Monsieur shrugged.

In fact, when the relationship reaches a certain level, being polite or something becomes too hypocritical.

It's like two big men who call themselves brothers, if they don't scold each other on weekdays, they will feel uncomfortable instead!

"Here! Look!"

Suddenly, feeling the fluctuation of the dimensional wall outside the photo studio, Kato Yashi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"As soon as I say that, he will come right away!".

Chapter 179

"Yo! Yun Che, long time no see!"

After passing through the Dimensional Wall, Haidong Dashu hurriedly came from other worlds, and after entering the photo studio, he raised his eyebrows at Yun Che and said with a smile.

"In a sense, it's been a long time."

Yun Che said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

As far as the body is concerned, this is the first real meeting between him and Haidong Dashu.

But in terms of time, the two of them really haven't seen each other for a long time.

"So, what's the point of calling me here during my treasure hunt?"

"Don't tell me it's okay, if it's okay, you two have to pay me back the treasure!"

Haidong Dashu found a chair and sat down, and said with a smile.

"You guy, you still like 'stealing' as always!"

Men Yashi shook his head helplessly, he really didn't understand, what's the point of stealing treasures?

Can't you be like yourself and be a noble traveler?

Passing through this world for a while, passing by that world for a while, how exciting!

Although helpless, Men Yashi went straight to the point:

"I called you here this time, there is indeed something wrong."

"Haidong, you should have an empty card with you, right?"

Although I don't know how Yun Che will help him get the card of the King of Time.

But out of unconditional trust, Men Yashi chose to call Haidong Dashu immediately and asked him for a card.

"Yes, but why do you want empty cards?"

Haidong Dashu nodded, took out the empty card from his pocket, and asked suspiciously.

"To be honest, I don't know either."

Men Yashi shook his head, took the empty card, and handed it to Yun Che:

"Leave it to you, let me see how you can turn this card into the card of the King of the Devils!"

"Keep your eyes open."

Yun Che smiled, held the empty card in his hand, and mobilized the power of the King of Time that was copied in his body, and injected it into it!

In an instant.

The originally gray and colorless empty card gradually shone with a golden light!

Immediately afterwards, a figure of a domineering knight appeared in the center of the card. It was the King of the Devils!

"This is?!"

Seeing the change of the card in Yun Che's hand, Haidong Dashu's eyes straightened.

Although the purpose is to steal treasures, in essence, like Moniyashi, he wanders in various knight worlds.

Naturally, I have also heard about the deeds of the King of the Devils!


Even the well-informed door warriors were stunned at the moment.

Dare to get the cards of other knights, in addition to being friends with them, can you just "pinch out of thin air" like Yun Che?

Men Yashi suddenly felt that he seemed to have found a way to get rich!

"Okay, the card of the King of the Devils."

After about tens of seconds, Yun Che let go of his hand, smiled and threw the card to Men Yashi.

"This... is really the card of the Demon King!"

Looking at the golden card in his hand, Mon Yashi whispered in shock and joy.

The world can learn from it, this card is like the K touch screen used to transform into ancestors, it can directly upgrade the power of your Deacde, and advance to a new level of combat power!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the King of the Devils card is a power-up item!

At that time, even if during the trip, you really meet the King of Time, there will be no troubles.

The big deal is to meet the devil and fight the devil, directly hard steel, How afraid of How?

He took out another empty card from his bosom, and Haidong Dashu pushed door Shishi away, squeezed to Yun Che's side, licked his face and said with a smile: "Hey, hey, Yun Che, if you can get me a card ?”

To tell the truth, Haidong Dashu was envious when he saw this card of the King of the Devils of Men Yashi!

As Diend who can also use other knight powers, he wants one too!

Just imagine, when the time comes to go to other worlds to steal treasures, if you encounter troublesome opponents, you will directly summon the King of Time to be your thugs!

This is awesome...

Thinking about it makes me crazy!

"You guy..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che took the empty card, and injected the power of the King of the Devils into it again.


But after accepting the memory of that period of time, Yun Che knew that this cheap guy in front of him also had a very good relationship with him.

Otherwise, the other party wouldn't have used the Dimensional Wall to rush over as soon as they received a call from Menshishi saying that he was here.

So, for the sake of this relationship, if he wants it, give it to him!

Anyway, Yun Che has nothing to lose.

"Here, all right."

After about tens of seconds, Yun Che once again changed the empty card into the Demonic Time King card, and then threw it to Haidong Dashu.

"Oh! Si Guoyi!"

After receiving the card, Haidong Dashu jumped up excitedly.

Since the King of the Devils card can directly raise the level of combat power of Men Yashi to a new stage.

So for Haidong Dashu, why not?

The difference between the two is nothing more than transformation and summoning!

"Yun Che, just wait, I'll help Mr. Eijiro."

"Tonight, I will let you have a taste of my craft after a long absence!"

Kaito Taiki smiled, ran straight into the kitchen, and prepared dinner with Koeijiro.

The relationship between him and Yun Che and Men Yashi is very deep, if you want to say thank you or something, it would be too boring.

So our Mrs. Haidong decided to personally pack a dinner for Yun Che to taste!

You know, his craft is very good!

"It seems that Haidong is very happy!"

Men Yashi sat back beside Yun Che and laughed.

He is very familiar with the urine of Haidong Dashu.

This guy obviously has the skills of a chef, but he just doesn't like to cook!

Only on some special days, or when you are happy, will you choose to cook!

"Aren't you very happy too? I saw you jumping up and down just now, just like a monkey!"

Yun Che helplessly rolled his eyes and smiled.

It's true that Haidong Dashu was very happy to get the Magic King card, but at least his performance was normal.

Unlike the door warrior just now, holding the card and jumping up and down, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, those who didn't know thought it was the reincarnation of the monkey king!

"Uh...hehe, I'm not excited!"

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Monyashi laughed.

Fortunately, all the people present were acquaintances, so it was nothing if they saw his gaffe.

But if it is seen by others and then spread...

Hehe, the famous world destroyer Deacde is the reincarnation of the Monkey King?

Men Yashi's cold image outside, I'm afraid it will be destroyed directly!

"Hey, Yun Che, I suddenly remembered something, you are more experienced, give me some advice!"

I don't know if I really remembered it suddenly, or if I was changing the subject, Kadoyashi said quietly.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

When Yun Che heard this, he immediately asked curiously.

Are you more experienced?

What kind of thing, Men Yashi has no experience, but I have?

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