Regarding Carol's teasing, Wanda snorted coquettishly, curled her lips, and did not respond.

She didn't want to get angry with the other party in front of Yun Che, otherwise her obedient and obedient image in the eyes of her loved one would very likely collapse!

"Wanda, why are you here?"

"As part of the Avengers, don't you go to the party with them?"

Looking at these two beauties who would be crazy for anyone, Yun Che was not only unhappy, but could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth and asked with a wry smile.

Originally, Carol alone was enough for him to torment.

As a result, now another TM comes to Wanda...

How does this work?I'm afraid it's playing with Jio!

Although the situation of the two of them is the same as that of Guang Xiahai when they were in the knight world.

However, Yun Che's feeling for these two girls was not as clear as that for Guang Xia Hai.

I can't say what the specific reason is, but if you think about it carefully, it may be... because of the difference in race.

After all, Guang Xiahai is at least from the same Intercontinental, and his appearance belongs to the standard aesthetic category.

And Carol and Wanda...

It's not that the appearance is not good, nor is it that they are treated differently, but because they are not from the same intercontinental people, the category of appearance and aesthetics is more or less biased in my heart.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with saying that beauty knows no borders.

However, there are indeed very few people who are truly beautiful enough to make everyone feel good-looking!

At least Carol and Wanda are beautiful, but not to this extent!

"It's so boring to party with them, it's just a group of people sitting around drinking and beating, and most of them are rough guys."

"So... I'm here to find you!"

Wanda squinted her eyes, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.


"If your brothers and sisters hear your words, they will be sad..."

After hearing Wanda's words, before Yun Che could speak, Nick Fury, who had been silently facing the background panel, couldn't help but twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Wanda's age can be described as the youngest among the Avengers.

So there is nothing wrong with calling people like Steve and Natasha her brothers and sisters.

However, this rant is sharp.

But no one cares about the extra black stewed eggs...


Yun Che nodded helplessly.

The reason or something is actually not important at all. People come and come, so I can't drive them away anymore, can I?

"By the way, can we stop standing here?"

"So many people are watching, it feels weird..."

Tsunade frowned, and said a little uncomfortable.

Maybe it was because she was afraid of being chased by debt collectors in the short book street of Naruto World, but now she was surrounded by many pedestrians on the road, and she always felt a little uncomfortable.

It's like returning to the poor days when I was frantically collecting debts.


Yun Che nodded upon hearing that, he was still very considerate of his own woman's feelings.

"Come with me, I have a place where I can talk safely without being disturbed."

Nick Fury laughed out loud when he saw this.

"You? Are you so kind?"

Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked in surprise.

Although the relationship between the two is quite friendly, Nick Fury is not a pure "good guy"!

As the saying goes, go to the Temple of Three Treasures if you have nothing to do, and if a weasel pays a New Year greeting to a chicken, it is either rape or robbery!

And based on Yun Che's understanding of Nick Fury, this black corned egg, if the situation permits, not to mention friends, even family members, he can eat them all without hesitation!

In other words, this guy, like Thanos, is a vicious hero!

"Hey, is my image in your heart just that bad?"

"I'm a good guy!"

Seeing Yun Che's distrustful eyes, Nick Fury quit immediately.

"Oh, if you are a good person, then there will be no bad people on this earth!"

Yun Che rolled his eyes, then shook his head speechlessly and laughed.

Of course, that's what he said, but in reality, he wasn't worried.

You know, although Nick Fury is a ruthless person who can wipe out his family members, he can't chew on everyone!

At the very least, if he wanted to eat Yun Che and others, he had to weigh it carefully.

Don't have bad teeth at that time, not only can't bite, but also be eaten by the backhand, that would be ridiculous!

"Okay, okay, although I do have something to ask for your help, but you don't hate me, let's go!"

Reluctantly waving his hand, Nick Fury led the way and left.

As the king of dignified agents, there are countless private and secret strongholds under his command. It is not easy to find a place where no one will disturb you!

Following the footsteps of the black marinated egg, a group of people wandered left and right on the street, jumping up and down.

Finally, in a dark alley, through a few steps, entered a basement.

Well, I'm so confused, it's really TM hidden!

"Tell me, what do you need my help for?"

In the dimly lit basement, Yun Che, who had nothing to say about Wanda and Carol, asked Nick Fury directly.

Unlike the disgusting manager of this bird country, Nick Fury's perspective is based on the safety of the entire earth.

So it's not that Yun Che can't help him, the main thing is to see if he is interested.

If it's too boring...

I'm sorry, let's solve it by ourselves.

"It's really the same as before, I don't like nonsense."

Nick Fury laughed, and then pulled out a few documents from the hidden drawer next to it:

"You should know mutants, right? Something happened to them!"

"The details are a bit complicated, I can't explain clearly, you'd better see for yourself!"

Normally, the matter of mutants is not under his control, but Professor X and Magneto restrain each other to form a fixed circle.

But this time, things got a little messy, so he had no choice but to ask Yun Che for help.


When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, then took Nick Fury's file, and looked at it curiously.

However, it doesn't matter.

Upon seeing it, Yun Che was stunned.

"Fuck...what the hell is going on?"

"Deadpool actually wiped out... Uh no, did he massacre mutants?!"

After reading the relevant records in the document, Yun Che couldn't help but widen his eyes and exclaimed.

No way, this news really shocked him! .

Chapter 215

"You were scared too, weren't you?"

"To be honest, when I first received the news, I thought it was some idiot's joke!"

Nick Fury shook his head with a wry smile, he was not surprised by Yun Che's reaction.

after all......

Who would have imagined that a mercenary with a super regeneration ability and a near-immortal body could kill many mutants by himself!

If you say this, I'm afraid - no one will believe it!


Frowning tightly, Yun Che did not answer Nick Fury, because his shock was different from that of Hei-Braised Egg.

Nick Fury was shocked by Deadpool's ability to slaughter many mutants.

And Yun Che was shocked by this whole incident!

Because, if he remembers correctly, Deadpool's mass murder seems to be one of the most exaggerated stories to happen in the Marvel Universe?

But TM that is something in the comic world!

Why is it happening in the movie world at this moment?

"I seem to have heard of this Deadpool."

"If I remember correctly, he seems to be just a mercenary who has experienced the X-weapon project and obtained a super healing ability. He doesn't seem to have any superpowers."

Carol frowned.

Like Nick Fury, she couldn't figure out how Deadpool could have that strength and slaughtered many mutants.

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