This is the same as ordinary people slaughtering gods, who the fuck would believe it!

"Indeed, Deadpool has no special superpowers other than his experience as a mercenary and his proficiency in using various weapons."

"But...he knows the truth of this world!"

Squinting his eyes, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

If the story of Deadpool massacring the Marvel universe really happened in this movie world.

Then, the fact that he can slaughter many mutants makes sense.

Because he knows the truth of the world, he can design killings against everyone's weaknesses!

"The truth of the world?"

Nick Fury raised his eyebrows for some unknown reason.

"You don't even understand it, anyway, all you need to know is that Deadpool is very special, more special than everyone else!"

Yun Che, who didn't bother to explain, shrugged his shoulders and directly mentioned it.

Indeed, Deadpool is very special, because he is not only limited to the Marvel world, but in the vast universe, he is one of the very few who can break the fourth wall!

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing that Yun Che didn't want to explain, Nick Fury didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, he never paid much attention to the process, all he cared about was the result.

"What should I do? I don't seem to have promised to help you with this favor!"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Come on, who of us doesn't know who?"

"You guy, if it's boring, you don't care even if the earth explodes, but if it's interesting, even if it's a small thing that can be done in the blink of an eye, you're happy to do it!"

Rolling his eyes speechlessly, Nick Fury expressed his belief in you, you bastard, you are a very bad old man!

Let's not talk about knowing the bottom line.

But regarding Yun Che's character, he still had a rough idea.

To put it simply, it means doing nothing when you are bored, and doing everything that is interesting!

Well, it’s very willful. Whether you do it or not is purely based on your personal feelings. There is no so-called heroic burden. You can be a savior or a destroyer!

"Okay, okay, I'll help you with this favor!"

Although he was displeased with the black stewed egg's appearance of being determined to eat himself, Yun Che reluctantly took it.

No way, this matter is indeed very interesting, and it does have a great attraction for him.

Just like he had with Ant-Man Scott back then, Yun Che also had a good impression of Deadpool, who was also a living treasure.

Of course, in addition to this, he is also very curious, whether Deadpool who can break the fourth wall can see that he is a time traveler!

"Then I'll leave it to you, I don't worry if you handle the matter!"

Seeing that Yun Che agreed, Nick Fury immediately showed a chrysanthemum-like smile.

Originally, when he first received the news, he was devastated and didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, although I don't know how Deadpool slaughtered many mutants.

But he did accomplish this, so his strength must be quite tricky.

And at that time, Thanos was on the earth again, and the Avengers were completely weak in front of their enemies!

It turned out to be better now, Yun Che appeared, not only was Thanos cold, but Nick Fury could also ask him to take care of Deadpool's matter together, ouch, comfortable!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Of course, this is not being treated as a gunman.

It would be better to say that Yun Che was happy instead, because the black stewed egg was adding fun to his boring life!

"By the way, since I have done this favor, what reward do you plan to give?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and asked.

"What the hell? Want to be paid?"

"With your ability, you don't go sideways wherever you go, do you want anything!"

Nick Fury, who was still flattered at first, was stunned when he heard the words, and asked with a beard and staring eyes.

Listen, is this human?

It's like a rich and powerful man, after doing something for a poor and white pauper, ask him what he wants to give himself.


What can this TM give?

The contrast between the two is so stark, besides life, what else can they give?

"That's what I said, but I can't do it in vain."

"And you know, I don't like those people in power. If you accidentally slipped your hand and killed them all, it must be difficult for you, right?"

Yun Che shrugged, and said with a nonchalant smile.

Indeed, do you want anything?Nick Fury is not paying himself at all.

However, let him go whoring for nothing, and I don't want anything?

This will not work!

Just treat it as a favor, or in other words, leave a dog leg who can help you with things, you can't do everything yourself, can you?

"Alright alright."

"At that time, if you have anything to do, within my ability, I will help you out."

Yun Che has said it so clearly, as an old fox, it is impossible for Nick Fury not to understand.

Isn't it just that some trivial things are too troublesome, and I want to deal with them by myself, but I can't do it if I agree.

Dog legs are dog legs, anyway, this thigh is thick enough, so it's not bad to hold it!

"Okay, that's all for now!"

Yun Che nodded and said with a satisfied smile.

This time, I not only encountered the interesting event of Deadpool massacring the Marvel Universe, but also received a dog leg who can help me deal with trivial matters.

Well, losses are fake, and blood gains are fucking real!Four.

Chapter 216

X Academy.

This is the school founded by Professor X Charles in order to guide mutants to use their superpowers reasonably to contribute to society.

Another superhero team in the Marvel universe, the X-Men, is here.

However, the bustling campus in the past, what is left at this moment...

There is only silence!

The moment Yun Che and his party walked into the hall, what they saw was corpses strewn all over the floor, blood flowing like rivers!

"He seems to be Professor X..."

"It is not only the founder of this academy, but also one of the leaders of mutants!"

Looking at Charles, who was limp on the sofa chair, with a look of death and bleeding from his orifices, Carol frowned and said.

Although the information on mutants is not particularly clear.

But she still knows the general information.

"That's it? A bald man who looks weak is actually the leader of the mutants?"

Ba Qiqi: "Hehe, with this kind of person as the leader, it's no wonder that the group doesn't get wiped out!"

Morgana raised her eyebrows and smiled disdainfully.

As a civilized commander, she is very aware of the pros and cons. You must know that the incompetence of a leader is doomed to the mediocrity of his subordinates.

So in her opinion, since Charles, the leader, looks so weak.

Then the X-Men under him must also be a group of vulnerable useless, and it is inevitable that they will be wiped out by the group!

"Liang Bing, it's wrong to judge people by their appearance."

"Although I also think that Charles is useless, in some respects, his ability is actually quite powerful!"

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Charles's character is too cowardly, or in other words, so simple that it makes people disgusted. No matter how he is bullied, he just wants to get along with him in peace.

That's why Morgana said he was a useless leader, Yun Che didn't deny this.

But there is one thing to say, Charles' ability, in some respects, is indeed quite powerful.

"His ability? What is it?"

Tsunade asked curiously.

"Telepathy and mind control."

Yun Che said with a faint smile.

To be reasonable, telepathy and mind control, let's not talk about the former for now, but the latter can be said to be quite powerful.

As long as one's mental strength is strong enough and controlled properly, any powerful enemy can turn around and become his own thug!

how to say?

I always feel that such a powerful ability is really a waste to put such a cowardly person like Charles!

"Telepathy? The feeling is not bad."

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