This couldn't help but make Yun Che feel a little curious.

"Just before, when I was traveling, I met a woman."

"I can't tell you the details, but I always feel...she might like me!"

After looking around, he found that no one paid attention to his conversation with Yun Che.

Like a young boy who has just begun to fall in love, Men Yashi said with an excited and tangled expression on his face. .

Chapter 180

"Like you? Who?"

After hearing Menyashi's jerky words, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

In fact, the first person he thought of was Takuru, the girl who became madly obsessed with him in the theatrical version of MOVIE Wars 2010 because Katoyashi became a saboteur!

But after thinking about it, he directly discarded this idea.

First of all, the radio wave girl Takulu has long been cool.

Secondly, Men Shishi is not interested in her at all, so why is he shy?

Therefore, there must be someone else!

"You should also know it, it's Aura from Time Robber!"

Men Yashi smiled softly.

And upon hearing his words~, Yun Che suddenly realized:

"Oh! So it's her!"

According to the originally set interpersonal relationship, it should be Guang Xiahai = Mon Yashi's wife, Aura = Mon Yashi mistress.

But now, with that time period - after Yun Che's insertion.

Guang Xiahai has become Yun Che's wife.

As for Ola, he didn't get involved with her too much. To put it bluntly, he just wasn't interested in her.


Does this count as the legitimate superior of the junior three, becoming the chief wife?

"Tsk tsk! Xiao Ming, aren't you not interested in this kind of thing? Why, suddenly want to be a normal man?"

Yun Che shook his head and smacked his tongue, and asked with a teasing smile.

He was personally not interested in Ola, who had a bad temper and a round face.

So if Men Yashi wanted to, Yun Che wouldn't mind helping him pick up girls!

"Cut! I'm just a normal man, okay!"

Men Yashi rolled his eyes and said unhappily:

"The main reason is that I'm an old man, and I always feel that it's not good to be single all the time, so I wanted to find someone to try!"

Well, that's what it said.

But in fact, Men Yashi saw that Yun Che was surrounded by beauties every day, and he didn't want to eat dog food all the time, so he also planned to find a girl to suppress his shock.

"Okay! But one thing to say, Ola is really suitable for you."

Yun Che didn't argue with Men Yashi either, he shrugged and said with a smile.

To be reasonable, Men Yashi and Ola are actually quite a match!

how to say......

From a certain point of view, both of them belong to the more evil kind.

And if Yun Che remembers correctly, in the original drama, Aura seemed to have said something similar to "I like you" or "I like you" to Men Yashi!

Although the original intention was that Menyashi was very powerful and wanted to support him as the new king.

But literally...

In fact, it's still a bit tricky!

"I personally feel that she should like me."

"It's just that you know me as a person, and you don't know how to deal with this kind of thing at all."

Menyashi sighed helplessly.

In the past, I was either traveling or taking pictures.

He has never touched such a thing as feelings!

So at this moment, even if I meet a woman I really like, I don't know how to deal with it.

"Actually, you don't need to be so entangled. If the husband is really affectionate and the concubine is interested, then it will happen naturally!"

Yun Che shrugged and said.

Since Ola already wants to support Men Yashi as the new king because of his strength.

So from a certain point of view, she already recognized him.

So, get along slowly!

Boiling frogs in warm water will make you fall in love with each other for a long time!


"Then I have to do something?"

Menyashi asked curiously.

On this kind of matter, he is really a novice who knows nothing, so he can only ask Yu Yunche.

"Stay with her more!"

"If the situation permits, you can also take her to play, such as playgrounds, cafes, cinemas and the like."

Yun Che said thoughtfully.

Reasonably speaking, these are routine operations, but can Menyashi conquer Ola......

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

He doesn't know!

Because in fact, Yun Che himself didn't know how these women of his were with him!

It seems that the hero saved the beauty a few times, and then it became inexplicable!

"Take her to play... makes sense!"

Although these are routine operations for normal people.

But for those who are new to love, it is very fresh!

He even felt that Yun Che got so many girls by doing these things!

"Yun Che, when we return to the Shiwang World later, you will act as a wingman and accompany me to find her!"


Holding Yun Che's shoulders, Men Yashi smiled excitedly.


When Yun Che heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

wingman?You fucking novice who doesn't understand anything, even know the word wingman? !

Moreover, let yourself run in front of Ola to act as a wingman...

Then, can we still make an appointment for this meeting?

You know, in a sense, Aura and Yun Che have enmity!

Don't forget, during the time of the alien Ex-Aid, he once threatened her with violence in the game world!

"Forget it, go by yourself!"

"How good is the world for two? There is no need to pull my light bulb!"


If I really go with him...

It is estimated that the unborn relationship between the two was directly strangled to death in the bud!

"Light bulb? That's right...then I'd better go by myself."

Hearing this, Menyashi nodded thoughtfully.

This is the first time he is so concerned about something other than traveling and taking pictures!

And it's a lifetime event.

Therefore, if there are no accidents, then of course it would be better!Four.

Chapter 181

After eating the dinner prepared by Kaito Taiki and Koei Jiro, the group stayed overnight in the photo studio.

Then at noon the next day, I was ready to get up and leave.

Both Yun Che and Men Yashi were on their way, so there was no reason to stay here for a long time.

Of course, Guang Xiahai would definitely take her with him, after all Yun Che had promised before that he would not leave her alone again.

"This is the world where Yun Che and Shi are traveling..."

Guang Xiahai, who passed through the Dimensional Wall and followed everyone back to the world of the King of Time, looked at the strange environment around him, and murmured in a strange way.

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