And her remarks were also approved by Keisha, Carol and others.

They also believed that Deadpool could not be the opponent of the Avengers, not to mention that he was still alone, facing a whole team!

The winning percentages of the two sides are completely out of proportion!

"Indeed, objectively speaking, Deadpool's abilities are inferior to those of the Avengers from every angle."

"However, he has one of the greatest advantages, the most powerful weapon!"

Without refuting them, Yun Che said with a faint smile.

"What is it?"

When the girls heard the words, they all raised their eyebrows and asked curiously.

They were all very curious about what advantage and what weapon would allow Deadpool, who was completely inferior in combat power to the Avengers, to have a chance to slaughter them!

"The truth of the world!"

The corners of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled with great interest.

That's right, it's the truth of the world!

Deadpool knows everything, even more than the Avengers themselves, he knows everything about each other!

Even if it is any unknown weakness, in his eyes, there is nothing to hide!

You know, Wolverine Logan was successfully killed by the knife by Deadpool taking advantage of his weakness of "popularity", which is impossible for people to know at all!

Therefore, even if the comprehensive strength of the Avengers is stronger than that of Deadpool.

But he can still take advantage of their unknown weaknesses to carry out massacres!

It is no exaggeration to say that from a certain point of view...

The Deadpool at this moment is the real god in the Marvel world, the omniscient and omnipotent god!

"Is it related to the truth of this world again..."

When Keisha heard this, she couldn't help but frowned deeply.

She really wants to know the truth of this miraculous world, what it is.

But, it seems that my male god doesn't want me to wait for others to know, which is very uncomfortable!

"Well, don't think so much. Sometimes, knowing too much may not be a good thing."

Touching Kaisha's head comfortingly, Yun Che turned to look at Wanda who had just hung up the phone:

"How? What did Tony say?"

"They're in Stark Tower, like yesterday after a party in Wakanda, they went back there to rest."

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Wanda said with some concern.

She and the Avengers are companions, but more, they are family members. Although they have had some unpleasantness with each other, in general, they still cherish each other very much.

She didn't want anything to happen to the Avengers.

"The Stark everyone there?"

After pondering for a while, Yun Che raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well, it's all there."

Wanda nodded.

"In that case, then we have to leave quickly. If we go late, we may only see corpses."

Yun Che's sense of the Avengers is actually quite good.

Although everyone has some annoying things more or less, but no one is perfect.

Moreover, Tony kept saying "uncle" and called him so kindly. If he was slaughtered by Deadpool just like that, then Yun Che would feel a little pity!

"Let's go, let's go, I want to see what this Deadpool is capable of!"

Morgana said impatiently.

Originally, all she knew about Deadpool was the mercenary experience, super healing ability, and proficiency in various weapons that she heard from a few words.

But now, Yun Che repeated many times that he is very strong, and he can wipe out the Avengers.

This made Morgana very curious, wanting to see what Deadpool is capable of, so that he can be worthy of the "praise" of her male god!


Yun Che nodded and didn't chatter much.

Directly use the ability of the space gem to open a portal to the Stark Tower! .

Chapter 218

At this time, in the lobby of Stark Tower, the Avengers were sitting together for a meeting.


It's called a meeting, but in fact, it's just bragging and chatting.

"What do you think of what Wanda just said?"

After drinking a glass of expensive morning wine, Tony asked thoughtfully.

"How do you see it? Use Jio to watch it!"

"Anyway, I don't believe that a mere person with super healing ability can kill us all!"

Waving his hand, Thor said indifferently.

Although he has the blessing of being funny, he often commits two crimes, but he is also a god of thunder anyway.

Do you want Thor to believe that a person who only has a super healing ability can slaughter all the members of the Avengers, including him?

Who the hell believes this!

It's not dark yet, so let's just leave it here and start dreaming?

"To be honest, I don't believe it either."

"Judging from Deadpool's information, I think Hulk alone can blow his head off."

Steve shrugged and said flatly.

"Tony, don't be so nervous, maybe the little girl is joking!"

Looking at Tony's frowning, Rhode couldn't help but patted his shoulder and smiled.

In his opinion, as the youngest child among them, it was normal for Wanda to occasionally have sex and make jokes, and there was no need to take it too seriously.

"If only Wanda said that, I might take it as a joke."

"But... Uncle Yun Che is also by her side!"

Shaking his head, Tony said seriously.

His character is indeed very arrogant, but not blind and stupid!

Some things can indeed be treated as a joke, just listen to it, but some things can be known to be true or false through self-consciousness and a series of clues!

At least at the moment Tony felt that what Wanda said was not a lie.

They avengers...

Could be really dangerous!

"Yun Che is by Wanda's side?"

"Then... maybe we should pay attention!"

When Steve heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

If it was Wanda alone, he would definitely not believe it, but once Yun Che was included, he would have to believe it!

after all......

how to say?

Yun Che's weight in everyone's hearts is not ordinary, it's as heavy as a mountain, you understand!

"Hey, hey, aren't you guys~!"

"Do you really believe that Deadpool can kill us all by himself?"

Touching his embarrassing big beard, Thor said nonsense:

"Even if Yun Che increases the credibility of Wanda's news, I don't think Deadpool has anything to be wary of."

"He's just an ordinary person, you know? An ordinary person!"

Thor said that as Thor, he wants to defend the majesty of a god!

The high gods are not something mere mortals can defeat!

Well, Tie Hanhan really hammered.

"Since that's the case, how about letting you single out that ordinary person?"

At this moment, a deep blue portal suddenly opened, and Yun Che and his party walked out of it, and said with a faint smile.

"Yun Che."

"Uncle Yun Che."

Seeing this, Steve, Tony and others immediately called out as a greeting.

It can be seen from this that Yun Che still has considerable weight in their hearts.

"Cut! One-on-one is one-on-one, I will be afraid of him?"

"Sir, even if I don't use the power of Thor, I can kill him with an axe!"

Curling his lips, Thor said with a look of disdain.

"Hmm, okay, but before that..."

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