This kind of bullet-like explosive power and sensitivity quickly eliminated dozens of Birch's bodyguards!

After all, although they are a bit stronger, they are just ordinary people after all!

"I took the things away, but I still leave the money to you."

After shaking the part he had snatched, Hope said to Birch with a teasing smile on his face.

"Oh, we're not done with business, Hope."

"I promise you that!"

Although Burch looked indifferent, in fact, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

"Hmm, it depends on whether you can come up with something worthy of my attention next time."

Hope shrugged, and prepared to leave with the parts he got.

However, at this moment, a ghost-like figure in a trance, wearing a white battle uniform, appeared from the other side of the wall!

And without saying a word, he attacked Hope without hesitation!

"WTF?! Am I dazzled?"

Standing up in a daze, looking at the two figures, one black and one white, who were fighting, Birch murmured in shock.

He can understand Hope's enlargement and reduction, quantum technology.

But what is the trance-like figure of this white ghost?

Not only can he TM pass through walls, but he TM can't hit them?

This really shocked him!

"Fuck! Who the hell are you guys?!"

Invisible for a while, active for a while, hit for a while, miss for a while.

Hope was not only shocked by this weird gesture, but also extremely annoyed!

"Give me that!"

Pointing at the parts in Hope's hand, the ghost made a hoarse and electronic sound.


After learning that the target of the ghost in front of him turned out to be the parts in his hand, Hope immediately looked serious.

This part is the only way for her to save her mother, no matter what, she will not allow it to be taken away!

"No! I'm going to help her!"

In the van, Scott said nervously as he watched Hope lose to Ghost.

After all, he is also an old lover, although he is still angry with himself, but he will die?impossible!

"Sit down!"

Just when Scott was about to rush out of the van, Yun Che, who had been chatting with Keisha and the others, suddenly called out to stop him.

"Let me go, I'm quite interested in that ghost..."

The ghost, also known as Ava, was originally an ordinary person.

But in his childhood, after experiencing a quantum technology explosion, the molecules were out of balance, and the physical body would constantly shuttle and exist between various planes, looking like a ghost!

All in all, it's a pretty good ability.

But the only disadvantage is that the constant damage and repair caused by the molecular imbalance will make Ava very painful!

Well, to put it bluntly, Yun Che just wanted this ability similar to the blurring of Sharingan.

Stealth, virtualization, it's still quite powerful!

Of course, Yun Che would also directly eliminate that only shortcoming! .

Chapter 195

Enter the hotel lobby and watch the ghost and Hope fighting together.

Yun Che directly raised his hand, and the power gem erupted in waves, shaking the two of them apart.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping me?!"

Seeing Yun Che's sudden intervention, Specter, that is, Ava, questioned in a very unhappy way.

"Which eye of yours sees me - stops you?"

Yun Che shook his head helplessly. I'm afraid that Ava was tortured by the destruction and healing of the elements-crazy!

Obviously he shook them both away, okay?

It's not just targeting her alone, so why stop it!

"Then what do you want to do? Don't tell me, you are not with them, I don't believe it!"

Seeing Hope who was standing beside Yun Che but not making any attacking movements, Ava asked with a face full of displeasure.

"You can understand that I'm here to help you, but in fact, I just want your ability."

Yun Che shrugged indifferently.

It is true that he came to plunder Ava's molecular imbalance ability, but this can also be regarded as indirectly helping Ava.

Because, as long as she looted this ability, she would be able to return to an ordinary person.

This is her dream thing!

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason, that is, Yun Che wants to end the plot of Ant-Man 2 early!

Because the ending of Ant-Man 2 is after Thanos snapped his fingers.

In other words, during the plot development of Ant-Man 2, the Avengers are fighting against Thanos!

For Infinity War...

Yun Che doesn't want to miss it!

"Want my ability? Although I don't know what is good about this kind of pain, but if you want... if you have the ability, come and grab it!"

Ava, who was tortured by the molecular imbalance, no longer wanted to continue talking nonsense with Yun Che.

Stepping directly like a phantom, he rushed forward with his fist raised!

"You go back first, she will leave it to me."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che said to Hope, and then started fighting with Ava.

But it's a fight, but in fact, it can only be regarded as a joke!

Because every attack of Ava was basically easily evaded by Yun Che, and he even pushed back. Those who knew it was a fight, but those who didn't knew it thought it was a dance!

"Fuck! You bastard!"

After going round and round for a few rounds, Ava, who sensed something was wrong, was completely furious.

But she didn't lose her mind and attack, and began to prepare for the escape route!

She already knew that she was no match for Yun Che!

"I don't want to waste too much time playing games with you here."

"You have two choices now. One is to let me beat you up and rob you of your abilities forcibly, or to admit defeat obediently and let me rob you."

Yun Che said helplessly.

"Heh, I still have a third choice!"

Ava smiled, and directly used her molecular imbalance ability to leap towards the wall and successfully passed through.

"No, you didn't."

With raised eyebrows, Yun Che directly raised his hand:

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

A strong gravitational force pulled Ava who had already reached the other side of the wall, forcing her to be absorbed and appear in front of Yun Che again!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

After the gravitational force, it is the repulsive force!

Ava was directly pushed out by the powerful explosive force.

This time, she didn't go through the wall, but directly slammed into it, and collapsed on the ground.

"Lie down obediently and don't move. My ability to rob is also good for you."

"At least, you don't have to bear the endless pain of destruction and repair."

Putting his hand on Ava's head, Yun Che said with a smile.


Things have come to this, and Ava, who knows she can't escape, can only accept her fate obediently.

She only hoped that what Yun Che said was true and not lying to herself.

"So far, I don't seem to have lied to anyone."

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders as an answer, and then, using the ability of the power gem, began to plunder Ava's ability.

In the meantime, Ava's original trance, flickering body.

It actually began to calm down visibly with the naked eye!

About 3 minutes later, Yun Che withdrew his hand, and Ava's phantom also completely disappeared!

"I... I'm really healed?"

Looking at her normal hands, Ava couldn't believe it.

She really didn't expect that the pain that had plagued her for so long would actually be so good!

"Wait, why don't you have a problem at all? Aren't you molecularly out of balance?"

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