The key is that after being harassed, you can't even say it, because you can't win!

" are really as eloquent as ever, and you are merciless when you make complaints about me...14"

Smiling awkwardly, Nick Fury's face was inexplicably nostalgic:

"We haven't seen each other for a long time..."

"By the way, what's the matter with you when you come back this time?"

It sounds like the concern between old friends, but in fact, this is the purpose of Nick Fury's appearance this time to test Yun Che!

You know, he is a hot man known as the king of secret agents!

The scheming and the depth of the city are simply unbearable to look at directly!

Of course, even if he knew Yun Che's purpose, it would be of no use, because no matter what the other party wanted to do, he didn't have the ability to stop him. Asking, it was just because of routine.

"What? You don't seem to want me to appear?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and choked on Nick Fury.

"How come, I'm just curious."

"And, if it weren't for your appearance, the Avengers probably wouldn't be able to defeat Thanos."

Nick Fury shook his head, although Yun Che often teased him, which made him not really want to get along with him.

But there is one thing to say, if Yun Che hadn't appeared this time, the Avengers would have been wiped out, and Thanos would have realized his ambition!

So, what to say?

This was the first time Nick Fury had looked at Yun Che so pleasingly since he knew him.

"I'm just doing it for my own sake."

Yun Che waved his hand and said indifferently.

He confronted Thanos purely to satisfy his desire to fight the strong and to devour the six infinite gems of this world.

So, is it great?

No, saving the world is just a matter of convenience.

"Nevertheless, I still want to thank you."

"By the way, did Carol find you?"

Seeming to have suddenly remembered something, Nick Fury winked and smiled inexplicably.

Back then, the relationship between Yun Che and Carol was partly facilitated by him being behind the scenes, so he was quite concerned about the relationship between the two.

It's just like......

Yuelao cared about him, like a lover holding a red thread!


"No, what's wrong?"

Frowning, Yun Che shook his head after recalling that memory.

From memory, he and Carol seem to have some kind of special relationship.

Call it a lover, it doesn't seem so formal, call it an enemy, it's impossible, what about a friend?It seems that it is not that simple.

I feel that it would be more appropriate to describe it as an enemy.

It's the kind of wonderful relationship that loves and hates, wants to fight when you meet, and doesn't want to let go when you don't see each other!

"Oh, it's like this. I told her before that you showed up, so I thought I would go back to Earth to find you right away."

Nick Fury shook his head and smiled.

Every time they met, Yun Che would slap him with a few words. As the king of secret agents, how could he not want to take revenge?

Therefore, Carol is very critical!

Because of the wonderful relationship between Carol and Yun Che, basically every time the two meet, they will have a few words, and this is exactly what Nick Fury wants to see!

Although it can't be called revenge, at least he will feel more comfortable in his heart.

It can only be said... this is some kind of special little evil taste.

"You did it on purpose..."

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Although in reality, he hasn't met Carol face to face, but through the paradoxical memory of that time, he also knows that she is more noisy than himself!

It's the kind of hands-on at a word of disagreement.

The point is, it's hard for Yun Che to hit her seriously, because in a sense, she is still his own woman, right?

So what to say...

Facing Carol, Yun Che always felt deflated!

She seems to be the most jumpy and unyielding among all the women in the Crystal Palace!

"Hey, who knows!"

Nick Fury shrugged and smiled badly.

He wasn't afraid that Yun Che would take action to teach him a lesson, because this was at best a joke among friends, and it wouldn't cause a fight.

"Oh, it's because Carol is too tight, otherwise I really don't want to talk to her..."

Yun Che sighed helplessly.

To be reasonable, he swears to God that he never pursued Carol like he did with other women, but she took the initiative to pursue him!

In fact, it doesn't mean pursuit, it can only be said to be entanglement.

Because with Carol's strong personality, it is impossible to take the initiative to confess and pursue, so she can only show her love by entanglement all the time.

And that's why she dances like that.

After all, it is people chasing you, not you chasing them!

As for why Carol would take the initiative to pursue Yun Che...

It can only be said that although the hero's routine of saving the beauty is old, it is practical!

It's so practical that even if you don't want beautiful women to commit themselves, they will post it upside down!

"Yun Che, I have to say, luckily you said this earlier."

"If you say it so late, then you will get a big deal."

Suddenly, Nick Fury seemed to see something, looked up at the sky, and then said with an inexplicable smirk.

"What do you mean..."

Yun Che was taken aback when he heard the words, and was just about to ask what he meant, but suddenly stopped talking.

Because, behind him, he sensed an aura that was both familiar and familiar, and strange and unfamiliar.

Combined with what Nick Fury said just now.

Well... Apparently, the woman he didn't really want to see, here he is!

"It's been a long time, Yun Che..."

"I didn't expect you bastard to reappear after disappearing for so long inexplicably without saying a word!"

Hearing the female voice full of resentment and anger behind him, Yun Che turned around, and said with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth:

"Yeah, long time no see..."


Although he was very depressed about what the hell was her resentful tone like being abandoned, but thinking of this girl's violent temper, Yun Che decided not to say much.

He didn't want to start a fight with her on the street.

"Hmph! You..."

After such a long time, when I saw the person I was thinking of day and night again, Carol curled her lips, just when she was about to say something...

"Yun Che! I'm coming!"

Accompanied by a scarlet light and a soft voice, after Carol, another beautiful figure flew from a distance! .

Chapter 213


Humble me, come to Helix to ascend to the sky and kneel again, begging for leave...

The reason is more embarrassing and private, so I can't tell you.

But it is no exaggeration to say that if this matter is not handled properly, then I will probably die...

So, you who are handsome, mature and considerate, must be able to understand me, right?

In addition, please rest assured that although I am asking for leave, it is only for today. I will try my best to update as usual tomorrow! .

Chapter 214

"Yo, follow closely!"

Looking at Wanda who was following him, Carol raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Wanda herself was careless, and she didn't hide it for one thing. Secondly, because of her strength, she had already noticed that there was someone behind her.

Of course, don't shy away from it.

Anyway, just follow, and you won't lose a piece of meat.


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