Chapter 202

"Older than me and weaker than me, I won't die even if you die!"

Although very upset, Yun Che, who had no reason to refute, could only give Tony a hard look.


When Tony heard this, a black question mark immediately appeared on his face.

He admits that he is weak, but why is he so old?

In his cognition, Yun Che is a person of the same generation as his father and Steve. Although he looks very young, he is as young as when he first met, and there is hardly any sign of aging...

But the age should be older than yourself!

"Speaking of Steve, after all, Thanos is also a respectable figure, so you use this kind of weapon to fight him?"

Ignore the confused Tony.

Yun Che looked at the small shield in Steve's hands, and said with a look of disgust.


Hearing this, Steve looked at the small shield in his hand, then at Tony beside him, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

His exclusive shield was taken away by Tony during the civil war.

Even now, he is too embarrassed to go to the other party to ask for it.

After all, as a friend, his handling of that... really hurt Tony.

"To be reasonable, if you underestimate Thanos and use this kind of thing to fight him, you will probably be the first to be hammered to death."

"So... take it and use it."

Yun Che said with some helplessness, and then used the space gem again, directly took the shield made of Adamantium alloy from Tony's house all the way away, and threw it to Steve.


"Uncle Yun Che, this is illegal trespass... No, it is illegal theft! I can report you!"

Seeing that Yun Che handed over the confiscated shield to Steve again without his consent, Tony said with a depressed expression.

"It's up to you, but the premise is that you have the life to report it."

Yun Che shrugged with a light smile, raised his finger and pointed behind Tony.

Seeing this, Tony turned his head to look in doubt, and then his whole face collapsed immediately:

"Damn it! Don't talk nonsense! Thanos is here!"

It turned out that when they were chatting just now, Thanos had already pressed towards them step by step!

"The Avengers... Fight!"

Steve shouted, then equipped the shield that Yun Che gave him just now, and charged straight towards Thanos.

With him leading the charge, the other Avengers will naturally not be left behind.

Running, flying, anyway, they all swarmed towards Thanos!

"I have to say that their courage is admirable. Knowing that they are far from the enemy's opponents, they still have no fear at all."

Keisha nodded and said with satisfaction.

"Then are they worthy of the angel's protection?"

Morgana teased with interest.

In the world of super gods, as long as there is any civilization that is righteous and brave, then it is worthy of the protection of angels.

"Even if it's worth it, it's not my turn to pronounce the sentence. The current King of Angels is Yan, and I have already abdicated."

Keisha shrugged and said with a relaxed smile.

The King of Angels has a great reputation and is very prestigious, but for her, it is very stressful.

So abdication is not a bad thing, but it allows her to enjoy a life that she has never enjoyed in 3 years!

"It's not so much courage, it's better to say that they just have people and things they want to protect."

Tsunade felt a little emotional.

Having experienced the second and third Ninja World Wars, she has a thorough understanding of the essence of a warrior.

Maybe some fighters are militant themselves and like to fight, but the reason why most fighters go out to kill the enemy is because they have people and things they want to protect in their hearts!

Just like the former Tsunade, didn't she participate in the war just to protect Konoha?

Therefore, the same is true for the current Avengers. They dare to face Thanos directly to protect certain people and things!

Some may be lovers, some may be family, and some... maybe half of the life of the entire universe!

"This is their duty. No one can accomplish the task of defeating Thanos except them."

Yun Che shrugged, instead of paying attention to the Avengers and Thanos who were fighting in full swing, he looked up at the sky:

"The Fat House God should be coming soon, right?"

That's right, fat house god, Thor!

Judging from the current time, he should and will soon come to Earth with Groot and Rocket Raccoon!

Of course, in this period, he has not yet become the fat house god.

But this title probably won't be taken off in this life, after all, it's very vivid, isn't it?

"Why do you have to stop me? I am fighting for the great cause of the universe!"

Thanos let out an incomprehensible sigh while pressing the Avengers on the ground with various explosive hammers.

"Maybe your original intention is good, but your actions are brutal! We absolutely cannot allow it!"

Steve struggled to resist Thanos' attack, and shouted angrily.

"That's right! Your thinking is just like that of a primary school student, it's too one-sided!"

"Destroying half of the population will not bring so-called peace, it will only keep wars happening!"

Fired a focused laser from his palm, shooting at Thanos, Tony agreed.

"Hey, as people on Earth, your eyes are only limited to this planet."

"The rules of the huge life in the universe... are beyond your comprehension!"

As if he felt that he was playing the piano against the cow, Thanos sighed helplessly, then used the power gem on the Infinity Gauntlet, crazily increased the output, and beat the Avengers violently!

"Actually... To be honest, I think Thanos' idea is quite correct, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Morgana sighed and said:

"He just chose the wrong way to deal with it."

There are too many lives and not enough resources. This is indeed a very serious problem.

But directly destroying half of the population, this behavior is too extreme.

"He should learn from the one-child policy on Earth."

Kesha shrugged and smiled.

The family planning policy advocates late marriage, late childbearing, fewer and better births, so as to control the population in a planned way.

If this policy can be pushed to the whole universe, then the problem of too many lives and not enough resources can definitely be solved, but the problem is...

Thanos doesn't even know about this policy!

"By the way...Yun Che, aren't we going to make a move yet? I feel like they are about to be beaten to death..."

Looking at the Avengers, who had lost half of their strength, Tsunade asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, the Avengers still have a high-end combat power that hasn't appeared!"

Yun Che shook his head and said with a faint smile.

Since it is the final battle, the protagonist group must be all together!

So, want to make a move?No problem, assuming all audience members are present!


As if in response to Yun Che's thoughts, the sky that was originally relying on, suddenly flashed and thundered, making an ear-shattering muffled sound!

Immediately afterwards, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky and rushed straight to the center of the battlefield:

"Thanos! Your grandfather, I'm Thor! I'm here to fetch your purple potato brain!".

Chapter 203

There was a loud noise in the sky, and the Fat House made its debut!


Thor, holding the storm axe, roared and slashed towards Thanos.

However, if he hadn't yelled this way for the sake of being handsome, maybe he could have severely injured Thanos with a single ax like in the movie.

But with just such a roar, it immediately attracted Thanos' attention!


Thor, who was handsome in less than three seconds, was thrown to the ground by Thanos' iron fist of love!

Well, leaving aside the Fat House God, the Hammer God!

He really is a hammer god!Get a batch!

"This he an idiot? I feel even more idiotic than Zilai!"

The corners of Tsunade's mouth twitched slightly, and couldn't help complaining.

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