Raising her head and looking at Yun Che who was indifferent before her, Ava asked with a puzzled expression.

"This ability is unbalanced on you, but it is control on me."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Yun Che shrugged. The reason why Ava was in pain was because she didn't know how to control the distance between molecules.

Once you know how to control, you can do what you like through walls, stealth and so on!

"Well, it doesn't matter."

"Thank you for bringing me back to normal!"

Standing up from the ground, Ava thanked her sincerely.

God knows how much she has suffered because of this ability since she was a child.

And now, it's all over, it's her dream thing!

"It's okay, everyone takes what they need."

Yun Che waved his hands, then looked back at the black market dealer Birch who had been sitting on a chair watching the show:

"Although I don't hurt innocent people very much, it is obvious that you are not a good person."

There are two villains in Ant-Man 2, one is the ghost Ava, and the other is the black market businessman Birch.

........ ......

It's just that Ava is the number one boss, Birch's number two boss.

Now, since number one is solved, then number two should also be solved together by the way!

"What are you going to do...wait! Don't hurt me! I can give you money, lots and lots of money!"

Seeing Yun Che looking at him, Birch suddenly panicked and begged for mercy.

"Heh, do you think everyone loves money like you do?"

Yun Che shook his head and smiled speechlessly, then without beeping, he directly used the ability of the power gem to turn him into fly ash!

From then on, as long as Hank's wife is rescued from the quantum realm, the plot of Ant-Man 2 will officially end!

"Let's go, go back to the lab, perfect the quantum tunnel, and save your old guy's wife!"

Back in the van, Yun Che said to Hanke.


Hank nodded excitedly, finally... finally it's coming!

After so many years, he has been waiting for this day!Waiting...reunion with wife!

"However, Scott and Hope, after this is done, you two will go somewhere with me."

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Ant-Man only participated in the final battle, but not the Infinity War.

Yun Che, on the other hand, intends to turn the Infinity War into the final battle!

He is really curious, when Thanos sees himself who also has six infinite treasures...

What a funny face it would be!Four.

Chapter 196

In the laboratory, Yun Che and his party were sitting idly and chatting nonsense.

Hope and Scott, on the other hand, stared at the computer screen nervously and solemnly.

The reason is simple, because Hank has successfully entered the quantum realm in the cockpit!

"Yun Che, do you think that old guy will just cool off inside?"

"Although I don't understand quantum technology very well, I still know that the quantum field is dangerous."

Morgana asked Yun Che curiously while knocking on the melon seeds she got from someone who didn't know where.

"No, it's been so long since I've been in, it's estimated that Hank will come out with his wife in a while."

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

"Are you so sure? The Quantum Realm is no ordinary place!"

Morgana raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"But Hank and his wife are not ordinary people."

eight six three

Yun Che shrugged.

Why is he so sure?Because he has seen the movie!

Although in the process, Hank's will was almost eroded by the Quantum Realm, but his wife has been there for so many years, she has evolved a long time ago, and has a way to deal with it!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this wave of operations is very dangerous.

But in Yun Che's view, this is just a procedure!

And as if in response to his affirmative words, the Quantum Tunnel, which had been calm all along, suddenly shone with light and began to operate!

Clearly, the channel is open!

Someone is about to go through the quantum tunnel and come out of the quantum realm!

"Father, mother...you must come back safely!"

With tears in his eyes, Hope murmured pleadingly.

"Hank, come on! You old guy will do it!"

Scott was also talking nervously. He also didn't want anything to happen to Hank, who was so much older than him!

Finally, after the quantum tunnel ran for tens of seconds.

As if in response to Hope and Scott's expectations, a familiar cockpit rushed out quickly!

Although under the powerful impact, many important technologies were smashed to pieces.

But at the moment, no one cares about that!

Scott and Hope hurried to the cockpit, opened the hatch, and helped Hank and his wife out.

"Mom...it's really you...you're alive!"

Hope hugged his mother and wept with joy.

Scott, on the other hand, hooked up with Hank and stood aside to watch the show.

"Although I really don't want to disturb the atmosphere of your reunion, but don't forget what I said before."

Seeing how carried away they were, completely forgetting that there were other people here, Yun Che couldn't help but said aloud.

During the period of their reunion, Infinity War may have reached its climax, so he had to rush to break the atmosphere.

Regarding this epic battle, Yun Che did not want to miss it!

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten, isn't it just to help the Avengers fight again, I am familiar with this routine!"

Scott patted his chest and smiled proudly.

However, he obviously forgot that it was because he went to fight for the Avengers last time that he ended up breaking the law when he went out now!

"Although I don't really want to help them, but since I promised you before, I will naturally not break my promise."

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Hope smiled seriously.

"Then it's not too late, let's go."

Yun Che shrugged, and then used the ability of the space gem to open a portal to Wakanda.

The Infinity War in Complex 3 happened in Wakanda!


Scott and Hope nodded, then put on the Ant-Man suit and the Wasp suit respectively, and stepped into the portal hand in hand.

"Let's go too, it's too boring to stay here all the time."

"Time to have some fun!"

Yun Che smiled at Kaisha and the others, letting them enter the portal first.

And just when Yun Che was about to go in, Hanke suddenly said: "Wait!"

"what happened?"

Looking back at Hank, Yun Che asked curiously.

"Yun Che, in view of our friendship for so many years, please bring Hope back safely!"

"And Scott, although that kid is a bit of a jerk, but in general... he is also a good guy!"

Holding his wife's hand, Hank asked seriously.

"That's just for you, it's years of friendship. For me, we've known each other for less than a day."

"However...for the sake of your love and righteousness and love for your daughter, old guy, I promise you."

Yun Che shrugged and smiled, then ignored Hank and walked into the portal...

And after he finally entered, the portal closed.


Hank was a little flustered when he heard Yun Che's first sentence, but after hearing the second sentence, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately there was some relief.

Although what Yun Che said was correct, from his point of view, it was true that he had only known him for less than a day.

But from Hanke's point of view, he has known Yun Che for more than ten years!

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