The year of the world she belongs to is 2009.

The current era of Time King World is 2019.

In ten years, the level of science and technology has not improved much, but it is definitely not small.

So it is normal for Guang Xiahai to feel novelty here.

"Then Yun Che, Xia Mikan will be handed over to you eight-five-seven!"

"I'm going to find Ola!"

Men Yashi waved his hand and smiled, then turned around and ran away without waiting for Yun Che and others to respond.

"Really... Shi, this guy always likes to run around by himself."

Hearing this, Guang Xiahai sighed helplessly.

However, although she was complaining, in her heart, she still hoped that Monyashi would succeed in going on a date with Ola this time.

after all......

As an important partner who has experienced many things together, I am about to get married, but the other party has been single, it seems not good...

To put it bluntly, the average value is too large.

To put it bluntly, TM eats too much dog food!

"He is such a pee, and he probably won't be able to change it in his life."

Yun Che shrugged indifferently:

"Besides, that guy Haidong is much more serious than Xiaoming. Xiaoming can at least see people, but once Haidong leaves, he won't show his face for ten days and a half months!"

Men Yashi at least followed himself and others all the way.

As for Haidong Dashu, when he was still in Guangxiahai World, he opened the Dimensional Wall by himself.

The kind without saying hello!

Decade, Diend.

Should it be said that it is a double D?They all like to walk alone, and they are so arrogant!

"Forget it, leave them alone, let's go."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che didn't bother to care.

Men Yashi and Haidong Dashu can do whatever they like, anyway, their strengths are very strong, and now they have the blessing of the King of the Devils card.

Looking at the entire knight world, basically no one can pose a threat to them.


Let's just wave, even if the two of them wave in front of the real King of Time, there will probably be no problem!

"Fuck! Boss? You are back again!"

Just when Yun Che was about to leave with the three girls, a familiar exclamation suddenly sounded from behind.

Turn around and look.

Heyworth, who was intact, was supporting the distressed Tokiwa Sogo and Meikoin Gates.

And Ur, the Time Robber, followed them with a distraught look on his face!

"Oh, what a coincidence? If I remember correctly, every time I see you..."

"Are you guys being beaten, or after you've been beaten?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, and smiled with great interest.

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of Tokiwa Sogo and Meikoin Gates, it is obvious that they have just experienced a battle.

And also lost!


Hearing this, Tokiwa Sogo scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

Because what Yun Che said...

It seems that TM is right!

It seemed that he and Gates of Mingguangyuan always showed the ugly appearance of being beaten in front of Yun Che!

"Ur, you guy, you really have been lying to us!"

Mingguangyuan Gates, who had already suffered a defeat and was in a bad mood, became even more enraged after hearing Yun Che's ridicule.

Immediately grabbed Ur who was out of his mind, and got angry from the heart:

"The real body of Alien Drive is Aura!"

"It's a pity that you said that you want to join us... It's ridiculous!"

"Before I do it, get out!"

The irritable Mingguangyuan Gates didn't dare to trouble Yun Che even if he was furious, so he pointed his head at the culprit he thought was the culprit of everything - Ur!

"I didn't even know that Ola was a different kind of Drive!"

Depressedly excused, Ur turned and left with a face full of unwillingness.

In fact, he really didn't know why Ola would be a different kind of Drive.

The only companion betrayed him without a word, and the people who took refuge now don't believe in him.

To be reasonable, Ur really feels abandoned by the whole world now!

"Ur really doesn't know that Ola is a different kind of Drive."

At this moment, Yun Che suddenly spoke up.

Upon hearing his words, Ur stopped in his tracks, and Gates of Meiguangyuan also turned his head to look suspiciously...

"Because that's not the Ola you know at all!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, telling the truth.

Although I was a little shocked, before I and others left, the plot of Shiwang World was still in the heterogeneous Kiva chapter of about 35 episodes.

And in just one day, after returning, it suddenly turned into a 45-episode episode of a different world, and this shit is almost coming to an end!

But Yun Che didn't think much about it other than being slightly shocked.

After all, the Shiwang world is a special type among the [-] worlds in Heisei. It does not have the attributes of parallel worlds, but the attributes of timelines.

Therefore, the time flow of the two worlds is not directly proportional, but it is understandable!

"Not the Ola we know? What do you mean?"

Mingguangyuan Gates frowned and asked doubtfully.


Ur also cast his gaze over.

If possible, he doesn't want his only companion to betray him!

"Heterogeneous Drive is not transformed by Aura, but a robot, a paradox mechanical mutant!"

"The real Ola should be staying in the nine-to-five room at this moment, waiting for you to go back."

Yun Che shrugged and said with a light smile.

To be reasonable, if he remembers correctly, there are really a lot of tragedies in the alien world chapter!

Tokiwa Shogo and Meikoin Gates are okay, the two of them just broke up because of various reasons, the conflict broke out, but they finally reconciled.

And Ur is really miserable!

First, he was taken aback by the fake Ola.

Then he was stabbed by Maola, who had his brain cramped and wanted to deal with Swaruz!

The results of it?

Ur was stabbed to death in vain, and Ola was also kicked to death. This is probably playing a calf, one and two died so hastily!

Of course, this is just what happened in the original show.

Now with Yun Che's insertion, Ur will not be stabbed to death.

And Ola has the protection of a door warrior, and she won't be kicked to death by Swaruz!

As for Swaruz being able to become a different kind of Decade...

Hehe, do you really think he designed to take away the power of Men Yashi?

What a joke, it's not so much that he took the power of Men Yashi, it's better to say that it was given to him on purpose by Men Yashi!

to be honest.

The seemingly powerful Swaruz is actually a man in the middle of the game from the beginning to the end!

He is an unremarkable, yet inconspicuous clown! .

Chapter 182

After receiving Yun Che's suggestion, Mingguangyuan Gates no longer hostile to Ur.

Instead, they were honest companions and returned to the nine-to-five class together.

It wasn't his unreserved trust in Yun Che or something.

But in the eyes of Mingguangyuan Gates, Yun Che, as a first-class powerhouse, absolutely disdains to tell such a lie that does not benefit him at all!

"Let's go together too."

Tokiwa Sogo and the others are going back to court nine to five.

And Yun Che and his party, who had just returned to the Shiwang World and had nothing to do, naturally chose to go with them!

after all......

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