There is such a huge gap between the two that there is no comparison at all!

"Stand back, Thanos will be left to me."

"Of course, I'll leave him a sigh of relief and let you vent."

Yun Che said with a faint smile, and then he no longer hid, and directly unleashed the power of the six infinite gems that had been integrated into the depths of his soul!

In an instant.

Red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, six streamers of colorful light formed a gas mask and swirled around his body!

The whole person seemed to be filled with an invincible and powerful momentum!

"This is it possible?!"

Seeing the six streaks of light around Yun Che, Thanos was stunned for a moment, then looked down at his Infinity Gauntlet.

Then he looked up at Yun Che again, and finally looked down at the Infinity Gauntlet:

"Breath... the same breath!"

"How could you have infinite gems?!"

Thanos was stunned. He thought he was invincible after getting six infinite gems.

As a result, what the hell is a pair of infinite six rough stones popping up now?

Copycat version?Plagiarized version?impossible!

This TM is a treasure born from the six singularities of the Big Bang!

And what makes Thanos feel even more weird is that the raw stone breath exuded by the other party...seems to be TM purer and thicker than his own? !

This is the cheating!

"Why can't I have it?"

Yun Che shrugged, and asked with a light smile.

"Impossible! There is only one pair of infinite stones... Wait, you are from another parallel world, right?!"

Thanos first shook his head in disbelief, then seemed to have thought of something, and asked firmly.

As the overlord in the vast universe, he naturally knows the existence of parallel worlds!

"Parallel world? Although it's not quite correct, you can also understand it this way."

Yun Che said indifferently.

He was too lazy to explain the difference between the parallel world and other worlds.

"So, as the owner of the Infinity Stone, are you going to stand up for these Avengers and become my enemy?"

Thanos nodded clearly, and then asked with a serious face.

I thought it was an ant that was not to be feared, but I didn't expect it to be a boss who also has infinite gems!

This is why Thanos doesn't pay attention to it, and doesn't dignify it!

After all, he also has the Infinity Gem, and he knows how terrifying the power contained in it is!

"Get ahead? Maybe, but it's not for the Avengers, but for my own woman."

"After all...the address you just called made them very upset!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Yun Che's mouth, it was a little bit to be in the early stage, and it was a little bit to be interested in fighting Thanos!

"That is to say, a war cannot be avoided between us?"

Hearing the words, Thanos couldn't help squinting his eyes, and gradually exuded a dangerous aura from his body.

This is the murderous aura accumulated by him in years of fighting!

"you can say it this way."

Yun Che shrugged, and a frightening aura also erupted from his body.

In an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, with lightning and thunder!

The aura of the two strongest men colliding, the lethality is not ordinary!

At the very least, the Avengers could barely bear it, all of them looked pained, feeling as if their bones were about to be crushed by an invisible force!


After confronting each other for a while, Yun Che and Thanos looked at each other silently.

Then he used the power gem very tacitly, and punched out!

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, a purple air wave swept across the audience, instantly destroying everything around it!

If Keisha and Morgana hadn't blocked the defeated Avengers and Tsunade in time with their hard divine bodies, their mortal bodies would have been reduced to ashes in an instant!

"Actually, I'm curious, where do you put your infinite gems? And why is your breath purer than mine?"

Taking a step back and opening the distance, Thanos's face was wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, and he asked suspiciously.

Maybe others can't see anything, but as the person involved, he knows that he lost the punch just now!

Whether it's strength or destructive power, it's a notch behind Yun Che!

"Do you think I'm the same as you? You need the Infinity Gauntlet to master the Infinity Stone."

Yun Che shook his head with some amusement and said.

The current Thanos can undoubtedly be described as someone with long hair and short knowledge, although he does not have hair...

"Don't use the Infinity Gauntlet? Have you fully grasped the power of the Infinity Gem?"

After hearing the words, Thanos was stunned for a while, and then asked in astonishment.

Originally, he thought that wanting to fully grasp the power of the Infinity Gems was simply a fantasy, a dream!

After all, this is a treasure born from the Big Bang!

but now......

Yun Che, who also possesses the Infinity Gemstone, is actually stronger than himself in every aspect, which makes him have to wonder whether it is possible to achieve what he thought was impossible at the beginning!

"Yes, for you, the Infinity Stone is a tool."

"But to me, I... am the Infinity Stones!".

Chapter 205

In all respects, Yun Che is a complete abuser of Thanos.

Let's not talk about the gap between the two mastery of infinite gems.

The physique and fighting skills that Thanos is proud of as the Eternal Titan are completely useless in front of Yun Che.

The physique is blessed by Susano.

Fighting skills are blessed with strange power.

Besides, this is only the second of many abilities!

So, what would Thanos use to fight Yun Che?There is no suspense at all, winning or losing is doomed from the very beginning!

"I never thought that there would be someone who could fully grasp the power of the Infinity Stone..."

After being stunned for a while, Thanos shook his head in relief and sighed:

"To be honest, for the first time, I hesitated about whether I could defeat someone."

"But even so...for the great cause, for my daughter, no matter what, I can't give up!"

Thanos in complex 3 may be the most regrettable existence among many versions, because he in this period is indeed purely for the balance of the universe!

Even at the expense of his favorite daughter Gamora!

Rather than saying that he is a bad guy who does all kinds of evil, it is better to say that Thanos of the complex 3 is a hero who has gone astray!

You know, Thanos 4, after seeing his future self beheaded through Xingyun's memory, lost his original intention in a rage, and just wanted to kill everyone.

Not to mention the mainstream Thanos in the comics.

Destroying half of the lives is directly to please his beloved goddess of death, there is no righteousness at all!

"Your courage is admirable, but it doesn't change your ending."

Yun Che shrugged and said with a faint smile.

"My ending is written by myself!"

With an imposing cold snort, Thanos once again clenched his fist wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, his feet exploded, and rushed towards Yun Che!

"Countless people want to disobey the destiny and decide their own life and death."

"However, fate is controlled by the strong, and the prerequisite for changing your fate against the sky is that you have to have stronger power than the strong man who controls fate!"

Shaking his head and laughing, the underlying meaning of Yun Che's words is that you are weaker than me!

After that, he didn't stand still, and also threw a fist with the power gem, and threw it at Thanos!

Same attack, same result!

Yun Che was as calm as a breeze, Thanos was a little aggrieved, but Keisha, the Avengers and the others were in extreme pain!

Although he has a powerful and tough divine body, he can't withstand the aftermath of the power gems again and again!

Even Keisha and Morgana are like this.

Not to mention Tsunade and the Avengers with mortal bodies?

One by one felt that the skin and bones were about to separate, and the pain was unbearable!

"Captain, I think we should slip first!"

"If this continues, I'm afraid Uncle Yun Che and Thanos will die here before the winner is determined!"

The intense pain made Tony grin his teeth.

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