........ ......

"It appears to be some kind of technological means."

Morgana rubbed her chin and guessed.

As a powerful god of science and technology, she saw right away that the van that had suddenly grown in size was not about metaphysics, but about science!

"This world is very interesting!"

The corners of Yun Che's mouth curled slightly, and then he shouted to a man and a woman who were about to enter the building:

"Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne!"

That's right, the two of them are the protagonists of Ant-Man, Scott and Hope!


After hearing someone call his name behind him.

Being wanted, the sensitive Hope suddenly turned his head nervously.

"People from the Bureau of Investigation..."

Scott was a little nervous.

He is currently in a closed period. If the people from the investigation bureau find that he has escaped, he will face the punishment of sitting in prison!

"Don't be so nervous, we have no malicious intentions."

Yun Che spread his hands and said with a calm smile.

For Scott, he still has a good impression, this is an interesting and funny guy, just like Deadpool!

It's hard to be disgusted by their funny play!

"No malice? Then how do you know our names?"

"who are you!"

Hope asked with a serious face.

During the wanted period, she couldn't help but be careless!

"We're just passing world travelers."

Yun Che shrugged. Seeing the two of them like this, it should not be long since Ant-Man 2 started.


According to the development of the plot.

In a few days, Thanos, who also possesses six infinite gems, is about to snap his century-old fingers!Four.

Chapter 191

"World...world traveler?"

"What is that?"

Scott frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Literally speaking, people who travel in various worlds."

"But... I don't know if what he said is literal or not."

Hope shrugged, a rare explanation for Scott, who had fallen out.

"WTF?! World travel?"

"That is to say... you are not from this world?"

When Scott heard this, he immediately looked at Yun Che and the others with surprise on his face, as if he saw a monster.

"Although it's good to be funny..."

"But now I have some doubts, are you funny or an idiot?"

The corners of Yun Che's mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head helplessly.

God's WTF!

What the hell is that look in your monster eyes?

If traveling in various worlds can be called a monster, then Scott himself is also a monster in the same way as those Avengers?

Can normal people get bigger and smaller?Can normal people use chaos magic?

Are normal people infinitely capable?Can a normal person ascend to heaven and earth like a spider?

Are you kidding me, definitely not!

So, according to Scott's understanding, then he and those Avengers are also monsters!

Although most of them are technological forces...

"Since you even understand the quantum realm, you must have some understanding of the parallel world, right?"

Sighing helplessly, Yun Che said with a smile.

"parallel world......"

"Meaning you have traveled from other worlds?"

Hope raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

The quantum field may be relatively esoteric, and other than professionals may not understand it.

But the concept of parallel worlds, as long as it is a normal person, almost everyone has heard of it more or less!

"You can say that."

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders. There are countless parallel worlds in the Marvel Universe, which is beyond my doubts.


Whether the worlds other than the parallel worlds of the Marvel Universe are parallel worlds or not, Yun Che will know.

Anyway, it should be about the same, right?

"So, I ask you four world travelers, what is your business with us?"

Hope asked, raising his eyebrows.

As someone who has a certain understanding of the quantum realm, she does not deny the existence of parallel worlds.

"I'm new here and have nowhere to go, so I follow you guys and have fun."

Yun Che said with a faint smile.

It is a lie that there is nowhere to go, after all, there is a pastoral world hidden in his soul gem.

But having fun is real!

You know, the end of the plot of Ant-Man 2 is when Thanos snaps his fingers!

And now, since I don't know where to find the Avengers, I must follow Scott and his party!

"Sorry, we still have things to do, so we don't have time to have fun with you."

Hope said indifferently, then turned around, ignoring Yun Che and his party.

He entered the password on his own, opened the door, and walked in with Scott.

"Busy or not, it's not up to you."

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders, and then followed in with Keisha and the others.

It's just that Hope stopped in front of the elevator.

"One last word of warning, if you don't leave..."

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

Taking out the miniature version of the Hornet's battle suit from his pocket, Hope warned solemnly.

"Little girl, who are you warning?"

"When my old lady is playing outside, I'm afraid you haven't been born yet!"

Morgana can't bear her temper, can she warn anyone?

Immediately, he revealed the wings of the devil behind him, and summoned his own devil's claws.

If there is a big disagreement, the momentum is about to do it.

"This is... micro wormhole transport technology?!"

Seeing the space ripples generated when the Devil's Claw was summoned, Hope couldn't help but shout out in shock:

"You guys actually know how to carry micro-wormholes?! Could it be that the technological development of the parallel world has reached this level?"

Quantum technology, nanotechnology, these are all powerful.

But anyone who knows it knows that compared to the micro-wormhole transportation technology, they are still inferior!

Leaving nanotechnology aside, if quantum technology can freely manipulate the quantum realm, then it is still comparable to micro-wormhole transportation.

But for now, it can't be done!

And judging from Morgana's micro-wormhole transportation technology just now, Hope can be sure that she is very skilled!

"Hehe, I just like you who have never seen the world."

"Is it difficult to transport micro-wormholes? This is a product of tens of thousands of years ago."

Morgana smiled disdainfully.

"Tens of thousands of years ago?!"

"The technological level of your world... to what extent has it developed?"

Hope was shocked when he heard that, and asked with a dull expression.

"To what extent? In fact, it's not high, it's just the level of god-making."

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