Hank frowned when he heard this.

It is true that he is a famous scientist, but the field he focuses on is quantum technology!

He has only heard of the time domain, but has no specific understanding of it.

So it is normal to not know the time paradox.

"The time paradox, simply put, is that we are the first to appear in this world."

"But because of our presence, at a certain time in the future, something happened, which led to a certain result."

Morgana shrugged and explained to Hank.

"That is to say..."

Hearing Morgana's easy-to-understand explanation, Hank was thoughtful.

"That is to say, you know me, but I don't know you, because the me you knew at the beginning is likely to be me in a special time period."

"And now, I don't have the memory of that time period."

Yun Che shrugged and said the final result.

"Amazing! But...somewhat incomprehensible!"

Hank touched his head and smiled.

Although he couldn't fully understand the time paradox, he more or less knew the current situation.

To put it bluntly, you know him, but he doesn't know you!

"By the way... since the time paradox has caused you and me to know each other, then... will those Avengers also know me?"

Yun Che stroked his chin, and murmured thoughtfully.

According to Hank Pym's words, a conclusion can be drawn.

They met when he was young!

And when he was young, it reminded Yun Che of the plot in Avengers 4, where Tony and Team Mi went back in time to steal the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In that episode, the young Hank Pym appeared!

Therefore, because of the time paradox, it is very likely that Yun Che is not only acquainted with Hanke.

Maybe even get to know Tony and Tony's daddy, black marinated egg, surprise chick, and other Avengers!

Of course, if it's an exaggeration, maybe you can get to know Thanos that purple potato spirit!

For now, however, these are just speculations.

The specific situation is still unknown at present!

"What are you building? A tunnel?"

Looking at the complicated mechanical circuits around her, Morgana asked curiously.

As an outstanding scientist, she is quite interested in these things.

"It's a tunnel, but not an ordinary tunnel!"

"This is a quantum tunnel that, if successful, will allow us to enter the quantum realm!"

Hank smiled triumphantly, and then his eyes shifted:

"Morgana, if I remember correctly, you seem to be an excellent scientist too?"

"Why don't you come and help me build together?"

Under the influence of the time paradox, since Hank knew Yun Che, he would naturally know Morgana as well.

After all, in this world, Yun Che brought Morgana with him.

"Quantum technology..."

"But my field is space-time technology, and I don't know much about quantum technology."

Morgana shrugged.

She has devoted her whole life to space-time technology. Although she has heard a little about other technologies, she doesn't understand the deeper ones.

Research like quantum tunneling is already close to the core of quantum technology.

It can be said that she didn't know what to ask.

"Yeah...that's such a pity."

Hearing this, Hank sighed helplessly.

Although he can also complete the quantum tunnel by himself, with one more person, it can be completed faster and the defects can be greatly reduced.

You know, for scientists who have reached their level of achievement.

One plus one is not equal to two! .

Chapter 193

After ending the old-fashioned nonsense, Hank continued to pull Hope to develop the quantum tunnel.

Scott stood aside with a sore face.

As for Yun Che and the others, they admired this laboratory as if no one else was there.

"By the way, what is this thing? It looks so much like an ant!"

Pointing at the colony of ants carrying mechanical materials, Tsunade asked with a puzzled expression.

"That's the ants."

Yun Che smiled:

"Hank developed a dart that can grow bigger and smaller."

"And these ants have grown bigger through those darts to help carry supplies."

To be fair, Hank's research is quite powerful.

Although it does not have the powerful superpowers of some Avengers, nor does it have the superb combat effectiveness of Iron Man.

But as long as you master it well, it is also very powerful to become bigger and smaller!

Become small and pervasive, become large and destroy the world.

Civil War and Final Battle can fully reflect this!

"Can actually make ants so big..."

"Tsk, after seeing the power of your worlds, I suddenly feel that Orochimaru doesn't seem so hateful!"

Tsunade shook his head amusedly.

Orochimaru devoted his whole life to science and technology, but people in Naruto World didn't understand and regarded him as heresy.

Even Tsunade thought so at the beginning.

But now, after seeing the power of so many technologies, she suddenly understood what Orochimaru was thinking.

Sure enough, technology changes the world!

"If you have time later, go back and have a look."

"Bring something related to technology and go back to benefit the ninja world."

Yun Che laughed.

"good idea!"

Hearing this, Tsunade nodded in agreement.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the development of these technologies is not bad, but they still cannot reach the level of our world."

After Morgana looked around at the equipment in the laboratory, she shook her head and said.

"Normal. After all, our world is dominated by technology, while other worlds may not."

Keisha's thinking is more mature, and she sees more things naturally.

"Kesha is right, this world pays more attention to superpowers than technology' ~."

"And...to be honest, there are quite a few people here who can threaten us!"

Yun Che's own six infinity gems came from the Marvel world.

In the Marvel world, Infinity Gems are not the most powerful existence!


If they encounter high-end existences such as the five great creation gods, it is reasonable to say that their group may be wiped out!

"Huh?! There are guys in this world that even you can't deal with?"

Morgana looked surprised.

She has always felt that her male god is an invincible existence, the kind who is not afraid of anyone.

Unexpectedly, for the first time today, I heard from him that there is someone I can't deal with!

This really startled her.

"Actually, my abilities come from the universe of this world."

"It's just that it's not the strongest in the universe in this world."

Yun Che shrugged helplessly, the Infinity Stone is not the strongest in Marvel, is it my fault?

"Then we are in this world, wouldn't it be very dangerous?"

"Why don't we go back, safety is important!"

Kesha frowned and said, it doesn't matter if Yun Che is the strongest, she doesn't care, anyway, in her mind, Yun Che is still Yun Che, her male god.

Compared with her strength, she doesn't want anything to happen to her group!

"Don't worry, there is no need to end the journey."

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