If at that time, Tony really said to Yun Che: Yun Che, why don't you call me uncle?

Ha ha......

I am afraid that I will die without peace, and will be directly punched into the center of the earth!Four.

Chapter 211

"Carol, huh?"

"What is your relationship with Yun Che...?"

Squinting her eyes, Wanda asked in an unclear tone.

Maybe it's because of a woman's keen sixth sense. She always feels that the blonde woman in front of her has some kind of unusual relationship with the man she loves so much!

It's not about being jealous.

Instead, a woman who seemed to be having an affair with his man and whom he didn't know suddenly appeared.

It made Wanda instinctively feel a little uncomfortable.

"What's the matter? Let me think..."

Carol glanced at Wanda when he heard the words, as if realizing something, he raised his eyebrows with interest:

"Enemy? Friend? Lover? Enemy? Or enemy?"

"I don't know exactly what the relationship is. Baqisan may be wrong with any of the above, or all of them may be right."

As a strong, mature, and intellectual woman, how could Carol fail to hear the sourness in Wanda's tone?

So, it's not so much that she's answering questions.

It would be better to say that she was molesting Wanda, an innocent little girl!


Sure enough, when Wanda heard this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching wildly.

It's true that she is innocent, but she is not a fool, it is impossible not to hear Carol's teasing!


To be reasonable, if Wanda as the Scarlet Witch fights with Carol as Captain Marvel, it is really hard to say who will win and who will lose!

Leaving aside the world of comics for a moment.

At least in the movie world, both of them gained superpowers because of the infinite stones!

Wanda is because of Loki's scepter, which is the Mind Stone.

As for Carol, it is because of the speed of light device, or the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem.

Therefore, this is also the reason why they can single out the normal Thanos, but they can't win the Liuyuan Stone Thanos!

After all, no matter how powerful a single gem is, it is impossible to break six gems!

Of course, all of this is just a setting in the movie world.

And the world of movies and the world of comics are not linked to each other, so the real combat power of the two of them is actually compressed by an unknown number of times.

However, despite this, Wanda and Carol are still very good.

"Okay, okay! Two ladies, please calm down!"

Others may not see anything, but as the former little prince of the nightclub, the little white dragon in the waves.

Tony thought he had a unique way of seeing women, so he could tell that Wanda and Carol were at odds with each other at this time, full of gunpowder.

To put it bluntly, it's just a cliché of two women fighting over a man.

"This Ms. Carol, Uncle Yun Che was indeed here before, and he also defeated Thanos."

"But after defeating Thanos, he left directly with the three sisters-in-law, so now, we don't know where he is."

Secretly envious of Yun Che surrounded by so many beauties in his heart, Tony smiled and made a way out.

Let's not talk about Carol's combat strength, after all, I haven't seen it before.

But no matter what, he didn't want Wanda to get out of control!

Because the destructive power caused by Wanda's loss of control is simply unbearable to imagine, no matter how big and rich the entire Wakanda is, I'm afraid it won't be enough for her to toss about!

"Are you gone..."

"Forget it, go ask Fury, as long as he is still on the earth, with the ability of the black stewed egg, he will definitely be able to find it!"

When Carol heard this, an imperceptible sense of loneliness flashed in his eyes, then he shook his head and muttered.

Afterwards, he raised his eyebrows at the Avengers as a greeting.

Immediately afterwards, the golden air wave swept across the whole body again, and the whole person exploded into the sky, leaving quickly towards the distance.


Seeing this, Wanda pursed her lips hesitantly, and then a scarlet energy erupted from her hands.

With the posture of a rocket propeller, he soared into the sky and followed.

The two streamers of light, one golden and one red, looked very beautiful under the night sky, but the Avengers looked at them in a daze.

What the hell?

Aren't we having a celebration party?

Why did a stranger come, and after a few words, not only left by himself, but also left with an Avenger?

What kind of trouble is this?

It's all happening so fast and... so nonsense.

Therefore, except for Tony who is very good at young ladies, everyone else does not understand Wanda and Carol's operations...

"Tony, what were they talking about just now? Why didn't I understand a word?"

"Also, it's fine if Carol is gone, after all, we don't care, but why did Wanda go with her?"

Scratching his head, the simple and honest Steve asked in a daze.

"Look for a man!"

Tony shrugged and smiled:

"The conversation between the two of them just now, to put it bluntly, was jealousy."

"The reason why Wanda left with her was because of jealousy. She didn't want Carol to find Uncle Yun Che before she did."

To be reasonable, among the more than ten Avengers, only I can see the way.

This made Tony doubtful. Are the double quotients of other people negative?

Especially Steve, a big bastard, with his pig brain, God knows how he got together with the beautiful and beautiful Peggy Carter, and even got his niece, Sharon Carter in modern times!

Could it be...their Carter family has a special liking for Steve?

Of course, these words were just in Tony's mind, and he didn't really say them.

Otherwise, the other Avengers are fine, and if they are suspected of dual business, they will at most throw themselves a blank stare.

And Steve's words...

I'm afraid they will stage a thrilling demolition of Gundam with bare hands directly on the spot!

"Okay, okay, don't care about the two of them, let's continue to have fun!"

After waving his hand to signal everyone to come back to their senses, Tony raised his wine glass to enliven the atmosphere.

He didn't want the Avengers to continue thinking about the issue between Wanda and Carol, otherwise, with their IQ, they probably wouldn't be able to figure it out until dawn.

If that's the case, the party will be forfeited!

"Okay, drink!"

Hearing this, Steve shrugged his shoulders indifferently, then raised his glass and drank boldly.

He is a sensible person, and he doesn't think about things that he can't figure out.

Anyway, one day I'll figure it out.

So, why bother thinking about it, and not wait for it to figure it out?

How easy it is, isn't it! .

Chapter 212

After resting in the pastoral world for the night, Yun Che brought Kaisha and the others back to the present world full of energy.

However, I just came out and walked on the street for less than 10 minutes.

They were caught by a black man who suddenly appeared...

spiced corned egg!

blocked the way.

"It's been a long time, Yun Che, do you still remember me?"

Nick Fury touched his big bald head and said with a gentle smile.

"Of course I remember, the so-called Director of the Magic Stick Bureau, Black Braised Egg."

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, and smiled with great interest.

Through the memory obtained through the time paradox, he knew that he and Fury knew each other.

However, the relationship is not very good.

Because of Nick Fury's image of a one-eyed black egg, Yun Che couldn't help but want to scold him.

So over time, Yun Che became more comfortable, but Nick Fury was very afraid of meeting Yun Che, because every time he met, he would be bullied. Who would want to do that?

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