"But mind control... is indeed a very powerful ability!"

Kesha said thoughtfully.

Telepathy, to put it bluntly, is to know the other party's thoughts. This ability can also be achieved by their angel's insightful eyes, and it is even more comprehensive than it.

But mind control does have some bugs.

It doesn't mean how invincible it really is, it mainly varies from person to person.

Not only is it useless to put it on the weak, but it is still a burden, but once it is placed on the strong, it is simply incomprehensible!

"Since he has the ability to control the mind, why did he die so miserably?"

"I remember the dead waiter you mentioned, it seems to be just a mercenary with super healing ability!"

Morgana scratched her head, a little puzzled.

Obviously, she couldn't figure out why a person with such a strong ability would be eaten by a mere person with super healing ability.

"Actually, you are all thinking in the wrong direction. The reason why Charles died is because of his ability!"

"He was scared to death by...!"

Shaking his head, Yun Che said with a faint smile.

"Scared to death? By my own ability?"

When Kesha and the others heard this, they were all stunned.

They thought about it, but they still couldn't figure out the meaning of Yun Che's words.

What does it mean to die because of one's own ability?And still scared to death?

I don't understand, I can't understand it at all!

"Deadpool knows too much..."

Yun Che said lightly.

In the story of Deadpool massacring the Marvel universe, Charles died because he wanted to use his strongest brain to peek into Deadpool's thinking.

In the end, because Deadpool knew too much, it was too scary.

Charles couldn't bear it, and finally crashed directly, brain dead!

"Yun Che, what do you mean..."

"Charles used telepathy on Deadpool, but Deadpool knew some unknown secrets, and in the end it was self-defeating. After knowing that, Charles scared himself to death instead?"

After Carol pondered for a while, he frowned and asked.

"That's right!"

The corners of Yun Che's mouth curled slightly, and he nodded.

Does this way of dying sound absurd?

But the fact is that it cannot be refuted!

"What did Deadpool know about the shocking secrets that could scare Charles to death..."

After getting Yun Che's confirmation, Carol's brows frowned even tighter...

The truth is often not accepted by people because it is unrealistic, but it is also because it is so unrealistic that it is not accepted by people, so this is the truth!

Carol wanted to scratch his head, but he couldn't figure out how shocking and dense it was...

In order to scare Charles to death directly!

You know, if it's an ordinary person, then don't say it, but is Charles an ordinary person?

no!He is Professor X!It's the superhero team, the originators of the X-Men!

It's definitely not easy for Mi Xin to scare him to death!

"Yun Che, I remember you said before that Deadpool knows the truth of this world, right?"

Suddenly, it seemed that Get had reached a certain point, and Keisha asked with a stretched brow.

She thought of the unknown universe of her super god world.

Linked to the truth of the so-called world, could it be that Deadpool also knew something similar?

"Little Naisha, you just found some clues, and you are still far from the truth."

As if he had guessed Keisha's thoughts, Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

From a certain point of view, the unknown universe of the super god world can indeed be said to be the truth of the world.

But is that really the truth of the world?

At the very least, it is much worse than the truth that Deadpool knows!

The unknown universe is at least within the acceptable range, but the truth of the world that Deadpool knows is enough to destroy everyone's worldview, otherwise Charles would not be scared to death alive.


Seeing Yun Che shaking his head in denial, Keisha frowned again in doubt.

The unknown universe of the super god world was the only connection she could think of.

If even this was wrong, then she really couldn't think of any answer.

"Okay, don't even think about it, knowing the truth will not do you any good."

"Let's go, Academy X has also investigated, let's find Deadpool!"

After waving his hand, Yun Che directly interrupted everyone's thinking.

Not only is it limited to the Marvel world, the truth of the world that Deadpool knows, even if it is placed in the heavens and worlds, no one can bear it.


It's better not to know what you shouldn't know.

Otherwise, when the time comes, if all the creatures panic, it will cause trouble! .

Chapter 217

Before leaving X Academy, Yun Che used the power gem.

Copy all the abilities of mutants who died tragically on the spot, and keep them in their pockets.

Before, after devouring the six infinite gems in this world, the original stone in his body was greatly strengthened.

The ability of each rough stone has basically doubled directly, becoming more versatile.

So it is very simple to easily copy anyone's ability.

Even, the current Yun Che feels that even if he faces the five creation gods head-on, he can not lose the wind, and there is a probability of more than [-]% that he can win!


I always feel that on the road of collecting abilities, I go further and further!

"By the way, where are we going now?"

Morgana asked curiously.

Although I said I was going to find Deadpool just now, there was no reason for it, and I didn't know where to look for it.

"Go to the location of Deadpool's next massacre target."

Yun Che laughed, then turned to look at Wanda: "Wanda, contact Tony and see where they are."

"Oh... wait, contact Tony?"

"Could it be that Deadpool's next massacre target is the Avengers?!"

Wang 14da nodded subconsciously at first, then seemed to realize something, and exclaimed.

There is no way, Yun Che said just a second ago to find Deadpool's next massacre target.

In the next second, it turned into contacting Tony and asking where they were.

Doesn't it make it clear that Tony and the others are Deadpool's next massacre targets?


Yun Che nodded with a faint smile.

Pay attention to the question, Deadpool wants to kill, but the entire Marvel Universe, and the entire Marvel Universe, naturally includes the Avengers!

And it's not even just these superheroes on Earth.

Even outside the earth, in the universe, any living being is his target of massacre!

As the name suggests, save!

Save these creatures from the hands of the audience!

"Fuck! Isn't it?"

"Slaughter the Avengers? Is he looking for death?"

Morgana couldn't help being a little surprised when she heard this.

She doesn't know the strength of the mutants, but she knows the strength of the Avengers.

Let's not talk about Tony, Thor, and Steve, but just a Hulk is not something that Deadpool can deal with!

Are you sure it's a massacre, not a death?

"Leng Bing, why do you think Deadpool is no match for the Avengers?"

Shaking his head, Yun Che asked back with a smile.

"Does it need to be said? Deadpool is just a mercenary with super healing ability."

"On the other hand, the Avengers, Tony's armor, Banner's Hulk, which one can't blast Deadpool?"

"What's more, Thor is still a god. Although he's a bit of a dick, if he really cuts down with an axe, Deadpool might not even know how he died!"

Morgana shrugged and said it as a matter of course.

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