smile.

He didn't know why he left without a word at that time, and he didn't know whether he left the world of Guang Xiahai or the world of knights.

However, it was him now.

As long as Guang Xiahai is willing, he will take her away with him!

"Really? Are you lying to me?"

When Guang Xiahai heard the words, he immediately asked expectantly.

She was really fed up with all the important people leaving and leaving her life alone.

"Of course, I assure you."

Yun Che nodded.

It is not difficult to take Guang Xiahai out of this world, or even the entire knight world.

Didn't he also bring Tsunade and Otsutsuki Kaguya from the world of Naruto to the world of super gods before.

So, let alone Guang Xiahai.

Even if a few more people are added, there is no problem at all!

"Well, I like to travel everywhere, so it is indeed the best choice for you to follow Yun Che and the others."

Monsieur shrugged and smiled.

One is that I like to run around.

The second is that Guang Xiahai himself has an extraordinary relationship with Yun Che.

Therefore, it is obviously better for her to follow Yun Che than to follow herself.

"Then say so!"

"Next time if you leave without saying a word and don't take me with you, then I will break up with you!"

Guang Xiahai said seriously.

"Don't worry, I won't abandon you again."

Yun Che nodded with a smile and made an agreement.

"Okay, okay, Xia Mikan, you go chat with Qilin Leina~."

"You women talk about women, I have something to say to Yun Che."

After waving his hand and pushing Guang Xiahai away, Men Yashi asked Yun Che solemnly:

"Yun Che, what do you think of that Tokiwa Shogo... no, it should be said that he is the future King of Demons?"

"The king of the time of the devil? What can you think?"

Upon hearing this, Yun Che raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

He didn't understand that Moyashi would ask himself this question for Mao.

"To tell you the truth, I have seen that King of the Devils before!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, but I have one thing to say, if I don't get his card, I probably won't be his opponent!"

Men Yashi said with a face full of displeasure.

As the destroyer of the world, he has always felt that he is invincible in the knight world, and no one is his opponent.

As a result, in the future of the Shiwang world, I met the Demon Shiwang!

Good guy, that ability is really not an ordinary pervert!

If there is no card, it is considered to be the form of passion and the form of ancestors...

Not to mention the fiasco, but winning is almost impossible!

"What? Scared?"

Yun Che asked with a smile of great interest.

"Afraid? Are you kidding me!"

"I've never been afraid of anyone!"

Men Yashi shook his head and smiled, he was very confident:

"Although he is very strong, he is so strong that I may not be able to defeat him."

"But I'm afraid it's impossible! Telling you about this is just because I'm worried that it will be too troublesome to meet him in the future!"

In the dictionary of Menshishi who is not afraid of nothing, there is no such word as fear at all.

Talking to Yun Che about the King of Time, he really just found it troublesome.

"Don't worry, although that guy is indeed perverted, you are not far behind!"

"He can use the power of other knights, can't you too? Just find a way to turn him into a card, or it will be over!"

Yun Che shrugged, and said with a calm smile.

For him, the King of the Devils is hardly a trouble!

"I know this too, but the key is that I don't know how to turn that guy into a card!"

Menyashi sighed helplessly.

In the past, it was easy to get cards from other knights!

As long as you are my friend, then you are my card!

But the king of the time of the devil is different!

That old guy is a demon king!God damn be friends with others!

If you want to get the Shiwang card, it's very simple, just go to the stupid and cute Tokiwa Shogo, but the Shiwang card and the Demon Shiwang card are essentially different!

The difficulty of obtaining is also completely different!

"Well, do you have an empty card with you?"

After thinking thoughtfully for a while, Yun Che asked.

"Empty cards? I don't have such a thing, but Haidong probably has a lot of them!"

"What's the matter? Why do you want an empty card?"

Hearing this, Menyashi shook his head and asked.

"Don't you want the card of the Demon King? I'll give it to you directly!"

Yun Che shrugged.

He once fought against the Demon King in 2068, and in that battle, the power gem's ability had already copied the opponent's power.

how to say......

In a sense, the Yun Che at this time is another King of the Devils!

And as the King of the Devils, is it difficult to inject your own power into an empty card and turn the empty card into a card of the King of the Devils?not difficult!

Rather than saying it is not difficult, it is better to say it is easy!

".~Give it to me directly? How?"

Hearing this, Menyashi asked with a surprised and curious expression.

He always feels weird...

Why is it so easy for Yun Che to get something that Mao himself could not even think of?

"Don't ask so many questions, anyway, just call that guy Haidong quickly."

Yun Che waved his hand and said.

In that memory, since he made friends with Men Yashi, he naturally also made friends with Haidong Dashu!

After all, these two guys are not only the relationship between the main cavalry and the second cavalry, but also the relationship between good friends!

If you know (Qian Lizhao) one, you will naturally know the other!

"Okay, I'll call him over here."

Nodding his head, Mon Yashi took out his mobile phone and called Haidong Dashu.

Without too much nonsense, just say: "Yun Che and I are in the world of Xia Mikan, come quickly!"

Then hang up or.

"You are really simple and rude..."

Yun Che shook his head helplessly and said with a smile.

"Haidong, if you don't say that, God knows how long he will be inked."

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