Therefore, the reason Thanos is in such a mess now is because of Lang!

You must know that although the Infinity Stone can restrain the Void Domain, if you don't use it, the Void Domain will be superimposed layer by layer, let alone Thanos, I am afraid that even Yun Che will not be able to bear it!

Weak because of being restrained.

Strong, because under the advantage of quantity, it can be superimposed without limit!

This is also the reason why Yun Che did not face the gluttonous void fighters alone when he was in the Angel Nebula in the super god world, but chose to attack the army with the army!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"You bastards... you all deserve to die!"

Humiliated by Yun Che, and defeated by his subordinates, that is, the Avengers, seeing himself in such a mess.....

This provoked Thanos' nerves, and he was completely furious!

Maximizing the power of the Power Gem and the Reality Gem, Thanos punched the ground furiously!

In an instant, the ground shook!

Regardless of enemy or friend, the destructive blow of anger not only wiped out the gluttonous void fighters, but also disappeared with his own army of undead!

"Finally got the hang of it?"

"Don't use fists, use abilities instead?"

After seeing Thanos deflated, he used a ranged attack soberly, and successfully wiped out the Void Warrior.

Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and mocked again.

"You guy..."

Glaring at Yun Che, Thanos's purple body was full of meridians:

"Very good! You are really good! I haven't been so angry in a long time!"

"Today, I must use your head to calm my anger!"

The six-color rays of light belonging to the Infinity Gem suddenly appeared. If it was just a test before, then now, Thanos is undoubtedly going to be serious!

"What I've been waiting for is your current state!"

Seeing that Thanos was serious, Yun Che couldn't help being a little excited.

And this excitement was divided into two emotions.

One is the expectation of being able to fight against the strong, and the other is curiosity about how far the two sets of infinite gems can evolve after fusing!

That's right, infinite gems, fusion!

In fact, Yun Che didn't know where his Infinity Stones came from, or whether they came from the Marvel world. He only knew that before Thanos successfully obtained the six Infinity Stones in this world.

The Infinity Gem in his body...began to move!

Just like predators seeing delicious prey, they seem to have been sending a voice to Yun Che: them!

That's right, the six Infinity Gems in Yun Che's body were trying to eat the six Infinity Gems on Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet!

Which is to say...cannibalism!

Or in other words... devour, evolve! .

Chapter 207

Now, two sets of Infinity Stones.

One wants to defeat the opponent, and the other wants to devour the opponent.

When two tigers fight, one must die!


With a roar, Thanos took the lead in attacking, clenched his fist wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, and smashed Yun Che into the void.

The Power Gem and the Reality Gem were activated, and the entire land was shattered, forming countless huge and sharp earth-pointed spears, stabbing swiftly!

"Your mastery of the use of rough stones is still not at home."

Shaking his head and chuckling, Yun Che waved his hand casually, and used the space gem to send out several space sharp blades.

It easily dispelled Thanos' earth-pointed spear!

"Although the six rough stones are born in the same vein, it does not mean that they are connected to each other and can play a greater role!"

Yun Che smiled and shook his right hand.

In an instant, Thanos felt that he was being oppressed by an invisible force, as if a big hand had grabbed the neck of his destiny!

It is still the ability of the space gem!

Restricting space and compressing space are domain-level skills!

"It's not... over yet!"

Thanos roared hoarsely, the explosive power gem has a potential of 14, forcibly breaking the shackles of the space gem.

Then his feet exploded, his whole body leaped high, and at the same time he swung his fist towards Yun Che, he even annihilated a planet other than the earth, turning it into a meteorite and summoning him!

"Uncle Yun Che! Be careful!"

"His move is very destructive! It's no less than a nuclear bomb explosion!"

Looking at the familiar fireballs in the sky, Tony, who was hiding behind, shouted in surprise.

Back then, when he was still in Thanos' hometown, he was caught off guard by this trick!

"Hiss... how do you feel, so familiar?"

Morgana raised her eyebrows, this familiar scene made her feel inexplicably familiar.


The corner of Kesha's mouth couldn't help twitching:

"Isn't this trick Yun Che's justice from heaven..."

Yes, Morgana felt familiar because she was just witnessing it as a bystander.

And Keisha is the party involved!The person who was bombarded by justice from heaven!

Alas... the past is unbearable!

"Oh! That's right, that's right! Justice descended from heaven! Back then on the Juxia, Yun Che used this trick to beat you up!"

When Keisha said that, Morgana immediately remembered.

Although she didn't care about that battle, she will never forget it in her life!

Because that battle is of great significance!

Without that fight, she and Keisha wouldn't be reconciled, living happily together like they are now!

"Scattered here and there..."

"Personally, I don't think it's as powerful as Tianyan Zhenxing!"

Although this scene is exaggerated in the eyes of ordinary people, in Tsunade's view, it is just that.

After all, she is the one who has seen Tianzhang Zhenxing before!

Although Tianyi Zhenxing is just a meteorite, and this trick of justice from the sky is a fragment of a whole planet, but in terms of visual impact, Tianyi Zhenxing is indeed more domineering!

As if hearing Tsunade's words, Yun Che's mouth hooked slightly, and he punched Thanos, and after pulling away:

"Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

With one lift of both hands, two huge meteorites were instantly summoned!

One perishes with Thanos's heavenly justice, and the other directly hits Thanos quickly!

"Troublesome moves!"

Spit in displeasure, Thanos jumped on the spot and jumped high, intending to smash the meteorite with one punch!

"Do you think it's that simple?"

When Yun Che saw this, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, then he put down his hand, and changed from raising to clapping:

"Earth Blast!"

That's right, after the Sky Obstacle Shocking Star was over, it was another move to explode the Sky Star!

When the two stars connect, look at all directions!

Thanos had just blown up the sky-shattering star, and its fragments turned into earth-exploding stars, and once again bound Thanos in the central area!

However, can this seal the tyrant who has six infinite gems?

Totally impossible!

Therefore, before he exploded his strength and destroyed the Earth Explosive Star, Yun Che directly transformed into Susano, held a knife in both hands, and then connected with a ferocious horizontal slash again!


Accompanied by a deafening bang, the Earthburst star was cut flat from the middle, resulting in an explosion.

And the Thanos inside also fell to the ground fiercely in the strong flames!

"Cough cough..."

Coughing twice, Thanos struggled to get up from the ground.

At this moment, he no longer had the prestige before, and looked very embarrassed!

All the clothes on his body were torn, and his purple and strong body was covered with blood. At first glance, he looked like he had walked into the mountain of knives and took a bath while lying in the sea of ​​fire!

To put it bluntly, the whole body is injured!

"Thanos, how about it, do you still want to fight?"

Susano, who stands between the heaven and the earth like a god of war, looks down from the heights and looks down on Thanos, who is as small as an ant.

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