The so-called gods fight, mortals suffer, he was wounded to fight, and now he was hit twice by the aftermath of the power gem.

So at this moment, if other people's pain level is five, then Tony is undoubtedly ten!

"You think I don't want to go?"

Steve rolled his eyes helplessly:

"It's okay to have Keisha and the others standing in front of us now, but if we just run away without their protection, I'm afraid Yun Che and Thanos will punch us again, and we will be wiped out in ashes!"

He is also desperate, but what can he do?

If you want to survive and stay where you are, the pain will be unbearable at best.

But if you don't want to endure the pain and want to run, then you will probably be cold!

"Although I am very upset and aggrieved! But I have to admit that I am not your opponent if I fight alone!"

Rubbing his fists in pain, Thanos said with a serious face.

"So? Do you want to gang fight?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Thanos' army is all dead, so why would he beat himself up in groups?

Moreover, even if there are still some remnants alive, but with their combat power... I am afraid they are here to deliver food!

"The chances of winning in a group fight are better than in a single fight, isn't it?"

"What about the dignity of the strong, for victory, for the great cause, for my daughter, I will do whatever it takes!"

Thanos sneered, then grasped the infinite glove, directly activated the ability of the soul gem, and summoned all the troops who died on this Wakanda battlefield before him!

Of course, they didn't come back to life, they just reappeared as undead!

"I know that with them alone, it is impossible to be your opponent, but the ants kill the elephant!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"Even if I can't bite you to death, I will crush you to death with numbers!"

Looking at the tens of thousands of troops behind him, Thanos couldn't help but sneered.

"Crush me to death? Hehe..."

"Do you are the only one who knows how to do this?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, and then activated the ability of the soul gem to summon a group of undead army!

It's just that this army of undead is not the warriors of the Wakanda tribe who died in the previous battle. After all, they are just mortals, and their strength is many times weaker than Thanos' army. Even if they are summoned, they are useless.

What Yun Che summoned was the group of gluttonous void warriors who besieged Angel Nebula back then in the Super God World!

...................... 0

You know, their combat power is not only stronger than the Wakanda tribe, but also no worse than Thanos' army!


If Yun Che was willing, he could also summon the angels and demons who died in that battle in the form of an army of undead.

But Morgana is okay, Keisha is very concerned about this kind of thing.

Therefore, considering their feelings, Yun Che did not summon angels and demons, but summoned gluttonous void fighters!

After all, it seems like an interesting choice to let a former enemy work for him!

"This guy Yun Che really knows how to play, he even pulled Tao Tie out as a thug..."

Seeing this, Morgana in the rear couldn't help but twitched slightly at the corner of her mouth.

"Could it be that you still want him to pull out those sacrificed angels and demons?"

Kesha rolled her eyes and said.

My old sister has a reckless personality, but she is careful, but she has seen Yun Che's intentions.

My man is taking care of his two sisters' feelings!

Otherwise, if it was just for combat efficiency, he could have summoned angels and demons, because then, crushing Thanos' undead army would be a matter of minutes!

"I trust Yun Che."

Morgana shrugged:

"Although sometimes he is very domineering, but in certain things, he has a sense of proportion."

"When it comes to our affairs, no matter whether it should be done or not, he will ask for opinions and take into account his feelings!"

Unconditional trust, this is Morgana's unreserved love for Yun Che!Four.

Chapter 206

On the battlefield, Yun Che and Thanos confront each other.

The former was calm and breezy, while the latter seemed a little nervous and dignified.

"Although I don't know what these mechanical beasts you summoned are, but in my opinion, they are not powerful!"

He took a careful look at the group of gluttonous void fighters behind Yun Che.

Thanos pondered for a while, then said thoughtfully.

"You are wrong. Whether you are strong or not depends on your opponent!"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said with a smile.

Is the gluttonous void warrior powerful?It is strong if you say it is strong, and it is not strong if you say it is not strong.

In the world of super gods, why were they able to encircle and suppress the coalition forces of angels and demons, and even defeated the three kings?

Because they have mastered part of the void ability, their strength is still very strong!

Then why was he immediately wiped out by the group when he faced Yun Che?

Because no matter how powerful Bassy Zero and the others are, they cannot possibly be opponents at Yun Che's level!

Therefore, Taotie Void Warrior is strong if he says it is strong, and he is not strong if he says he is not strong!

At least let's not talk about Yun Che, they just can't deal with an opponent of Thanos' level at this moment!

Of course, Yun Che summoned them not to fight Thanos, but to fight Thanos' undead army. If the master can't win, isn't it a matter of minutes to beat the dog?

Don't look at the size of Thanos' army.

But in fact, the combat power is really not that strong, at most it will bully the natives of the Wakanda tribe.

If you really want to fight against the gluttonous void fighters...

Hehe, I'm sorry, they only have to be crushed!

"Stop talking nonsense, see the real chapter under your hand!"

Thanos seemed very displeased with Yun Che's confident appearance.

He just waved his hand, mobilized the ability of the soul gem, and controlled his army of undead to rush forward!


Seeing this, Yun Che didn't make unnecessary moves or talk nonsense.

Simply pointing to Thanos' army, he uttered a word to the gluttonous void fighters behind him.

In an instant, the shouts shook the sky!

Countless two groups of people fought together, and the scene looked quite heroic!

However, this is only the beginning.

With the passage of time, the gap in combat power between Thanos' army and the gluttonous void fighters gradually became apparent.

If one Taotie Void Warrior dies, ten of Thanos' army will die!

Totally out of proportion!


Swearing angrily, Thanos had to join the battle.

There is no way, if he continues to die according to this ratio, let alone he wants to beat Yun Che up, I am afraid that when the time comes, it will directly become Yun Che beating him up!

"Trouble! What the hell are these!"

Thanos couldn't help but frowned after killing a few gluttonous void fighters with random punches in the arena.

At first, just looking at their appearance and aura, he felt that these gluttonous void fighters were very weak, so weak that they were not even counted as miscellaneous soldiers.

But now, after personally joining this chaotic battle, after fighting for a while, he discovered that appearance and aura... have nothing to do with strength!

If it weren't for the Reality Gem, the Space Gem, and the Power Gem, Thanos would probably be deflated directly in the void domain of the Void Warrior!

After all, the ability to modify the domain substances and data around him at will is indeed too buggy!

"What? Thanos, is this not enough?"

"They are all my former defeats, the kind that slap all of them to death!"

With his hands in his pockets, Yun Che, who was standing behind watching the show, said with a playful smile.

"What are you kidding! Just wait, I'll kill them all right away!"

Thinking of him as a majestic tyrant of the universe, how has he ever been humiliated like this?

Seeing Yun Che watching his jokes, Thanos roared in spite of being a little embarrassed.


If you really want to talk about it, it is impossible for the gluttonous void warrior to be the enemy of Thanos who has six infinite gems at this moment.

Because although the Void Realm is buggy, it is overcome by the three gems of space, power, and reality!

However, whoever let him push him to the top, if he went in, it would be a flat A, instead of directly opening Wushuang!

If Wushuang is opened directly, the gluttonous void warrior will definitely be wiped out instantly under the crushing force of the infinite gems, and die directly!

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