Morgana shrugged and smiled.

"Making gods..."

"That...are you gods?"

Scott's hairs started to rise, and he asked in disbelief.

"See the pair of wings on the back? I am the Demon Queen, the God of Demons!"

Morgana flapped the wings of the demon behind her, and said proudly...

" about you?"

Hope looked at the others dumbly.

"My former queen of angels has now abdicated."

Keisha shrugged, also showing off her white and holy angel wings.

"I bought tears quack..."

"Angels and demons..."

At this moment, Scott felt his three views were refreshed.

God made by technology?

Created TM angel gods and demon gods?

Awesome!Big guy big guy!

"Don't look at me, I'm not a god, I'm just a ninja."

Tsunade waved his hand and laughed.

"Ninjas? There are ninjas these days?"

Scott raised his eyebrows and smiled in disbelief.

"What? You look down on ninjas?"

Hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help squinting his eyes, and punched the wall beside him.


With a loud bang, the cement-cast wall cracked open, and a big hole was smashed out!


Seeing this, Scott and Hope immediately resigned and stopped talking.

Both of them couldn't help MMP in their hearts at this moment.

God TM ninja ah!

Shouldn't ninjas focus on assassination and the like?Why are you able to exert such great power with your fists!

Although Scott can easily do this when he grows up, it is no problem to dismantle the aircraft building with his bare hands.

But that is also getting bigger!

Tsunade has shown such power with just physical fists!

"Now, can we go up together?"

Seeing that the women were almost intimidated, Yun Che raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes! Absolutely no problem! Please!"

Hope nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Nonsense, the opponent is so awesome, and his Hornets suit is no match at all, what else can he do if he disagrees?

Looking for death?

"Well...can I ask again...are you a god?"

Although he was so scared that he was about to pee his pants, Doubi will never forget his duty!

No, under Hope's cannibalistic eyes, Scott raised another question.

"Me? I... am not a god."

"But the possessor has more power than a god!"

Scott and Hope breathed a sigh of relief at the previous sentence.

But the next sentence made them almost turn around and run away without being frightened.

God is enough to scare them, but you have more power than god?

How to play this TM?There is no way to play, just leave the keyboard with both hands, type GG, and accept your fate! .

Chapter 192

In the end, under the status of Yun Che and his party who couldn't be more arrogant.

Scott and Hope had to give in and obediently let them go upstairs with him.

"Oh, this lab looks pretty good!"

After getting out of the elevator and following Hope around for a while, Morgana raised her eyebrows and smiled when she saw the huge laboratory in front of her.

"well enough......"

Hope smiled awkwardly.

She didn't dare to be proud, because the group of people in front of her were gods!

God knows if God's laboratory will be more advanced than his own?

If you are more advanced, and you are proud of this sentence, you will lose your face!

"Hope, why are you so slow? Is it because that bastard Scott is not very cooperative?"

As soon as they entered the laboratory, everyone heard an old voice.

"It's not..."

"Dad, I met some... amazing people downstairs."

Hope swallowed, and said to his father, the owner of this laboratory, Hank Pym.

"Wonderful man?"

Hearing Hope's words, Hank, who was looking down at something, raised his head and looked over curiously.


He just froze!

"Yun Che...Yun Che?!"

"My God! Is it really you?!"

As if he was stimulated by something or saw some surprise, Hank got up and rushed over regardless of the importance of the research at hand.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing? Do we know each other?"

Looking at an old man who is over fifty years old, he looks so excited that he wants to hug himself.

Yun Che frowned immediately, and raised his hand very responsively, stopping him.

"It's me! Hank Pym! Don't you know me?"

Seeing Yun Che's puzzled expression, Hank immediately said anxiously.

"Should I...should know you?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, his face full of confusion.

He really should know Hank because he's seen the Ant-Man movie.

But Hank shouldn't know him!

They are people from two different worlds. This is the first time he has come to his world, so he should not know him!

"Why shouldn't it? We have known each other for many years!"

"By the way, after so many years, why don't you look old? won't get Alzheimer's, right? You don't even know me!"

Hank patted Yun Che's shoulder and smiled, as if...

The two are acquainted, and they look like they have known each other for a long time!

This made Yun Che feel inexplicably familiar, as if... this scene also happened in the world of Time King? !

"You mean, we knew each other many years ago?"

Yun Che asked tentatively.

"Otherwise? By the way, you must have Alzheimer's, and you don't even know me!"

Hank nodded, then said regretfully.

"First of all, I don't have dementia, I'm only in my twenties, so young!"

The corners of Yun Che's mouth twitched slightly, resisting the urge to slap Hank over the head:

"Secondly... this damn time paradox!"

That's right, it's time paradox again, just like when we were in the world of Time King!

When he was in the Time King's World back then, it was because of the time paradox that Yun Che got acquainted with Men Yashi at a certain period of time that he didn't know about.

And now, he seems to have another time paradox.

In a certain period of time that he didn't know, he met Hank Pym!


Time is such a magical thing!

"A time paradox?"

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