Originally, among the people she knew, Zilai was also the most naive, but now, this seat probably has changed hands.

Because Thor seems to be more naive than Jiraiya...

"God's face has been thrown away by him..."

Morgana held her forehead, a little dumbfounded.

Although the two belong to different gods, and even take different routes, they are both gods after all!

Morgana is really ashamed of Thor!

"To be honest, Liang Bing, when I saw him, it was as if I saw you back then, just as stupid and rebellious!"

Keisha's tone was nostalgic, and she said in a serious manner.

"Fuck! Even if you are my sister, you can't humiliate me like this!"

"My old lady is much smarter than him no matter what time it is!"

When Morgana heard this, she immediately became furious.

Although she was really rebellious back then, she didn't admit that she was as stupid as Thor at the moment!

"Okay, okay, what's the point of arguing about it? Keep watching, if nothing unexpected happens, the winner will be decided soon."

Yun Che waved his hands and said with a smile.

Although very stupid, I have to admit that Thor's strength is still quite strong.

Therefore, with his joining, the combat power of the Avengers has undoubtedly been directly improved by a whole lot!

But even so, without the participation of Captain Marvel, they are still not the enemy of Thanos with five Infinity Stones!

Therefore, saying that the winner is about to be decided does not mean that the Avengers are going to win, but that it is impossible for Thanos to be defeated by them!

The reality is often so cruel.

Even if you work hard and desperately, the gap is there, and you can't succeed if you want to resist!

"Poor orphan who lost his homeland, you are not worthy of being called a god now"~

Grabbing Thor's neck and lifting it high, Thanos said with a look of contempt.

"Are you the guy who slaughtered your own people worthy?"

Struggling in pain, Thor spat unhappily.

"No, I am not a god, but destiny!"

Squinting his eyes, Thanos smiled disdainfully, then pushed Thor to the ground, and punched him down hard, causing him to sink deep into the soil, almost unconscious!


Seeing that Thor had almost lost his ability to fight, Steve cursed unhappily, but there was nothing he could do.

You can't run over to rescue Thor, can you?

realistic?Not realistic at all!

You know, although his small body is very powerful among human beings, he may not be enough to punch in front of Thanos who has the power gem!

"No... My Chaos Magic can't hurt him at all!"

Wanda also panted heavily, with a solemn expression on her face.

In Complex 4, the reason why she was able to use chaos magic to rub Thanos on the ground was because Thanos at that time did not have an infinite gem, not even a single one!

And the current Thanos, let alone the five installed on the Infinity Gauntlet.

Just a Reality Gem can directly ignore Wanda's Chaos Magic!

"I don't like killing, but killing always finds me."

"So, if you don't want to die, just obediently hand over the Soul Gem."

With his eyes tightly locked on the gemstone on Vision's forehead, Thanos said indisputably.

"Don't like killing? Who are you lying to!"

"When we are stupid, once we give you the Mind Stone, half of the life in the universe will disappear, isn't that called killing?"

Tony scolded irritably, he had a very bad impression of Thanos.

Because of him, I suffered from anxiety disorder. Before, because of him, I was seriously injured in the abdomen, and now because of him, I was injured and fought!

In Tony's view, all the disasters the earth has experienced, all the tribulations he has experienced, the root cause... all come from this giant baby purple potato essence in front of him!

So of course, among all the Avengers, the person who hates Thanos the most is undoubtedly Tony!

"Short killings are for long-term peace."

Shaking his head and sighing, Thanos didn't intend to talk too much nonsense anymore.

With a straight stride, he quickly rushed to the front of Vision, and before he could react, he punched fiercely with the Power Gem in his abdomen!


The abdomen was severely injured, causing Vision to become weak all of a sudden.

".~This gem is on your head, it is really a waste, let me use it as it should be."

The proud corner of his mouth hooked slightly, and Thanos directly raised his hand to exert force, and without hesitation, he picked out the soul gem!

In this way, the six rough stones were successfully obtained, and the phantom who was forcibly robbed of the gemstones was also turned into ashes and died on the spot!

"It's over...it's all over..."

When Steve and the others saw this, their faces turned ashen, and they knelt down on the ground with a wry smile.

What they have been doing all along is not so much to defeat Thanos, but to stop Thanos!

Stop him from getting the six Infinity Stones!

And now, since the other party has obtained the last soul gem, it all proves that they lost, lost completely!

"Why are you showing such a desperate expression?"

At this moment, Yun Che and his party came to them and asked with a light smile.

"Heh...Vision is dead, Thanos also got six infinite gems, half of the life in the entire universe is at stake...(Qian Zhao's)..."

"We lost...isn't that hopeless enough?"

With a wry smile, Steve no longer knew what to say.

He didn't take his anger out on Yun Che, nor did he blame him for not helping to deal with Thanos despite possessing infinite gems and super combat power.

Because Yun Che said from the very beginning that this war belongs to their avengers!

He may personally shoot out of interest, but he will never deal with the aftermath like a nanny!

"Yeah, you guys lost...but I haven't lost yet!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled with great interest.

The reason why he hadn't shot before was to wait for Thanos to successfully get the sixth Infinity Gem!

You know, the combat power shown by five gems and six gems is completely different!

So... Fen.

For the sake of fun, it must be interesting to fight after Thanos has the same six infinite gems as himself! .

Chapter 204

"Hehe, are there any more little ants who are eager to die?"

Seeing Yun Che and his party appearing beside the defeated Avengers, Thanos who had already obtained six Infinity Stones, smiled disdainfully.

Well, apparently, he swelled!

It swelled up greatly, to the point where no one would look down on it!

"Yun Che, did I hear you right? Did he just call us... ants?"

Morgana raised her eyebrows, she was a little uncertain, or asked in disbelief.

She has been wandering in the known universe of the super god world for more than 3 years. She has heard of no matter how discriminatory and vicious the title is, but this is the first time she has such a contemptuous and contemptuous title!

Because God cannot be insulted!

No matter how much you hate and cast aside, as long as you are a normal person, you will not dare to insult a god!

"If I hear you right, yes."

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders indifferently, he didn't have much feeling for the term "ants".

For to him it is but the barking of the ignorant.

It's okay to let Thanos inflate for a while, let him see the real gap between Infinity Gems and Infinity Gems later!

Mmm, pork heart with shrimps!

"Although it is very unpleasant, but to be honest, he has six infinite gems, and he is probably very difficult to deal with!"

Kesha narrowed her eyes and said.

If it was before getting the six infinite gems, the three of them might be able to blow up Thanos.

But after the opponent got six infinite gems...

Even if the three of them serve together, they are probably delivering food!

After all, Yun Che is Chi Guoguo's example!

Although the power displayed by Thanos is definitely not as good as Yun Che, but in the final analysis, it is probably not something they can resist!

"I've always been very confident in my strange power, but if I'm facing the power gem, forget it."

Tsunade also shrugged helplessly.

Strange power can only be regarded as some kind of secret technique at best, but what about power gems?

Directly TM is the incarnation of some kind of rules!

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